The next day.

In the morning, Lu Zheng opened his eyes and showed a satisfied smile.

In his hand, he was holding a uniquely shaped playing card.

10 of Spades!

He had just got it at the altar.

He had defeated so many blood slaves and vampires before. In addition to the energy obtained from the alien emperor yesterday, he directly unlocked this card.

With this, at least he would not be so passive when facing Odin again.

Putting away the card, Lu Zheng turned over and got out of bed.

When he was about to wash up, he suddenly saw Yi Xiao rushing in.

"Brothers, guess what I encountered!"

Luo Suchen glanced at him and remained silent.

Le Wenbo, who was lying on the bed, poked his head out and said, "I guess you've hooked up with another girl!"


Yi Xiao shook his head and said with a disdainful smile, "Am I the kind of person who only thinks with my lower body?"

Lu Zheng couldn't help but complain, "Aren't you?"

Le Wenbo and Luo Suchen both nodded in agreement.

Yi Xiao, this guy, has been either hooking up with girls or on the way to hook up with girls since college. He only stopped for a few days after being scared by the monster.

"You guys..."

Yi Xiao was furious and pointed at his three roommates, unable to speak.

He never expected that he would be so unbearable in the eyes of others.

Then he stopped keeping the secret and said frankly, "I'm telling you, I just met Kamen Rider!"

After saying that, Yi Xiao immediately put his hands on his waist, his nose turned up, and looked like he was going to ask me.

Unexpectedly, the three of them were not interested in this.

Le Wenbo responded directly with a faint "Oh", and then retracted his head.

Yi Xiao hurriedly said: "No! Aren't you curious? I really met Kamen Rider!"

"There are two in our dormitory!" Le Wenbo sneered and ignored him.

Lu Zheng kindly explained: "Kamen Rider is nothing special, I have met dozens of Kamen Riders!"

"I am Kamen Rider!" Luo Suchen said silently.

Yi Xiao suddenly felt tired.

This matter is just a small episode.

After breakfast, Lu Zheng started today's class.

In another place in Xinheng City, some shameful activities are going on.

"We are almost there!"

Three figures stood under the empty overpass.

History, Zero, and a warehouse that looks like a weirdo.

Zero raised his arm from time to time to look at his watch, and his face was inevitably a little impatient.

"The agreed time is coming soon, why haven't you come yet!"

"Don't worry, Zero!" History smiled calmly: "If the other party comes late, it is not our responsibility if the memory cannot be delivered!"

"That's what I said, but there will be a lot of trouble at that time!"

Zero pouted helplessly: "I don't know what the boss is thinking. They changed the transporter temporarily and asked us to get to know each other!"

"Who can tell about this kind of thing!"

History sighed and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Here I come!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sorry for the wait, I'm here to collect the goods!"

A young man who looked a little shy appeared in front of History and Zero, wearing a lavender coat.

He smiled and bowed slightly, saying: "Just give me the things!"

Zero and History looked at each other and confirmed that the person who came matched the photo in the information.


At Zero's command, the silent warehouse doping body beside him stepped forward, reached out and casually took out a silver-white briefcase from the many storage spaces on his body.

Then the box opened, and memories of different colors were neatly placed inside.

As the warehouse displayed the items in the briefcase, Zero said: "This is this month's share!"

The young man's face did not change, and he nodded with a smile, but his tone suddenly changed and said: "Everyone, this number doesn't seem right!"

At this time, History explained: "Recently, a factory was discovered by the Security Bureau, and a lot of memories were lost!"

"I see!"

The young man nodded, did not ask any more questions, and reached out to take the briefcase.

Zero asked curiously: "How do you plan to transport this batch of memories? The Security Bureau has been checking very strictly recently!"

The young man raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "They

The person they are investigating is a weirdo, but my identity is Kamen Rider!"

After saying that, he raised his right hand, holding a purple memory in his hand.

The pattern on it is a scorpion twisted into an "S" shape.

[SASWORD!] (Sword Scorpion!)

With a flash of purple light, the young man's body turned into the appearance of Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion.

If Lu Zheng were here, he would find that this Sword Scorpion who used the memory to transform was almost exactly the same as the knight form of Sword Scorpion in the original book.

The only difference is that the Sword Scorpion in front of him did not have a ZECT buckle on his belt, but an Earth Drive.

"Now there is a Kamen Rider memory?"

Zero was surprised, and even the look of history was a little moved.

Sword Scorpion mixed body smiled and said: "Kamen Rider has appeared for so long, of course the Earth also has their memory!"

"The goods have been received, and I should leave!"

"See you next month! "

The Sword Scorpion Hybrid waved his hand, and the next second.


The three people's eyes blurred, and the figure of the Sword Scorpion Hybrid disappeared instantly.

History closed his eyes and felt it, then opened his eyes and showed a mysterious smile.

"Is this the history of rising time?"

"It's really interesting!"


At noon, Xinheng University.

In the cafeteria, several people from Lu Zheng's dormitory got their meals and gathered together for dinner.

What's rare is that Yi Xiao is with them today.

While eating, Yi Xiao said mysteriously: "Have you heard about it? Many people have been killed by lightning recently!"

"I know this!"

As soon as he talked about gossip, Le Wenbo immediately became interested.

"I saw it on Tieba, and it seems that there is one in our school too!"

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and opened Tieba.

"Huh? Xiao Xiongjun posted another video! "

Le Wenbo opened the video, and Lu Zheng, who was sitting next to him, also turned his head to watch.

On the screen, a young college couple was seen on the playground, and they seemed to have an argument. The girl shook off the boy's hand and turned away.

Then he heard the boy shouting behind him: "Huihui, there is really nothing between her and me!"

"If you don't believe me, I can swear!"

At this point, the boy raised his finger and pointed to the sky and swore: "If I lied to you, I will die a miserable death! God punish me with five thunders!"


Before the man finished speaking, there was a bolt from the blue.

Lightning fell from the sky and instantly hit the boy who was still swearing to the sky.

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