The next morning, Lu Zheng yawned as he came to school. This was the only time he had a bad sleep in the past few years. The reason was that Lu Xuewei had been lecturing him until late last night, imparting a lot of knowledge about Kamen Rider. In fact, Lu Zheng was already very familiar with these things, but they were from movies after all. From Lu Xuewei, he still learned a lot of information hidden in the dark. For example, the knights and monsters in this world started thirty years ago. The earliest ones appeared in America, and later all kinds of monsters began to appear around the world. Along with them, there were Kamen Rider transformation props that appeared randomly in various places, and inscriptions engraved with belt technical information. For example, the knights and monsters in this world started thirty years ago. They first appeared in America, and then various monsters began to appear one after another around the world. Along with them, there were Kamen Rider transformation props that appeared randomly in various places, and inscriptions engraved with belt technical information. The mass production belt technology currently used by the Security Bureau is obtained from these inscriptions.

The appearance of knights and monsters has brought unimaginable shocks to the world.

Although the domestic situation can still maintain calm on the surface, the situation in many foreign regions is not optimistic. Some weak countries have even been completely controlled by monsters.

This is why Lu Zheng has rarely heard about foreign news in recent years, because the entire country has almost completely blocked off in order to avoid panic and infiltration of foreign monsters!

Of course, some powerful countries have also mastered the technology of Kamen Rider and produced many belts to eliminate monsters.

It is said that extrusion drives are popular in America, and rings and magic power transformation are commonly used in Europe.

After listening to Lu Xuewei's story with great difficulty, Lu Zheng came to the altar as soon as he fell asleep.

Since he already knew that there were alien insects among the enemies, he had to unlock a monster that could resist high-speed movement.

Fortunately, he killed a lot of Orphinos during the day, and now is the time when the light group has the most energy.

However, when he threw the first group of energy, he found that he was lucky.

In the range where the fog dispersed, a particularly eye-catching statue appeared.

The reason why it is so eye-catching is that there is a large blank area around this statue, unlike other statues that are placed one by one.

This is...

The moment he saw the statue clearly, Lu Zheng couldn't believe his eyes.

What caught his eye was the driver with a tractor wrench on the statue's waist.

Looking up, there was a slightly rounded triangular head...

This turned out to be the snake-skinned monster that was in the Creation Rider from beginning to end!

And it's the ultimate form!

How strong is Ebert?

Swallowing planets, creating black holes, interstellar jumps...

In addition to this cosmic-level ability, he can also change his appearance, erase his memory, and even split his own genetic mimicry, possess and control others.

If Ebert's statue is unlocked, then he will be invincible!

There's no need to hide his identity. He can do whatever he wants at that time!

However, although Lu Zheng was very excited, he was not particularly optimistic.

According to previous experience, the more powerful the statue, the more energy it needs.

A powerful monster like Ebert is probably not something he can unlock now.

Having said that, the powerful force is right in front of him. How many people can remain rational in the face of such temptation!

Anyway, Lu Zheng couldn't control his hands and threw a lot of light balls into Ebert's statue.

Unfortunately, even if he almost squandered all the light balls, Ebert's statue still didn't move at all.

Looking at the few remaining light balls in the sky, Lu Zheng finally stopped.

He hasn't forgotten his purpose this time.

Maybe Ebert's statue used up all his luck. In the next few times of dispelling the fog, he didn't find the monster with super-speed ability he wanted.

Although many alien insect statues appeared, none of them were adults.

Early the next morning, Lu Zheng began to yawn.

After a quick breakfast, he was about to ride his Caesar motorcycle to school. But just as he got on the motorcycle, Lu Xuewei pulled him off.

"What motorcycle? Do you have a driver's license?"

Seeing Lu Xuewei with her hands on her hips lecturing him, Lu Zheng was stunned.

He asked weakly, "Didn't I ride yesterday?"

Lu Xuewei said confidently, "Yesterday was an emergency! You are not allowed to ride a motorcycle without a driver's license in the future!"

In this way, Lu Zheng could only go to school without interest.

Then he saw Chen Qian, who was also depressed, at school.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Zheng couldn't help asking.

After all, Chen Qian has always been cheerful, and this kind of situation is rarely seen.

Facing Lu Zheng, Chen Qian did not mean to hide it, and said uncertainly: "I seem to have seen my brother!"

"Your brother?" Lu Zheng frowned and asked: "When did you see him?"

"Just yesterday, after you sent me a message!"

After hearing Chen Qian's words, Lu Zheng fell into deep thought.

He knew Chen Qian's brother, who was much older than them. He had been working alone in other places since graduation, but he disappeared strangely three years ago.

At that time, the police also investigated for a long time and found that the other party seemed to have evaporated in an instant, and neither his mobile phone nor his wallet was taken away.

After a long time, the matter was left unresolved.

In the past, Lu Zheng might have thought that he was kidnapped or something, but after knowing the truth of this world, he felt that the other party was most likely killed by a monster.

After disappearing for three years, he reappeared. Was he the real person or was he mimicked by a monster?

Lu Zheng couldn't help but think of what the night rider said yesterday.

According to what she said, there must be alien insects coming to Le'an City.

And aren't alien insects the best at mimicking humans!

Seeing him thinking, Chen Qian also comforted him a little embarrassedly: "Don't think too much, maybe I saw it wrong!"

"It's not that simple!" Lu Zheng shook his head and reminded: "If you see him again, you must contact me!"

"I know!" Chen Qian nodded.

After experiencing two monster incidents, she also understood that this world is not ordinary.

Lu Zheng spent the whole morning in a drowsy class.

In the afternoon, he missed class as expected.

The main reason was that there was no class for Lao Zhang this afternoon.

Apart from Lao Zhang, other teachers would not bother him at all.

After leaving home, Lu Zheng strolled on the street.

Whether it was to unlock Ebert or explore other weird statues, he needed more energy.

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