The two of them were killed, and the two were killed.

"Damn it!"

"You're looking for death!"

Seeing the Snow Leopard Tooth Vampire being killed, the Rock Turtle Tooth Vampire and the Blackbird Tooth Vampire were furious.

The Blackbird Tooth Vampire stretched out his arm and waved it, and the shadow of the wings behind him turned into a black long sword and stabbed at Lv Hong next to him.

Lv Hong had lost all his strength at this time, and the war cavalry armor on his body had been removed, so he could only lie on the ground and wait for death.

Fortunately, Lu Zheng took action at this time.

[BIO! ] (Vine!)

After swiping the card of the 7 of Hearts, the awakening bow instantly shot out several tentacles to grab Lv Hong's body, and then pulled it suddenly.

The long sword almost grazed his scalp!

After saving L端 Hong, Lu Zheng had no intention of fighting, so he carried him on his back and quickly swiped the card of the dragonfly undead beast.

[FLOAT! ] (Dragonfly!)

Then he took L端 Hong and flew into the air, fleeing towards the city.

"Want to run!"

The blackbird-fanged vampire was already angry at this time, how could he let them go easily.

As a bird monster, he naturally flapped his wings and flew after them.

It was a pity that the rock turtle-fanged vampire could only watch from the ground.

Not long after flying, Lu Zheng found that the blackbird-fanged vampire had caught up.

Maybe it was because he brought someone with him, or maybe the speed of the dragonfly was not as fast as the blackbird.

The distance between the blackbird-fanged vampire and them was getting closer and closer.

"I'm sorry, I'm dragging you down!"

L端 Hong on his back smiled bitterly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Does your warhorse have a sublimation form?" Lu Zheng asked.

In the current situation, he probably can't run away, so he has to give it a try.

But this blackbird-fanged vampire is obviously quite powerful, and there is also a rock-turtle-fanged vampire on the ground behind him, so he is not completely sure.

If Lu Hong's warhorse can be upgraded, he can kill the opponent with its powerful power.

Unfortunately, Lu Hong's answer disappointed him.

"The sublimation form is only available in the recently produced warhorse devices, and it has not been popularized here!"

Lu Hong shook his head.

If there is a sublimation form, why did he have to work so hard to fight the snow leopard-fanged vampire just now.

He sighed and said, "If you can't run away, just throw me down, I can still block it!"

In any case, it was his fault that this happened.

If he hadn't insisted on revenge, Lu Zheng wouldn't have been implicated.

And after getting his revenge, Lu Hong no longer had obsessions and was not afraid of death.

"It's not that bad!"

Lu Zheng said, reaching out to take out another card.

[GEMINI! ] (Zebra!)

The next second, a clone emerged from his body.

Lu Zheng handed L端 Hong on his back to the clone, letting it take him away, and he turned and rushed towards the blackbird fang vampire.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

L端 Hong shouted.

Unfortunately, he could only let the clone Calis take him away.

In the back, Lu Zheng had already started fighting with the blackbird fang vampire.

In fact, he could have chosen to leave and let the clone come to harass.

But firstly, the clone's strength is limited, and it cannot use other card powers.

(Although Jianqi used a clone to turn one into the Emperor Sword and the other into the Guard Sword, I feel that the card should not be able to turn into two!)

Secondly, he really wanted to test how powerful the two fang vampires in the back were.

As for his own safety, he was not too worried.

He also possessed the power of the clown undead beast. Even if he couldn't defeat it, he could always protect himself.

Lu Zheng fought with the blackbird vampire from the sky to the ground.

At this time, the blackbird vampire suddenly took a few steps back and his body shook violently.

The next second, a pair of huge black wings appeared behind him.

The wings flapped forward and shot out countless energy arrows made of feathers.

This move was unexpected.

But Lu Zheng had guessed that he was going to enlarge when he retreated, and he was prepared.

He reached out and pulled out a card that had never been used from the card box.

8 of Hearts!

[REFLECT! ] (Moth!)

As the card was swiped, a transparent barrier appeared in front of Lu Zheng.

All the arrows flying in would be swallowed up when they touched the barrier.

However, the power of this card is not only to resist damage.

When the Blackbird Fang Vampire's attack ended, the barrier in front of Lu Zheng suddenly shot out countless arrows, which actually reflected the attack back.

(The information says

It can reflect damage, but it has never appeared in the drama, so I can only make it up! )

The Blackbird Vampire never expected that Lu Zheng would use such a trick on him.

And he was not prepared in advance like Lu Zheng, and was instantly covered by the rain of arrows and stabbed into a hedgehog.

Fortunately, these arrows are made of energy and quickly dissipated.

However, the damage caused to the Blackbird Vampire is still there, and it looks bloody.

[FLOAT! ] (Dragonfly!)

[DRILL! ] (Conch!)

[TORNADO! ] (Eagle!)

Three cards were swiped in succession, and Lu Zheng slowly floated up. Driven by the black tornado, he turned into a high-speed rotating electric drill and stabbed the Blackbird Vampire.

The Blackbird Vampire still wanted to escape, but his speed was not as fast as Lu Zheng.

Unfortunately, just when Lu Zheng was about to kill the Blackbird Vampire,

A tortoise shell barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ding Ding Ding...

The tornado hit the tortoise shell, making a continuous sound.

After a stalemate, the tortoise shell finally broke with a "crack".

And Lu Zheng's ultimate move also ran out of energy.

With a "bang", the man was bounced away.

Damn it, it was almost there!

Aren't turtles said to run very slowly?

How come this rock turtle tooth blood ghost came so fast!

At this moment, Lu Zheng finally understood the unwillingness of Lu Hong just now.

If the rock turtle tooth blood ghost came a second later, this blackbird tooth blood ghost would have been killed by him!

"This human is very strong, let's go together!"

The blackbird tooth blood ghost gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Zheng with hatred.

Although he almost died, now that his companions came, he immediately regained his confidence.

"Yeah!" The rock turtle tooth blood ghost nodded.

The two men attacked Lu Zheng from the left and right.

"Oh, trouble!"

Lu Zheng sighed.

It was really stressful for him to deal with these two vampires at the same time.

However, what Lu Zheng didn't know was that his biggest crisis did not come from the two weirdos in front of him.

"Well, what are you doing here?"

Just as the battle was about to break out, a curious voice suddenly came from above.

When he looked up, he found that there was a human youth floating in the sky.

Yes, it looked like a human.

But from the fact that he could float, it can be seen that he was definitely not a human, but just maintained a human form.

The moment they saw this young man, the blackbird vampire and the rock turtle vampire stopped and knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "Captain of the Guards!"

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