The matter of the alien Kalis pierced Lu Zheng's heart like a thorn.

He was still thinking about it when he was in school during the day.

Alien knights are usually transformed from humans, and such people usually have some obsession or purpose.

Judging from the current situation, the purpose of the alien Kalis should be to eliminate other weirdos.

Maybe it seems to be a good thing now, but Lu Zheng understands that the power of the alien knight can distort people's minds.

If left alone, this guy will definitely cause big trouble in the future.

It happened that when he returned home from school, he found that his sister Lu Xuewei was also at home, so Lu Zheng planned to ask the Security Bureau if there was any news.

While his parents were not paying attention, Lu Zheng approached Lu Xuewei and whispered, "Sister, I heard that there is a guy who specializes in hunting monsters recently!"

Lu Xuewei looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Lu Zheng smiled and asked, "Have you ever thought about bringing him into the Security Bureau? It's not good for such a powerful guy to be out of control?"

"I want to, but our people have never met him, not even the surveillance camera has captured him, and we don't know what he looks like!"

Lu Xuewei sighed and complained in a low voice: "Even if we find him, he may not be willing to join! The crocodile before was like this..."

At this point, she suddenly reacted and glanced at Lu Zheng coldly.

"Don't worry about these, just concentrate on reviewing and preparing for the college entrance examination!"

Well, it seems that there is no news from the Security Bureau!

Lu Zheng returned to his seat disappointedly and lowered his head to eat.

Time passed in a flash.

Seeing that the college entrance examination was approaching day by day, Lu Zheng could clearly feel that the atmosphere of the whole class was a little impetuous.

After being suppressed for so long, the students' mental state is not good.

Fortunately, tomorrow is the weekend, and they can relax.

In the evening, Lu Zheng found that there were three people for dinner again.

"Is my sister not back again?" Lu Zheng asked.

"She was on a business trip. I heard that there were serial homicides in Tongning County!"

Mother Zhang Gang complained worriedly: "Why do you think this child is doing this at such a young age? Every time I encounter such a thing, I am scared, afraid that something will happen to her!"

Seeing this, Lu Mingguo hurriedly comforted: "Okay, Xuewei has her own sense of measure, and she is also protecting the people. We should be happy!"

Lu Zheng did not speak, and quickly finished his meal and returned to his room.

Since the homicide has alarmed the Security Bureau, it will not be an ordinary homicide.

Lu Zheng decided to go and see!

Tongning County is located in the north of Le'an City and borders Tianyang City next door.

Even if you fly, it will probably take more than an hour to get there.

While Lu Zheng was on his way, Lu Xuewei had already seen the body of the victim.

"The deceased is named Chen Qinghe, a nearby villager..."

Beside Lu Xuewei, a middle-aged man in police uniform was reporting the situation.

At this time, Li Ying, who was squatting on the ground to check the body, stood up and said: "The cause of death was a heavy blow to the head. Isn't this an ordinary homicide?"

Hearing his words, the policeman hurriedly said: "It's not like that! According to the forensic identification, the body has been dead for three days, but..."

He hesitated at this point.

"But someone saw Chen Qinghe yesterday!"

"Are you telling the truth?" Lu Xuewei asked.

The police nodded: "According to our investigation, Chen Qinghe is still living in the village, and the people around him have not found anything unusual!"

"We just suspect that he is a monster in disguise, so we dare not act rashly, so we can only ask you to come!"

Lu Xuewei asked again: "Is this the case with other victims?"

"Most of them are!"

"Okay, I know!"

After leaving the morgue and returning to the car, Li Ying guessed: "Director, could this be an alien insect?"

"I guess it is!"

Lu Xuewei rubbed her head with a headache.

The first thing that came to her mind when she was able to disguise herself as a human was an alien insect.

If it was a larva, it would be okay, but if there were molting adults, I'm afraid it would be another fierce battle!

"Let's drive and go to Chen Qinghe's house first!"

The village where Chen Qinghe was located was not far from the county town, and they arrived soon.

It was already dark at this time, but the two still met villagers wandering around at the entrance of the village.

After asking the villagers, they learned that Chen Qinghe

The address of the He family.

According to the villagers, Chen Qinghe is a bachelor in his thirties.

His parents died early, so no one disciplined him. He was idle all day, so he has not married yet.

When the two knocked on Chen Qinghe's door, the other party was obviously stunned.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you, come with us!"

To confirm whether he is a human, just take him back for testing!

Chen Qinghe did not resist and let Bai Ji be taken to the car.

However, when the car was halfway, he suddenly opened the door and jumped down.

"Don't run!"

Lu Xuewei and Li Ying also got out of the car.

Only then did they find that a group of green alien insects suddenly emerged around them.

"It's really alien insects!"

Lu Xuewei breathed a sigh of relief. If there were no adult insects, everything would be fine!


With a wave of her hand, the silver-white little bat fell on her hand.

At the same time, Li Ying next to her also put on the Leo cavalry belt.

"Transform!" ×2

[COMPLETE! ] (Complete!)

After the transformation, Lu Xuewei swung the Yalan Saber, and a Zerg exploded with one strike.

Although Li Ying was not as relaxed as her, she had no pressure in dealing with the larvae.

Not long after, the two of them eliminated most of the Zerg.

However, at this moment, one of the Zerg suddenly stood still, and its body turned red as if it was steamed.

Under the high temperature, its body surface began to melt little by little.

Li Ying was shocked and shouted immediately: "Oh no, it's going to molt!"

Lu Xue also knew how terrifying the adult Zerg was after molting, and rushed forward to kill it before it finished molting.

It was a pity that she was a little far away.

Just when the Zerg was about to finish molting.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the sky.

[EXECUTION BAT! ] (Execution Bat Type!)

The next second, a purple figure fell!


The alien insect was kicked to pieces the moment it finished molting.

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