The new people appeared, and they surrounded them from the front, back, left, and right.

The leader stood right in front of them.

Zuo Chen looked around and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"There's no need for the dead to know so much!"

The leader sneered and took out a khaki driver and put it on his waist.

[MAMMOTH! ] (Mammoth!)

After inserting the memory into the earth driver, the man flashed with light and turned into a tall elephant-like monster with two fangs.

Following his action, the other three also took out the memory.

However, they did not have a driver, but used the interface on their bodies to transform.


【VOLCANO! 】(Volcano!)

【KNIGHT! 】(Knight!)

As the sound effects sounded, the three of them also turned into dopants.

The bull dopants had a pair of huge horns on their heads. (Similar to the bull Orphino)

The volcano dopants were covered with high-temperature lava. (Substitute the lava dopants yourself)

The knight dopants were completely wrapped in a set of silver armor, and looked very much like a knight in the Western Middle Ages.

Together with the mammoth dopants in front, the four weirdos surrounded the two people in the middle and rushed up.

"It seems that we are involved in something incredible!"

Zuo Chen leaned against Lu Zheng and smiled bitterly: "This is not good!"

As the saying goes, two fists cannot beat four hands. Although he thinks he has strong melee ability, he still feels a little guilty when facing several dopants at the same time.

Not to mention that there is a relatively strong cadre among them.

As for Lu Zheng beside him, in his opinion, such a young knight can't be that strong even if he is strong.

Of course, Lu Zheng ignored him, just sneered at the four mixed bodies that surrounded him.

"More than people?"

"I'm really not afraid!"

He drew the 9 of spades, the J of hearts and the 6 of clubs in succession, and threw three cards into the air.

Then he quickly drew the tapir immortal beast card with the 10 of clubs.

The next second.

The jaguar immortal beast, the wolf immortal beast, and the polar bear immortal beast.

The three generals lifted the seal and joined the battlefield.

This sudden change not only scared the four mixed bodies, but even Zuo Chen was surprised and said: "You still have this trick!"

"Basic operation, don't be six!"

Lu Zheng turned around and smiled, waved his hand, and the three immortal beasts rushed towards the bull, the volcano, and the knight mixed body respectively.

With the support of the undead beast, Zuo Chen's confidence increased immediately, and he looked at the last mammoth hybrid with a rubbing of his hands.

"Okay, leave this guy to me!"

After saying that, he raised his fist and rushed forward.

Four hybrids, three undead beasts, and Zuo Chen, the ace of Kamen Rider.

Eight figures fought in the woods, constantly changing positions, which was very lively.

And Lu Zheng held the awakening bow, and when he saw an opportunity, he would go up and give the hybrid a knife.

In the duel, the first to gain the upper hand was the polar bear undead beast.

The volcanic hybrid fighting against him could spray magma-like shells, but the frost attribute of the polar bear just restrained the opponent.

Coupled with Lu Zheng's occasional harassment, it didn't take long for the volcanic hybrid to be knocked to the ground.

[TORNADO! ] (Eagle!)

After brushing the card of the eagle undead beast, Lu Zheng solved him with one arrow.

At this time, the battle between the Wolf Undead and the Knight Hybrid was also coming to an end.

The Wolf Undead was a high-level Undead with extraordinary strength, and the Knight Hybrid had no special abilities, so it was defeated very quickly.

[CHOP! ] (Hammerhead Shark!)

Lu Zheng came to the Knight Hybrid and shattered its memory with a hand blade.

As for the remaining two, both the Bull Hybrid and the Mammoth Hybrid were tough.

Especially the Mammoth Hybrid that fought against Zuo Chen, which not only had strong defense, but also had strong strength and speed.

The two fought hard for a while.

Lu Zheng came to the Bull Hybrid first.

In fact, the Jaguar Undead had completely suppressed him with its high-speed movement ability, and it was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

[FIRE! ] (Firefly!)

An arrow with flame energy was shot out, and the Bull Hybrid also exploded in the formation.

was beaten back to its original form.

"Damn, what a bunch of rubbish!"

The three men were defeated so quickly, and the mammoth hybrid cursed inwardly.

He dared not to fight again, and after pushing Zuo Chen away, he turned around and wanted to escape.

"Stop him!"

At Lu Zheng's command, the jaguar undead beast suddenly turned into a residual shadow, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the mammoth hybrid body and blocked its way.

"Get out of the way!"

The mammoth hybrid body suddenly roared, and its whole body began to grow huge, turning into a mammoth more than three meters tall.

Two long fangs faced the jaguar undead beast, pushed it away, and then fled into the mountains.

I don't know how many trees were broken on the road.

"Damn, let him run away!"

Zuo Chen said unwillingly.

The mountain road was rugged, and riding a motorcycle was of course impossible. He had no way to catch up with the other party.

"You contact the security department first, I'll go after him!"

Lu Zheng said calmly, resealed the three undead beasts, and then directly swiped the card of the jaguar undead beast.

[MACH! ] (Jaguar!)


Lu Zheng's body left a residual image, and followed the traces left by the mammoth hybrid.

Because the mammoth hybrid made a lot of noise when it escaped, Lu Zheng found him quickly.

[FLOAT! ] (Dragonfly!)

[DRILL! ] (Conch!)

[TORNADO! ] (Eagle!)

After many days, Lu Zheng used the combination and ultimate move of three cards again.

Mainly because the defense of this mammoth hybrid is relatively high, Lu Zheng is really worried that one or two cards can't defeat him.

As the card was swiped, his body was quickly wrapped in a tornado, turning into a black drill and stabbing at the running mammoth.

The next second!

With a "bang", the mammoth's huge body exploded.

When the flames faded, he had turned back into a human.

The memory and belt were also scattered nearby.


As soon as the mammoth's memory landed, sparks flew and then exploded into pieces.

On the other side, Zuo Chen also contacted the security bureau and told them what happened here.

Soon the security bureau sent people to block the entire Liangshan.

At the same time, in an ordinary coffee shop in Xinheng City.

A young man in a blue plaid shirt was grinding coffee beans on the operating table.

He looked sunny and handsome, his movements were gentle and very elegant, and he always had a warm smile on his face.

The female customer sitting at the counter was staring at him without blinking, as if she didn't want to miss a second.

At this moment, an untimely phone call rang.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call!"

The man nodded and smiled at the customer.

The female customer immediately felt her heartbeat quicken, and her face turned red unconsciously.

Although she secretly hated that this call was not made at the right time, the female customer still smiled and responded: "It's okay, you answer the phone first!"

"I'm so sorry!"

The man apologized again, then walked to the window and answered the phone.

"History, the Security Bureau has discovered clues in Liangshan!"

The man frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

The other end of the phone said: "I don't know either, Mammoth has lost contact! I received news that the Security Bureau has sent people to block Liangshan, but our production base has not been found yet!"

"Hehe, the person you are looking for is really a waste! Zero!"

The man sneered disdainfully, and then continued: "Let the warehouse and Shadow go and bring back the production memory first!"

"As for Mammoth, if there is a chance, get rid of him, and don't let the Security Bureau get our information from him!"


After hanging up the phone, the man's face regained a warm smile.

"Sorry for the wait! Your coffee is ready!"

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