The car stopped in front of the Linghai City Security Bureau. The car door opened and Lu Xuewei walked down with long legs. Following her were Li Feng and Li Ying. They came to support after receiving the news that the Tooth Blood Vampire King had appeared. As for Zhao Jiang and others, they stayed in Le'an City to prevent any accidents. Zhao Jiang was steady and considered things comprehensively. In addition, Le'an City was relatively peaceful now, so he was enough to handle the incident. "Lu girl is here!" The speaker was Qian Guofu, the director of Linghai City, and next to him was Lei Lie, the director of Deyang City. Since Deyang City is closer to Linghai City, he came earlier.

After the three of them exchanged a few pleasantries, Lu Xuewei went straight to the point and asked, "When are we going to deal with the tooth-blooded ghost king?"

The two were silent for a while, and Qian Guofu shook his head and said, "Lu girl, you may not understand the horror of the king-level monsters!"

Lei Lie also said, "Every king-level monster cannot be defeated by the advantage of numbers! At most, we can fight the soldiers. To really deal with the king-level monsters, we have to wait for the people sent by the General Administration to arrive!"


Lu Xuewei thought about her brother who was still missing, and she felt a little anxious.

"Okay, you have worked hard all the way, go in and rest first!"

On the other side.

Lu Zheng, Black Bear and the other two walked around the mountain for a day and returned to the castle when it was dark.

But when they came back, they found that the castle was empty.

"Strange, where did the others go?" Flower Snake Tooth Blood Vampire asked in confusion.

While they were wondering, the door of the room next to them suddenly opened and a swordfish vampire walked out.

He was stunned when he saw the four people: "Huh? Why are you still here?"

"What happened?" Lu Zheng asked.

"It is said that human Kamen Riders are gathering here and want to destroy us, so Wang decided to take the initiative and lead people to attack!"

After the swordfish vampire explained, he asked back: "The vampires who set out today should have received orders, why don't you know?"

The wolf vampire immediately lied: "We got lost in the mountains today, and it took a long time to find our way back!"


The swordfish vampire was even more surprised.

Just this small broken mountain, such a small place, can you get lost?

However, he did not delve into it too much, but nodded and said: "Since you didn't catch up, then stay and guard the castle with me!"

As the king's guards, the blackbird vampire and the rock turtle vampire can go out with the king to fight, leaving him alone to watch the house in the castle.

The swordfish vampire was very reluctant to do so, and it was good for him to have a few people to accompany him.

"No one is here..."

Lu Zheng lowered his head, with a gleam in his eyes.


Late at night, the prosperous city became a little depressed after the last vampire incident.

People knew that there were fierce and powerful monsters in the world, and almost all of them became honest.

At night, there was no longer even the bright neon lights of the past.

Under the silent night sky, there was a place that seemed particularly lively.

In front of the Linghai City Security Bureau.

At this time, a big battle was going on here.

Countless vampires, like hungry wolves, launched a crazy attack on the Security Bureau.

Even with the defense system, the civilian staff in the bureau still felt terrified.

They were afraid that the defense system would be forced to shut down in the next second because it could not withstand the attack.

Outside the gate, the Kamen Riders of the Security Bureau were also fighting bloody battles.

"Old Qian, there are too many enemies, can you find some support?"

Lei Lie chopped the blood vampire in front of him in half with an axe, and shouted at Qian Guofu.

Not far from him, the summoned beast Death Wild Tiger also rushed into the crowd of monsters.

"I have sent someone to contact, but the nearest reinforcement will take three hours to arrive!" Qian Guofu responded.

"Damn it, three hours is too late!"

Lei Lie cursed angrily and pulled out a card from the card box at the same time.

When he was about to put it into the summoning machine, the blood vampire as a rock turtle suddenly attacked, flew over and hit him, and immediately knocked the card out of his hand.

"Tonight is the day you die!"

The Rock Turtle Tooth Vampire sneered, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Lei Lie and started fighting with him.

On the other side, Lu Xuewei held the Yalan Saber.

The one fighting against her was the Blackbird


One of them spread his light wings, and the other spread his black wings, their figures crossed back and forth in the sky.

Every attack would splash sparks.

Below, Li Feng and other warriors were fighting with a large group of vampires.

On the wall at the edge of the battlefield, the Vampire King in dark green robes stood.

Although he had not yet made a move, his powerful aura almost covered the entire field.

The Vampires were naturally in high spirits, and they were full of energy, wanting to perform in front of the King.

The situation on the Security Bureau side was not so optimistic!

Except for a few people, most people were already injured.

"I'm afraid I can't make it tonight!"

Qian Guofu, who had been observing the battle situation, was in a heavy mood.

He didn't expect that the Vampire King would gather so many men so quickly.

If this continues, they will probably be wiped out soon.

As for the defense system of the Security Bureau.

Qian Guofu knew that this kind of thing could not stop the king-level monster.

However, at this moment, the battlefield suddenly changed.

Many blood vampires seemed to be hit by something and were blown away in a straight line.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the whole group of monsters was pierced.

With the moonlight, everyone only saw a slender green figure.

This figure flashed and disappeared again, and then the blood vampire screamed again.

"That is..."

Lei Lie looked at this scene and said in surprise: "Super speed, that kid is here too!"

Although it was only a glimpse, he still recognized the figure of the knight.

It was Zhou Deshan who rejected him, that is, Kamen Rider Kicking Locust.

Since the other party left the Security Bureau last time, Lei Lie has lost his news.

It is said that he seemed to have left Deyang City to wander around, and he didn't expect to meet here.

"The power of high-speed movement?"

The Peacock Vampire sneered, and then stopped watching the show and joined the battlefield.

The Security Bureau was fighting fiercely, but Lu Zheng was groping in the castle at this time.

After learning from the Swordfish Vampire that there was no one else in the castle, he couldn't hold himself back.

A Vampire King should have some good things in his collection!

Lu Zheng secretly ran to the king's bedroom, and then found out...

There was a small bird cage hanging on the pillar beside the bed.

However, the cage did not contain a bird, but a dark red mechanical bat.

Most importantly, he knew this bat.

"Clown Bat!!"

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