At this time, on the hillside in the distance.

A weak-looking young man put down his telescope and wrote something in a notebook.

Next to him, there was an open laptop with data flashing on the screen.

"This is the real power of kivat!"

"As long as I have these combat data, my plan is complete!"

He murmured while writing furiously, looking a little crazy.

"So you've been like this so early, Si!"

Just then, a voice came from behind.

The young man turned around and looked at the woman who appeared behind him with caution.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your companion!"

Bai Zhi looked at the young man unabashedly and chuckled, "I didn't expect that the famous Dr. Bat was like this when he was young!"

"When he was young..."

The young man frowned and caught the key words in the other person's mouth.

"Are you from the future?"

Bai Zhi nodded: "Yes, I belong to the same organization as you in the future!"

"Then why are you looking for me?" The young man asked calmly.

"I'm not looking for you, I just came to say hello!" Bai Zhi waved her hand and said, "Okay, I should go too!"

Just as she was about to snap her fingers, she suddenly stopped.

"By the way, if you want to realize your wish as soon as possible, you'd better go find him!"

Bai Zhi's finger pointed at me, and it was Lu Zheng on the battlefield.

Because of the use of heavy acceleration, he was the only one who could move on the field at this time.


"Yes, he can help you!"

"You tell me this, aren't you afraid of disturbing time and space?" the young man asked.

Although he didn't know much about the power of time and space, he also knew that if the past was changed, the future would be greatly affected.

Bai Zhi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, you will be loyal to him in the future anyway!"

After that, she snapped her fingers and disappeared instantly.

Only the young man was left looking at the figure in the distance and muttered: "Loyalty to him?"


He sneered.

Of course, he would not believe what a strange woman said so easily.

"But it's better to contact it first, and it happens that the kivat is also in his hands!"


In the battlefield here.

As soon as Lu Zheng's heavy acceleration was turned on, the actions of all people were immediately restricted.

In fact, he himself did not expect that he could use the ability of heavy acceleration in the form of a bat-fang vampire.

I think it should be that the statue of the Demon Pursuer has been on the altar for a long time, and the connection with himself has deepened, so he can use it without changing his form.

"Since you can't move, I won't be polite!"

Lu Zheng smiled coldly and suddenly took out a long sword.

The hilt of the sword is golden, but the blade is transparent like glass, shining with colorful light in the sun.

Lu Zheng slashed with a sword, and the Earth Emperor in front of him instantly disintegrated and flew backwards.

Then he walked slowly to the front of the crocodile tooth blood ghost and stabbed with a sword.

With a "puff", the long sword pierced through the chest!

Then Lu Zheng followed the same method and began to wander among the tooth blood ghosts, taking one away with a sword.

If he met the Kamen Rider of the Security Bureau on the way, he would also swing a sword and hit him to disintegrate.

Originally, Lu Zheng's strength could crush others, and with the heavy acceleration, he really controlled the whole scene at this time.

Although the power of heavy acceleration will restrict their movements, their consciousness is still the same as that of normal people.

They can only watch Lu Zheng harvesting lives non-stop.

Soon, all the blood-toothed ghosts on the field were slaughtered.

Only three cowardly guys were left!

Then Lu Zheng came to the trio, waved his cloak, and took them away.

After Lu Zheng left, the heavy acceleration on the field was lifted.

"Are you okay?"

The three people from the General Administration gathered together at the first time. Crocodile King, Earth Emperor, and Jiadou.

"I'm fine!" The transformation of the Earth Emperor shook his head.

Although he was hit by a sword and quit the transformation, he himself did not suffer any damage.

But Jiadou was more miserable, and now he can only walk with difficulty.

Looking at the direction where Lu Zheng left, Crocodile King asked: "Are you still chasing?"


The transformer of the Earth Emperor shook his head and said: "Jiadou is too seriously injured, I can't catch him with just one sword.

The two of us definitely can't beat that king!"

Crocodile turned his gaze to Jiadou again.

Jiadou pondered for a moment before he said in a deep voice: "Go back first!"

In fact, their team has a total of five people, but only three were sent out this time.

Among the five, Jiadou is the strongest.

When using the transcendence form, his strength has reached the king level.

And the other four are not much different. They can all exert the strength of the king level or close to the king level when they burst out.

Originally, for this mission, the five people should act together to be the safest.

However, there are too few high-end combat forces like them in the Security Bureau.

After combining the strength of the Alligator Fang Blood Vampire, the General Administration only sent out the three of them.

In fact, with the strength of the three of them, it is more than enough to get rid of the Alligator Fang Blood Vampire. Yu.

But no one expected that there was a set of dark fang armor here, which pushed the strength of the crocodile fang vampire to a higher level.

What was even more unexpected was that another fang vampire king appeared here.

After returning to the Security Bureau, Jiadou immediately reported what happened here to the General Administration.

Especially the bat fang vampire that appeared later, there were many doubts.

Not only did he slaughter his own kind, he also mastered the power of heavy acceleration!

Beijing, Security Bureau headquarters.

After receiving the information sent back by Linghai City, Yeqi couldn't help but frowned.

"The fang vampire using heavy acceleration is probably another fusion monster! "

Since thirty years ago, all kinds of monsters have appeared in this world.

These monsters are divided into different categories, and each category has different forms and power systems.

Corresponding to them are the Kamen Riders of each system.

But so many monsters living in one world will definitely not be peaceful.

Gradually, some new monsters with two or more monster powers appeared, called fusion monsters.

Some of them were produced through robbery, and some were produced through blood reproduction.

Generally speaking, fusion The monsters with special bodies are much stronger than ordinary monsters.

For example, the tenth on the bounty list, the fish, awakened its power as an Orpheus, but accidentally absorbed the core coin of the Greedy and gained a more powerful ability.

Another example is that a certain alien insect and a vampire combined, and one of the offspring born was a vampire who awakened the ability of super speed.

Although there are not many examples like this, there are still several in the records of the Security Bureau.

After thinking about it, Yeqi ordered his assistant: "Since Kabuto is injured, let them stay put for now!"

"That vampire king didn't kill anyone, so there's no need to rush to deal with him for the time being!"

After giving the order, Yeqi sighed again.

Alas, there is still a shortage of manpower!

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