The time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, the situation in Le'an City has changed a lot.

The most important thing is that there have been a lot of reports about monsters attacking humans recently.

Although relevant remarks will be harmonized as soon as they appear on the Internet, the rumors in Le'an City are getting more and more intense.

Even Lu Zheng's previous battle near Chen Qian's house seemed to have been spread.

Fortunately, although these rumors are popular, there is no substantial evidence.

In the hospital ward.

After a few days of recuperation, Zhao Jiang and others' injuries have almost recovered.

Although the Security Bureau has fallen, the members of the combat team have survived.

If Lu Zheng and Lu Hong are added, the combat power will reach ten.

It seems that there are many people, but except for Lu Zheng, Lu Xuewei, Lu Hong and Zhao Jiang, the role played by the others is very limited.

After all, the strength of Leo Cavalry can only beat the middle and lower-level Orphino.

Among the few people, Lu Hong is the strongest.

Before, he chased the coral tooth blood vampire alone to Le'an City.

You know, the last time Lu Xuewei transformed into Ya Lan and Du Liangpeng used Caesar to barely defeat the coral tooth blood vampire.

"The recent situation is not good!"

In the ward, Zhao Jiang sighed softly.

He just heard two passing nurses talking about the recent monster rumors in the corridor.

And he has heard such things several times in the past two days.

The two young nurses talked and laughed, and did not take the monster rumors to heart at all, just as rumors.

But Zhao Jiang understood that these rumors were true. Those monsters have already begun to hunt humans impatiently.


Lu Xuewei nodded, with a worried look on her pretty face.

"Now that your injuries are almost healed, it's time to take back our Security Bureau!"

Although she said it proudly, her eyes were still full of worry.

It's not easy to take back the Security Bureau!

Just based on their words, it's almost impossible.

Not to mention anything else, the purple-stem armored alien insect that could move at high speed that they encountered that night was enough to wipe them out.

"Do you have a way to deal with the alien insects?"

As soon as Lu Xuewei asked, everyone present shook their heads.

Zhao Jiang said in a deep voice: "If you want to deal with alien insects, you must have the power of super speed!"

"As far as I know, only the knights of the FAIZ and ZECT series have this power!"

"FAIZ?" Lu Xuewei's eyes lit up and asked: "Since FAIZ can do it, can Caesar do it?"

"It should be impossible!"

Zhao Jiang's tone was a little uncertain, so he turned his head and looked at Lu Hong: "Xiaohong, do you understand?"

Lu Hong shook his head: "I don't know either! How about... asking him?"

This him, of course, refers to Lu Zheng!

They had only heard of Caesar's belt, and now that the belt was in Lu Zheng's hands, the other party must know more about it than them.

So Lu Xuewei called Lu Zheng, and it happened that today was the weekend, and he didn't have to go to class.

Facing the people from the Security Bureau, Lu Zheng didn't keep them in suspense and directly expressed his thoughts.

"I have a way to deal with the Zerg's ability, but there are also considerable risks!"

What Lu Zheng said was exactly the method he had planned to use Caesar's finishing skill to trap the Zerg in place.

Although the success rate is not high, this is also the only way he can deal with the Zerg without using the monster statue.

"Your method may not work!"

After Lu Zheng finished talking about his method, Lu Hong directly pointed out the key.

"Although Caesar's energy has a confinement effect, it must be able to hit!"

At this time, Zhao Jiang suddenly said: "If someone can hold him back, maybe it will work!"

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he said confidently: "I will hold him back! G3-X's AI system may be able to respond to the super-speeding alien insects."

Lu Xuewei frowned and subconsciously said: "But if you use AI, your body..."

"It's already this time, why do you still care about these!"

Zhao Jiang smiled heartily: "If I can solve this crisis, I am willing to lie in the hospital for another year!"

Lu Xuewei nodded: "In this case, then use this method to deal with the alien insects!"

"But the power of those Orphinos is probably far greater than ours!"

"What are you afraid of?" Lv Hong shrugged and said, "At this point, we can only go ahead!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhao Jiang with dissatisfaction.

"If it weren't for you, how could I be involved in such a troublesome matter!"

Zhao Jiang could only laugh at this.

He also knew that Lv Hong was just talking and couldn't be really angry.

But then Zhao Jiang's smile suddenly withdrew and his expression became serious.

"Actually, I have another plan!"


That evening, the Le'an City Security Bureau received a letter of challenge.

"They actually dared to issue a letter of challenge, interesting!"

In the director's office, the president in a black robe casually threw the letter of challenge on the table with a disdainful expression.

"But leaving them alone is not a solution. It is hard to guarantee that they will not destroy our plan. Let's send someone to solve it as soon as possible!"

Lin Jianye, who was sitting opposite him, asked curiously: "How do you plan to solve it?"

The president pondered for a moment, and then said in a cold voice, "Throw that Yalan out of Le'an City, as for the others..."

"Kill them all!"

Under the black robe, there was no emotion in the pupils, but only the cruelty of a beast.

"Now that they dare to issue a challenge, we can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Lin Jianye smiled and said, "Then I wish you success!"

But the president glanced at him coldly.

"This group of people is not weak. If we want to catch them all in one fell swoop, I am afraid that our Orpheino side will also be seriously injured, so you have to take action too!"

Lin Jianye still looked at him with a smile, but his eyes kept changing.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Lin Jianye was defeated.

He nodded and said helplessly: "Okay, I got it!"

Seeing this, the president was satisfied and said: "I'm leaving first!"

After saying that, he stood up, and the whole person was completely covered by a black robe.

After he left, Lin Jianye quickly dialed a number.

The call was connected soon, and Lin Jianye couldn't wait to ask: "Where are you?"

"What's the matter?" A light voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Come back, there is an important operation tonight that needs you!"

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