The exam was finally over!"

In the afternoon, Lu Zheng was still the first to step out of the exam room.

"I'm out! I'm out!"

When Lu Zheng walked out, a reporter with a microphone rushed to him immediately.

The accompanying camera almost hit his face.

"Hello, classmate! Can I interview you?"

Lu Zheng thought about it and it seemed that he didn't have anything to do, so he nodded and said, "Okay, what do you want to interview?"

Reporter: "There is more than half an hour before the end of the exam. Is it because the questions are relatively simple that you handed in the paper early?"

Lu Zheng: "It's OK, not too difficult!"

Reporter: "It seems that this classmate must have excellent grades in normal times, so can you share with us your study secrets?"

Lu Zheng recalled his usual performance and said expressionlessly: "I don't have any secrets!"

The reporter smiled and asked again: "Then can you tell us how you study on weekdays?"

"Me? Basically, I sleep during the day and fight monsters at night to save the world!"

After listening to Lu Zheng's words, the smile on the reporter's face disappeared immediately.

So you are teasing me, right!

"Okay, thank you very much for accepting our interview!"

Before she finished speaking, she put away the microphone and turned away.

Looking at the back of the reporter, Lu Zheng couldn't help scratching his head.

She wouldn't think I was lying, would she?

As soon as the reporter left, the parents around him rushed up and asked about the exam.

Lu Zheng finally got out of the crowd with great effort.

But then he became confused again.

Where should he go next?

How about going to the Internet cafe to play some games!

Lu Zheng made up his mind and walked towards the nearby Internet cafe.

Although he didn't care about the college entrance examination, he was forced to study hard for a while.

After the exam was finally over, he wanted to relax.

After arriving at the Internet cafe, Lu Zheng randomly found a computer in the corner. Then he skillfully opened the game and prepared to play a game in the canyon.

While choosing a hero, he suddenly heard an angry roar from the opposite side.

"Fuck, this teammate is so pit!"

"Come on, why are you in a daze!"

"Fuck, are you blind!"



I didn't expect the other side to be a grumpy guy!

But this voice seems a little familiar!

Lu Zheng didn't think about it and planned to put on headphones to block out the outside sound.

But the brain started to work automatically at this time, and suddenly remembered the owner of this voice.

He paused and quickly opened the display screen in the middle.

Then he saw a familiar face, looking at him in shock.

"Fuck, why are you here!"

"You're not dead!!"

In front of Lu Zheng was Chen Qian's brother Chen Mo, also known as the purple-stemmed alien insect!

At this time, he had a cigarette in his hand, and there was a bucket of unfinished instant noodles on the table on the keyboard, looking like a senior netizen.

That night in the warehouse, Lu Mingming remembered that he used the magic tracker to blow up the opponent with one arrow, and now he appeared in front of him again!

"Of course I'm not dead!"

After discovering that it was Lu Zheng on the other side, Chen Mo immediately put out the cigarette butt and returned to his usual gentle temperament, as if the irritable brother just now was not him.

He looked around and found that the movement of the two had attracted a lot of attention.

"If you want to talk, let's go somewhere else!"


On the rooftop.

Chen Mo turned his back to Lu Zheng, looking at the endless stream of vehicles below, and sighed: "Ask if you want, but I may not answer you!"

Lu Zheng wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start.

This Chen Mo is obviously different from normal Zerg!

After a long time, he asked: "Are you still Chen Qian's brother now?"

"Of course! Always!"

Chen Mo turned around and looked at Lu Zheng with determination in his eyes.

Lu Zheng also looked at him and asked slowly: "So are you a Zerg or a human now?"

"I don't know!"

Chen Mo shook his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"I understand my identity clearly and my mission, but the memory of being a human has been interfering with me. It's like schizophrenia, two consciousnesses are constantly fighting."

Lu Zheng narrowed his eyes: "Then I think it's safer to eliminate you!"

"Come on,

If you can do it!"

Chen Mo opened his arms, showing a posture of being at the mercy of others.

Kallis's belt appeared on Lu Zheng's waist.

At the same time, he also held the card of the Ace of Hearts between his fingers.

"Last question!"

"Did you kill the real Chen Mo?"

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I didn't!"

This answer surprised Lu Zheng very much, and he quickly asked, "Where is he now?"

Chen Mo shook his head again: "I can't answer this question!"

"Then I will beat you until you open your mouth! "

Lu Zheng held the Ace of Hearts and swiped it to his belt.

[CHANGE!] (Mantis!)

As a sound effect sounded, Lu Zheng instantly transformed into Calis.

At the same time, Chen Mo's body flashed with white light and turned into a purple-stemmed armored insect.


Lu Zheng rushed out first and slashed with the sickle on the awakening bow.

The purple-stemmed armored insect immediately raised the shield on its right arm to block it.

Then there was a tense and exciting melee.

After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, the purple-stemmed armored insect suddenly found an opening and instantly activated its super-speed ability.

Seeing the opponent disappear, Lu Zheng did not panic, but quickly took out a card.

[MACH!] (Jaguar!)

After swiping the card, the whole person suddenly turned into a residual image.

The 9 of Spades Jaguar is a new card that Lu Zheng has unlocked recently. Card, after swiping, can use supersonic movement.

Although compared with the super-speed of the alien insect, the speed is still a lot slower, but it is enough.

Lu Zheng, who is in supersonic, can clearly see the movements of the purple-stemmed armored alien insect.

Lu Zheng is not sure about the specific speed of super-speed, but it is probably equivalent to Faiz's acceleration, which is 1000 times the normal speed. According to the normal speed of humans (1.75m/s), after acceleration, it is just more than five times the speed of sound (340m/s)!

Five times the speed can be completely compensated by other conditions.

(I have to complain here. I feel that the first time Jiadou fights the spider monster in the original book is completely nonsense! If the speed difference is too large, any attack you make will have enough time to dodge, how can it be predicted!)

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