It was late at night.

After a series of twists and turns, Lu Zheng finally returned home.

Fortunately, he had contacted his parents in advance, so they didn't worry about him staying out all night.

After opening the door, the house was quiet. I'm afraid everyone in the family had fallen asleep.

Lu Zheng returned to the room carefully and fell asleep in bed after a while.

After a while of dizziness, he came to the familiar altar again.

A red ball of light was flying around above his head.

Needless to say, it must have been obtained by killing the man-eating plant Orphino.

Lu Zheng controlled the ball of light with ease to merge into the forbidden doping body statue.

Then the statue was covered with red light.

The next second, under Lu Zheng's control, he appeared on the round platform in the center of the altar.

This also means that the ability of the third weirdo was lit up by him.

In the next few days, Lu Zheng resumed his peaceful campus life.

The matter of a missing female teacher was also suppressed by the relevant departments.

Except for a few school leaders, no one knew that there was another missing female teacher in the world.

During this period, Lu Zheng also took physical education classes.

When they met Wang Jun again, both of them almost subconsciously avoided communication because they signed a confidentiality agreement.

And since that night, Lu Zheng also understood why he harassed the female teacher.

It turned out that Wang Jun lied that he already had a girlfriend in order to avoid the blind date arranged by his family.

But he didn't expect his parents to come to see where he worked.

In desperation, he could only drag his parents while madly pursuing single female teachers in the school.

He finally found a girlfriend who was willing to accept him, but she turned into a monster.

She said she liked him, but actually wanted to eat him.

As for the missing female teachers, they were probably eaten by the carnivorous plant Orpheus.

Lu Zheng was still enjoying a leisurely campus life, while the Security Bureau was having a hard time.

In the past few days, Lu Xuewei and Zhao Jiang's struggle with Orpheus was getting more and more intense.

If you pay attention to the news, you will find that there have been news about gas explosions and spontaneous combustion of motor vehicles in Le'an City in recent days.

These incidents were naturally to cover up the fact of fighting with Orpheus.

As Orpheus' activities became more and more frequent, sometimes Lu Xuewei and Zhao Jiang would even be attacked by several Orpheus at the same time.

Under pressure, the director finally agreed to use the Leo Cavalry Belt.

East suburbs of the city.

Lu Xuewei stared at the warehouse in front of her and asked without looking back: "Is the news accurate?"

Behind her was Zhao Jiang, who was already wearing the G3-X armor.

"No mistake!" He affirmed: "There must be several Orphinos hidden inside!"

"Okay, let the logistics department seal off this area immediately!"

After conveying the order, she turned to Zhao Jiang and asked: "How do you plan to fight?"

Zhao Jiang grinned: "I will lead the frontal attack, you just block the back door!"


The two decided and started to act immediately. Each led his team to the designated location.

However, before officially launching the attack, Zhao Jiang's eyes swept over the team members behind him one by one.

In addition to He Liping and Shen Qiu, there were three tall and thin men, namely Shen Yan (mentioned in the previous article), Cui Kaifu (extras A), and Qiao Zhuang (extras B).

"Are all the things ready?" Zhao Jiang asked in a deep voice.


As the few people answered, each of them took out a belt and a syringe from their bags.

"I think you all know the cost of using this thing. If you regret it now, it's not too late!"

As soon as Zhao Jiang finished speaking, He Liping stood up.

"Captain, there's nothing to regret!"

"If I really become Orphino in the future, please get rid of me, Captain!"

As he said that, he gritted his teeth and directly inserted the needle into his arm.

At the same time, the other four people behind him were also injected with the Orphino factor.

Even Shen Qiu, who is a woman, did not change her expression.

This is originally a war about the human race. As guardians, they will not miss the opportunity to become stronger.

Even if they may become monsters in the future!

Zhao Jiang was also infected by their pride and shouted: "Okay! Put on the belt, let's go!"

The five people moved in unison, buckled the belt around their waists, and pressed the middle buckle.

"Transform!" ×5


A series of lights flashed, and the five people had a set of brass armor on their bodies.

Although the strength of Leo Cavalry is much worse than that of the orthodox Kamen Rider, it is still stronger than the ordinary Orphino.

With this set of armor, they can also deal with most Orphino.

Since it is a frontal attack, it is naturally a big deal.

Zhao Jiang came to the warehouse and kicked the door open with a "bang".

Several people in the warehouse were immediately startled.

Seeing that the visitor was not friendly, there was no nonsense, and he instantly turned into the Orphino form.


Zhao Jiang gave an order and rushed towards the lion Orphino, who looked the biggest.

The five people behind him immediately followed and looked for their opponents.

The warehouse immediately broke out into a melee.

For a while, there were swords and shadows, and the sound of collisions continued.


Zhao Jiang and the lion Orpheus collided with fists, and both of them retreated a few steps.

Seeing that he was not in a strong position, Zhao Jiang immediately switched to long-range firepower attack.

Da Da Da...

The bullets gushed out like tongues of fire, suppressing the lion Orpheus to retreat step by step.

The situation of other Orpheus on the field was not optimistic either, and they were basically at a disadvantage.

Even a weaker Orpheus was beaten by two Leo cavalrymen.

Since the situation was over, the lion Orpheus did not dare to delay any longer, and immediately shouted: "Let's retreat!"

As he said that, he wanted to take the remaining Orpheus to escape from the back door.

However, at the back door, Lu Xuewei had been waiting for a long time with people.

Before an Orpheus walked out of the door, a sword flew towards him.

With a "bang", the Orpheus flew backwards at a faster speed.


As soon as he landed, a blue flame ignited on his body, and he turned into sand and scattered all over the ground.

"There are people at the back door too!" an Orpheus exclaimed.

Lion Orpheus gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, let's fight them!"

Unfortunately, with the huge gap in numbers and strength, it would be useless even if they fought hard.

Soon, this group of Orpheus fell under the siege of everyone.

Before dying, Lion Orpheus glared at everyone in the Security Bureau and gritted his teeth and said, "You won't be proud for long, the president will avenge us!"

After saying that, he completely turned into sand.


The white armor was removed, revealing the figure of Lu Xuewei.

Hearing the words of Lion Orpheus before his death, she couldn't help but frown slightly: "It's that president again..."

Zhao Jiang also took off his helmet: "Don't worry, we will dig him out sooner or later!"

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