At this time, Lu Zheng didn't know what happened in the bar. He and Lei Lie came to an empty street corner and stood opposite each other. "Transform!" Lei Lie said, taking out a card case. The next second, a "V-belt buckle" appeared out of thin air and automatically flew to his waist. Then he swung his arm and buckled the case into his belt. A few gray-white mirror images flipped and overlapped, and a set of white armor appeared on Lei Lie's body. It turned out to be a sneak attack tiger! Witnessing Lei Lie's transformation, Lu Zheng's eyes flashed with surprise. I didn't expect to see a knight from the Dragon Rider series so soon. This also made him interested in the next battle. At his waist, the Calis Awakener emerged.

Lu Zheng held the Ace of Hearts card and whispered.


As soon as the words fell, the card instantly passed over the Awakener.

A black shadow flashed on his body, and he transformed into Calis.

"Be careful!"

Lei Lie didn't want to bully the weak, so he reminded him and rushed up with the Death Summoner (the axe).

The two were not far away, and Lei Lie came in front of Lu Zheng in the blink of an eye, and the axe blade flashed with cold light.

However, Lu Zheng's reaction was also very fast, and he blocked the axe with a horizontal upward swing of the awakening bow.

After picking up the axe blade, he immediately turned the awakening bow and chopped it diagonally towards the opponent.

Lei Lie's combat experience was also very rich. As soon as Lu Zheng made a move, he quickly changed his steps and dodged the attack by turning his body to the side.

The two bodies crossed and passed each other, and then turned at the same time.

The next second, the giant axe and the awakening bow clashed again.

With a "bang", Lei Lie retreated five steps at the same time, while Lu Zheng retreated seven or eight steps.

As expected of a knight from the Dragon Knight series, he is so strong!

Lu Zheng was a little amazed, and Lei Lie was even more shocked at this time.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell the quality of a move with just one move.

He never expected that Lu Zheng would have such a quick reaction.

Although the fight just now was short, it was enough to prove that his fighting level was about the same as his.

At this time, Lei Lie put away his contempt.

"Good boy, I underestimated you!"

Lei Lie laughed loudly, and casually took out a card from the card box on his belt and put it into the summoning machine.

[ADVENT! ] (Contract is coming!)

As the card was read, a humanoid white tiger suddenly jumped out from behind Lu Zheng and pounced on him.

But Lu Zheng had been on guard against this move for a long time, squatted down on the spot, and avoided the pounce.

However, as soon as he stood up, Lei Lie rushed up.

Lu Zheng could only parry.

Just after a few blows, the Death Tiger rushed up again.

One man and one tiger attacked from both sides, and the cooperation was very tacit.

Lu Zheng immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Of course, it was impossible to be defeated!

After Lu Zheng blocked the attack, he used the force to pull himself out and reached out to pull out the Jaguar card from the card pack.

[MACH! ] (Jaguar!)

The energy of the card turned into a phantom and drilled into the leg armor.

Lu Zheng instantly turned into a residual image.

Not good!

Seeing the speed shown by Lu Zheng, Lei Lie was shocked.

The next second, he was suddenly hit hard.

Bang bang bang...

Lu Zheng continued to launch attacks with high-speed movement.

Although the Jaguar's supersonic movement was suppressed when fighting against alien insects, it was simply a magical skill to deal with these enemies who did not have the ability to move at high speed!

I have to say, the feeling of speed control is awesome!

But his pride didn't last long.

Lei Lie took advantage of the gap when the Death Tiger blocked the attack and quickly drew another card.

[FREEZE VEMT! ] (Frozen Coming!)

After swiping the card, he immediately released the energy on the ground.

Instantly, a thick layer of frost formed on the ground.

And the frost quickly spread around.

And Lu Zheng, who was not far away, was directly "cracked" and frozen into an ice sculpture.

[STRIKE VENT! ] (Strike Coming!)

After controlling Lu Zheng, Lei Lie swiped the card again.

Then he raised the Death Claw Hook he had just summoned, ran up to Lu Zheng, and stabbed with a claw.

With a "bang", the ice surface shattered.

Lu Zheng was also hit hard and was knocked away by a claw!

This claw hit the heart, and he was seriously injured!

"Is this all you can do?"

After beating Lu Zheng, Lei Lie's anger subsided, but he was still unforgiving.

"I didn't lose!"

Lu Zheng stood up slowly and raised his hand

The 9 of Hearts in the game was swiped on the awakening device.

[RECOVER! ] (Camel!)

The Camel Undead Beast did not appear in the original book, and this card has never been used, but its ability is very useful.

That is to restore health and recover from injuries!

In a short while, Lu Zheng felt the pain in his chest disappear and became full of energy again.

He was full of fighting spirit and even took the initiative to hook his finger at Lei Lie.

"Come again!"

Lei Lie's face turned black under the mask, and he snorted coldly: "Arrogant!"

Young man, you don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!

I won't hold back next time!

You know, he didn't use the final advent just now, and even the rogue trick of drilling through the mirror didn't work!

However, just when the two were ready to go and prepare for the second half of the game.

An accident happened!


Not far from them, there was an explosion!

"That direction is..."

Lu Zheng looked in the direction of the explosion and found that it was the place he had just come from.

"Oh no, Zhou Deshan is still in the bar!"

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten Zhou Deshan there.

And just now he felt that the owner of the bar was not right.

"No accidents!"

Lu Zheng didn't care about fighting with Lei Lie at this moment, and hurried to the bar.

Lei Lie naturally felt something was wrong.

Because the explosion sounded not like the ordinary sound of gas leakage.

But it was caused by fighting with a monster!

Compared with Lu Zheng, he was now even more anxious.

As the director of the Security Bureau, if he caused someone to be killed because of his momentary anger and negligence, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

The two ran all the way and soon returned to the bar.

At a glance.

The bar was full of glass fragments, and the spilled drinks were all over the floor.

In the midst of the devastation, stood a slender green knight shaped like a locust.

"Kick Locust!"

Lu Zheng recognized this knight at a glance.

It was one of the famous Hell Brothers!

At this time, the locust on Kicking Locust's belt jumped out, and the knight's transformation was also lifted.

Under the falling pieces, a face that surprised Lu Zheng very much, but felt very reasonable, was revealed.

Zhou Deshan!

As a person who was also abandoned by the world, it seemed reasonable that Kicking Locust chose him.

However, Zhou Deshan seemed to have not yet completely sobered up, and was looking at the devastation around him with a confused face.

"This...what happened?"

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