The weather was very cold, but the weather was very hot.

Early in the morning, downstairs of the dormitory.


"The temperature is dropping so fast!"

Le Wenbo exhaled a breath of hot air and couldn't help rubbing his cold hands.

"After all, it's winter, isn't it normal to be cold?"

Yi Xiao was also so cold that he turned up his collar and wrapped his neck tightly to prevent the cold air from entering. He glanced at Lu Zheng and Luo Suchen, who looked normal, and showed an envious look.

As a Kamen Rider, Luo Suchen's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he is not afraid of the severe cold at all.

As for our protagonist Lu Zheng, he has long been a non-human.

Not to mention the little wind and frost, even if he was thrown to the North Pole or the South Pole, he would still live comfortably.

As they walked, Le Wenbo complained: "We are in the south, right? Why is it so cold in winter?"

"Who knows!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go! It won't be cold when we get to the classroom..."

For most people, breakfast is rarely eaten in college.

Lu Zheng and his four friends were no exception.

Because they got up late, they had no time to eat breakfast, so they had to rush to the classroom and finally arrived one minute before class.

No one cared about what the teacher said in class.

Luo Suchen sat in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Le Wenbo yawned as soon as he entered the classroom, and soon fell asleep on the table.

As for Yi Xiao, he was looking at his phone, his fingertips flying, and from time to time he showed a bit of a mean and complacent smile, which made him look like he was flirting with a little girl.

Lu Zheng pretended to listen to the class for a while, but he felt too bored, so he simply closed his eyes and immersed himself in his thoughts.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the altar.

Nine high platforms still caught his eyes, with statues of seven monsters, Forbidden Mixture, Demon Tracker, Clown Undead Beast, Aquarius Star Disciple, Batfang Vampire, Phoenix Phantom, and Jaguar Venerable, standing in order, and two were vacant.

Looking down again, the most eye-catching thing is the coquettish snake-skin monster.

The statue of Ebert was opened a long time ago, but unfortunately the energy required to activate it is also a bottomless pit.

Before, Lu Zheng had no extra energy because he wanted to improve his strength.

Now he has Wild Kalis on the surface, and can also use Batfang Vampire and Dark Moon Rider in secret, plus the ability of the Phoenix, which is almost enough to protect himself.

If he wants to improve his strength, he also needs to obtain the power of Ebert.

But he can't give all his strength to the snake-skin monster, after all, there are still many cards of the undead beast that have not been unlocked.

The extreme fusion device that Odin gave him before could fuse the power of cards of other colors, and he also wanted to try what it would become.

In this case, let's each have half!

Lu Zheng controlled the energy light ball that had been accumulated recently, half of which was invested in the statue of Ebert, and the other side was used to dispel the fog and continue to look for other statues of undead beasts.


"Qinglong, what is the matter with summoning us this time?"

There were only four chairs in the empty conference room.

The one who spoke was a bald man with a shiny forehead and a string of beads around his neck. It was a pity that he was a little thin and had no beard on his face, otherwise he would be a living monk.

The closest to him was a man in a white suit, who was sitting on a chair with a peaceful expression and closed his eyes to rest.

The one called Qinglong was a young man with a fair face.

At this time, he was fiddling with his nails leisurely. When he heard the bald man's question, he said without raising his head: "No hurry, there is still one person who hasn't arrived yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Lu Mingguo staggered in.

As he entered, the whole conference room began to be filled with a strong and pungent smell of alcohol.

The man in the white suit also opened his eyes at this time, frowned and said coldly: "Suzaku, you are late!"

"Is it late?"

Lu Mingguo smiled indifferently and walked to his position swayingly.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's get down to business!"

Qinglong waved his hand, and the door of the conference room slammed shut.

The next second, the space changed!

The four people suddenly appeared in an endless starry sky.

Of course, they did not really teleport to the universe, but Qinglong used a special method to close this space.

"This time, I summoned you all, mainly for three things!"

Qinglong opened the door directly

Jianshan said: "First, our Xingchen Hall has lost a lot of manpower recently. The positions of the twenty-eight constellations have never been full before, and now almost half of them are vacant!"

Speaking of this, he glanced at Lu Mingguo with a slightly cold tone.

"Especially under the command of Suzaku, there are only three constellations left!"

"So next, please take more care and cultivate more potential seeds!"

Before he finished speaking, Baihu, who was dressed in a suit, said: "You don't need to tell us about this, we will do it!"

As the Four Symbols, the more constellations they have returned to their positions, the more cosmic power they can gather, and the stronger their strength will be.

Except for Lu Mingguo, who represents the position of Suzaku, the other three are doing their best to cultivate new star disciples.

"Let's talk about the next thing!"

Qinglong nodded, not dissatisfied with Baihu's interruption, and continued to slowly say "The second thing..."

"I received the revelation of the stars in the universe!"


Hearing Qinglong's words, Baihu and Xuanwu were shocked.

Even Lu Mingguo's drunken eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

"Qinglong, have you really received revelation again?" Xuanwu asked impatiently.

The reason why he said "again" is because Qinglong had received revelation from the stars once before.

At that time, Qinglong was just an ordinary person. It was because of the power and guidance he received from the stars that he developed the star switch and created the Star Palace.

The star switch is to guide humans to obtain the power of the stars and continue to evolve.

The star disciples in the original book evolved from ordinary small constellations to twelve constellations, and then evolved into supernova forms.

And the star disciples in this world can also evolve.

"That's right!"

Qinglong nodded affirmatively: "This revelation is related to our future evolutionary direction!"

"I will tell you the specific content later!"

"Now... let's solve the third thing!"

He turned his eyes to Lu Mingguo, his eyes flickering.

"Some time ago, I felt the unusual movement of the Suzaku constellation!"

"It seems that the Suzaku is awakening..."

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