After all, the truth is, the truth is.

Lu Zheng seemed to understand a little.

If the car accident could be caused by an accident, then so many people killed by lightning were not necessarily accidents!

Recalling the video I saw before, the boy who was killed by lightning on the playground was killed just after he swore an oath!

Just at this time, Xiao Xiong sent another video.

In the picture, two girls were walking hand in hand on the road, talking and laughing.

I don’t know what the two said, but one of the girls suddenly stretched out four fingers to the sky, as if to promise something.

However, within two seconds, she shrank rapidly in the horrified eyes of the other girl and turned into a small Bichon Frise.

After watching this video, Lu Zheng became more determined in his previous thoughts.

This weirdo is not the so-called one who can create accidents.

His ability should be to make other people's vows come true!

And from the fact that he has done so many things recently, it can be seen that this guy is still very active.

"Lu Zheng, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Lu Zheng was in a daze, Yi Xiao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him.

Coming back to his senses, Lu Zheng patted Yi Xiao's shoulder with relief: "Thank you!"

After that, he hurriedly left the dormitory.

Behind him, Yi Xiao was puzzled for a moment, and then he thought of something, and hurriedly turned around and shouted: "Hey! Where are you going? There is a dormitory inspection tonight!"

Unfortunately, Lu Zheng had already run far away and did not hear it.

Of course, he would not care even if he heard it.

Now there are more important things to do!

After leaving the dormitory building, Lu Zheng trotted all the way to the playground.

It was late, and there were not many people on the playground at this time.

Lu Zheng walked directly to the center of the playground and shouted at the sky.

"I swear, I am the most handsome man in the world! Otherwise, let the thunder strike me to death!"

One second, two seconds...

Half a while passed, and nothing happened.

Lu Zheng was not discouraged and continued to make a long series of vows.

Such as "Readers are all handsome guys", "Reading this novel will make a fortune", etc., but he did not find anything unusual.

Could it be that some weirdo was not paying attention to this place at this time?

Lu Zheng thought it should not be.

His actions had already attracted the attention of other people in the playground.

Seeing that more and more people were watching, Lu Zheng was embarrassed to stay any longer.

He could only run to a hidden corner in the stands and call Yi Xiao.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that in the other corner of the stands, there was a white weirdo hiding.

At this time, he was looking angrily at the direction where Lu Zheng had just stood, and roared wildly in his heart.

Damn it!

Why didn't my ability take effect!

Could it be that what he said just now was true!

Not long after, Yi Xiao came.

As soon as they met, he couldn't help but complain: "Why did you call me out so late? I told you that there will be a dormitory inspection tonight!"

"Stop complaining, I need your help with something!"

Lu Zheng then told Yi Xiao his idea.

After hearing that he was to be used as bait, Yi Xiao hesitated for a moment, but still nodded in agreement.

Although there would be great risks in doing so, Lu Zheng had saved him so many times, and he would help him no matter what.

In addition, he had seen Lu Zheng's strength many times, and believed that he could protect himself.

"But you have to wait for me!"

Yi Xiao took out his mobile phone and called another person over under Lu Zheng's puzzled eyes.

"Xinxin, come to the playground for a while, I have something to say to you!"

After the call, Yi Xiao made an "OK" gesture to Lu Zheng and walked to the center of the playground.

And Lu Zheng stayed on the top of the stands, and took out the card of the Mantis Undead Beast under the cover of the night.


[CHANGE! 】(Mantis!)


A faint light flashed, and Kamen Rider Calis appeared!

After transforming into Calis, Lu Zheng's eyes kept scanning the entire playground.

The compound eyes of the Mantis Undead Beast have a strong ability to capture information.

In the original work, Aikawa Hajime relied on this ability to quickly find the enemy's weaknesses in battle, and also saw through the enemy's mimicry ability.

On the other side, Yi Xiao also joined Xinxin.

Xinxin's full name is Zhao Yuxin, and she is a freshman like them. She is petite and well-proportioned. From the looks of it, she is the kind of weak and gentle beauty.

I have to say that Yi Xiao has always had a good eye.

"Xinxin, I think you have also heard some legends about me

I heard that, but those were all because I was young and ignorant before!"

"I swear, I am absolutely sincere to you!"

"From now on, I will only treat you well with all my heart!"

"If I go against this promise, let me be struck by lightning! "

Yi Xiao swore loudly, at least as loud as the boy in the video Lu Zheng had watched before.

So almost half of the people on the playground could hear it.

If that weirdo was here, there was no reason for him not to know.

But after Yi Xiao swore, a few minutes had passed, and still nothing happened.

The night sky was full of stars, and a bright moon was hanging high, very peaceful.

What happened?

Lu Zheng looked back and forth for a few times, but found nothing!

The playground was so big that unless the weirdo took action, it would be difficult for him to find the other party's hiding place.

Or, that weirdo didn't come today at all!

A few minutes later, Yi Xiao chatted with the girl named Xinxin for a few more words, and then prepared to go back.

Seeing that nothing happened, Lu Zheng followed Yi Xiao back to the dormitory.

"Why did it fail again! "

In the corner, the white weirdo stared at his hands blankly, doubting his life.

When Yi Xiao swore just now, he clearly used his ability, but it didn't work.

If Lu Zheng's oath was true, he could understand that he didn't get punished.

But Yi Xiao is a well-known scumbag in the school, how could he have true love!

Is my power ineffective?

The weirdo couldn't help but doubt.

But looking at Yi Xiao's back as he left, he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, this scumbag must not be let go!"

"In that case, I'll do it myself!"

After saying that, the white weirdo disappeared into the shadows.

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