After school, Lu Zheng asked other teachers about Lao Zhang's address. After saying hello to his family, he went there alone. Lao Zhang's home was not far from the school, and it was on the way home with him. After walking for less than ten minutes, Lu Zheng saw Lao Zhang and his son arguing downstairs. If he got closer, he could hear Lao Zhang's roar clearly. "Little bastard, do you want to rebel?" "Hurry up and go back!" The boy just looked at him with disdain. At this time, the people watching the show next to him also began to persuade him. "Le Le, hurry home with your dad!"

"Yes, admit your mistake to your dad!"

"Look how angry your dad is!"


The words of the people around him stabbed into the boy's heart one by one like a knife.


He roared, and then sneered: "No one can control me anymore!"

As he said that, he took out a watch face from his pocket.

"That is..."

Lu Zheng, who had just arrived, suddenly had his pupils shrink.

The next second, the boy pressed the dial switch.


The boy was wrapped in countless black lines, and he turned into a hideous monster in front of everyone.

Alien Calice!

It turns out that Lao Zhang's son is an alien Calice!



The crowd who were watching the excitement just now suddenly dispersed and fled in panic.

Only Lao Zhang seemed unable to accept the fact that his son had turned into a monster. He sat on the ground in fear, watching the alien Calis walking towards him.

At this time, Lu Zheng could not care about anything else and quickly took out the Caesar belt he carried with him from his bag.

As for why Calis was not used, it was because his Calis had no cards yet and he would definitely not be able to beat the opponent!



[COMPLETE! ] (Complete!)

A flash of golden light, Kamen Rider Caesar appeared!

On the other side, the alien Calis had already come to Lao Zhang.

"You killed my mother, go to hell and repent!"

Just as he was about to take action, Lu Zheng rushed over and knocked him away.

"Teacher Zhang, run!"

Lu Zheng only had time to turn around and shout, and then rushed up to fight with the alien Calis.

"This voice is... Lu Zheng?"

Lao Zhang widened his eyes in shock.

What happened today was too dreamy for him!

First, his son turned into a monster, and then the student in his class who slept all day turned into an armored man.

Lao Zhang rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he looked for a place to hide as if he had just woken up from a dream.


Lu Zheng inserted the crystal card into the Caesar Blade Gun to summon the blade, and swung it down one sword after another.

The alien Calis was also forced to retreat continuously by him.

Although it seemed that he had the upper hand, Lu Zheng knew that if he continued to consume it like this, his physical strength would eventually run out.

At this time, the alien Calis suddenly seized the moment when he was distracted, and raised the bow to pick up the lightsaber.

Then he chopped it back with his backhand!


Lu Zheng, who was hit in the chest, immediately retreated backwards and could only relieve the force by turning around.

And while turning around, he quickly pulled the gun brake.

After turning around, he fired a shot instantly.


The bullet hit the alien Calis and turned into an energy net to bind him.

But Lu Zheng knew that this trick would not trap him for long, so he quickly found Lao Zhang and pulled him away from here.


"What is going on?"

In the park, a big and a small man leaned on a bench and gasped heavily.

Lu Zheng was better. Although it would be tiring to run in Caesar armor, he was strong after all.

Lao Zhang had already become bald, and he was almost exhausted after running for a while!

But he was full of doubts now.

"Your son has acquired a special power!"

Seeing that the alien Calis did not catch up, Lu Zheng also lifted the transformation, and then continued: "That power will slowly affect his mind, making him extremely paranoid or even crazy!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly glanced at Lao Zhang and asked curiously: "Why does he want to kill you? What is the conflict between you and your son?"

"This is a long story!"

Lao Zhang sighed and slowly


"More than a decade ago, I was transferred to this school as a teacher and met my wife here. At that time, I was not bald yet and looked quite handsome. We soon fell in love and got married.

Within two years, we had our own child, a boy named Zhang Le. We were supposed to live happily like this, but soon an accident happened!

When Lele was just five years old, I was working overtime to correct homework that day, and my wife suddenly called to say that Lele was sick. So I hurried home and drove them to the hospital.

But halfway through the journey, I accidentally hit the oncoming truck..."

"Although I was also seriously injured, I saved my life after all, but my wife died on the spot! Before she died, she protected the child tightly! Later, when Lele grew up, he kept blaming me for killing his mother."

"In fact, he was right. If I had been more careful at the time, nothing would have happened! In the end, it was me who killed her!"

Looking at Old Zhang crying with his face covered, Lu Zheng felt bad.

He didn't expect that Lao Zhang actually had such a side.

Lu Zheng could only comfort him: "Teacher Zhang, it was just an accident, you can't be blamed entirely!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from behind him.

"I found you!"

Looking back, it was indeed the alien Calis!

"It caught up so quickly!"

Lu Zheng hurriedly got up, put on the belt and prepared to transform.

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhang suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Don't do it!"

He stood up and looked at the alien Calis with guilt.

"Le Le, I know you hate me!"

"If you want to kill me so much..."

"Come on!"

After saying that, he stretched out his arms and slowly closed his eyes.

The alien Calis walked step by step to Lao Zhang, raised the sickle of the awakening bow, and chopped it down with one blow!


Seeing this scene, Lu Zheng was really worried about Lao Zhang.

But he still held back and didn't do it.

On the one hand, it was because it was Lao Zhang's own choice!

On the other hand, in general, when this happens, the opponent will not be able to do it in the end.

It's played like this on TV!

Sure enough, the next second, the sickle blade stayed steadily above Lao Zhang's forehead.

For a long time.

Lao Zhang, who did not feel the pain, opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

"Le Le..."

The alien Calis suddenly put away his weapon.

"You wait!"

"I won't let you go so easily!"

After saying that, he left quickly.

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