After getting rid of the termite bug, Lu Zheng did not stop, but switched to the bat virus core.


【CHASER BAT!】(Hunter Bat!)

Swish, swish, swish...

As purple energy arrows were shot out, explosions suddenly filled the warehouse.

After dealing with all the weirdos, Lu Zheng glanced at Lu Xuewei and others who were still standing still, and turned to leave the warehouse.

It was not until he left that the people in the warehouse felt their bodies suddenly relax and resumed their actions.

“Who is that guy?”

Lu Xuewei couldn’t help but wonder.

Although he looks like a monster, his abilities are more like those of Kamen Rider.

And why are there so many strange guys in a small city like Le'an?


Lv Hong slowly stood up and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be heavy acceleration!"

"Heavy acceleration?"

It was the first time Lu Xuewei heard this word.

"I also heard about it by chance." Lu Hong explained, "Heavy acceleration is an ability that is completely opposite to the super-speeding of the alien insects. It is said that it is used by a monster called a mechanical mutant!"

At this point, his brows furrowed.

"This kind of monster mainly appears in Europe. Logically, the border has been blocked. This kind of thing should not appear in China!"

Lu Xuewei helped her teammates up and said, "Anyway, he helped us!"

After cleaning up, everyone left the warehouse.

Lu Xuewei also found the unconscious Lu Zheng and woke him up.

Of course, Lu Zheng must have pretended to be unconscious.

After everyone left, the warehouse fell into silence again.

Only sand and debris were left, proving that a fierce battle had taken place here.

After an unknown amount of time, a loud "bang" suddenly sounded in the silent warehouse.

A purple figure walked out of the ruins.

Purple Stem Armored Insect!

But the Purple Stem Armored Insect had changed greatly at this time.

Not only did its limbs become thicker, but the armor on its body became thicker. On its right arm, a shield-like arm armor grew out.


The Purple Stem Armored Insect turned back into Chen Mo's appearance.

"Am I not dead?"

"It has evolved!"


Time flies, and the days and months pass by like shuttles.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Lu Zheng was the same as usual.

But after returning home that night, he sneaked into the Security Bureau again and used the power of the Magic Tracker to kill all the Orphinos.

At the same time, he also harvested a lot of red energy.

Most of them were "fed" to the statue of Ebert, but unfortunately they were still useless.

According to his estimation, a large amount of red light balls may be needed to unlock Ebert.

In addition, Lu Zheng also cleared many black fogs and obtained two statues of undead creatures. They are the zebra undead beast representing the 9 of diamonds and the jellyfish undead beast representing the 7 of clubs.

The ability of the zebra is to clone, and the ability of the jellyfish is to liquefy. Although both are good, Lu Zheng plans to leave the position of the central round platform of the altar to the clown undead beast.

As long as he becomes a clown, he can use the power of all undead creatures.

So after unlocking these two statues, he converted them into cards.

In addition to these two statues, Lu Zheng also found the statue of the Apostle of the Aquarius constellation.

The power of Aquarius is mainly to treat injuries. Since this is basically not used now, he did not invest energy to unlock it.

Lu Zheng is free here, but his sister Lu Xuewei has been very busy these days.

First of all, after Lu Zheng solved the problem of Orpheino, the Security Bureau was successfully recaptured by them.

However, because the director was gone, Lu Xuewei was promoted as the new director.

Moreover, after the fall, most of the personnel in the bureau were killed. Now they are seriously short of manpower and can only ask for help from the security bureaus in surrounding cities.

After several days of sleepless efforts, the Security Bureau was finally able to resume operation.

After rebuilding the Security Bureau, Lu Xuewei compiled the course of the incident into a document and reported it word for word.

For their ability to solve this incident, the General Security Bureau naturally praised them and pulled out many resources to enrich the strength of the Le'an City Security Bureau.

Although for Lu Xuewei and others, this credit is like picking it up for nothing.

After all, they finally solved the alien insects and monsters.

It was not them, but a "strange" person who did not know the enemy and friend yet.

It is worth mentioning that Lv Hong has left and returned to his own city.

However, in order to strengthen the strength of Le'an City, the General Administration sent another Kamen Rider.

Like Lv Hong, he used the War Rider Driver.

After all, the area where Le'an City is located, the main monsters are still the Vampire Clan.

Neither Orphino nor the Zerg are concentrated here.

The reason why so many appeared this time is because of their joint plan.

After Lu Xuewei was promoted to director, Li Ying became her assistant, so Team 1 no longer existed.

So Zhao Jiang's Team 2 became Team 1.

Then the War Rider sent by the General Administration formed Team 2 again as the captain.

If Lu Zheng's Caesar is added, Le'an City will have four Kamen Riders, and its strength is greatly enhanced compared to the original.

Although the incident of the fall of the Security Bureau has been resolved, the impact it has caused cannot be eliminated.

For example, many people have seen monsters and firmly believe that there are monsters in this world.

Once the blockade of the news is broken, it is difficult to recover.

Lu Xuewei was powerless to do anything about it and could only let it spread.

Fortunately, there was no evidence such as photos, and most people just regarded it as a rumor, which did not cause any panic.

However, Lu Zheng occasionally heard his classmates talking about it at school.

"Lu Zheng, if others know about the monster, will the confidentiality agreement we signed still be valid?"

On the way home from school, Chen Qian followed Lu Zheng and asked in a low voice.

Since the danger was lifted, she had moved back to her own home a long time ago, and the broken window had been repaired.

Hearing Chen Qian's words, Lu Zheng turned around and said, "It's better not to talk nonsense. It's better not to get involved in this kind of thing again!"

While talking, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

It was the arrogant young man who followed Lao Zhang last time!

But Lu Zheng saw that he looked flustered, as if he had encountered something.

Based on the principle of "the more skilled, the more courageous", Lu Zheng decided to follow him to see.

So he said to Chen Qian: "I have something to do suddenly, you go home first!"

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