The two of them were so busy that they had to go out to meet each other.

Lu Zheng was naturally wary of this so-called Master Huang.

He could clearly feel that the other party was approaching him on purpose.

However, Lu Zheng did not feel that the other party had any ill intentions, and his current strength had greatly improved, so there was no need to be too cautious.

Lu Zheng rode his motorcycle and stopped and started, and arrived at the location the next day.

Of course, when he stayed at the hotel at night, he could not avoid being called by Lu Xuewei to scold him.

But Lu Zheng had left, and she had no way to call him back.

Anhe County is a small county town on the edge of Linghai City, with a population of only about 200,000.

It was noon when Lu Zheng arrived, and the weather was very hot.

According to the address sent by Huang Huifeng, he came to a square.

From a distance, you can see Master Huang sitting in a corner with a Bagua diagram in front of him, on which his ancestral medicine wine is placed.

There is also a bamboo pole standing by the wall, with canvas hanging on it and five big characters "Secret Recipe Medicine Wine" written on it.

When you get closer, you can hear Master Huang shouting hard.

"Take a look, take a look, the ancestral medicine wine is guaranteed to be effective! Save time to go to the hospital, no need to queue up for urine tests! One bottle is guaranteed to last you three years, and there are gifts, which is really great!"

Lu Zheng came to his stall in a daze and asked in confusion: "Master Huang, what are you doing?"

Huang Huifeng said unhappily: "Setting up a stall, can't you see?"

"No, I mean why are you setting up a stall here?"

"I have been setting up a stall for more than ten days, otherwise how can I make a living!"

Huang Huifeng said, and pulled Lu Zheng aside.

"Stay here first, don't disturb my business!"

Then he continued to shout.

"Take a look, take a look..."

At this time, a young man with thick eyebrows and small eyes walked to Huang Huifeng's stall.

"Does your medicine wine work?"

Huang Huifeng immediately greeted him with a smile and said, "Of course it works. This is my ancestral secret medicine wine. It only costs 81 bottles!"

The young man took out his pocket and said, "Okay, I have exactly 80 here, give me a bottle!"

"Brother, you really know what you are talking about!"

Huang Huifeng took the money with a smile and was about to hand the medicine wine to the customer.

He suddenly stared at the other person's face and said seriously: "Brother, why don't you buy two more bottles? They will be used sooner or later!"


"Your eyes are dark and there is evil between your eyebrows. You will have a bloody disaster soon!"

"Bah, you will have a bloody disaster!"

The young man grabbed the Tiedajiu and left without looking back.

"Alas, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer the consequences!"

Huang Huifeng shook his head and sighed.

Lu Zheng couldn't help but sneer: "If you want to sell medicinal wine, just sell it. Why curse others!"

Huang Huifeng glanced at him and said disdainfully: "What do you know? If a fool believes it, I will just make two more bottles of money!"

"Okay, I don't care about you. What you said before..."

As soon as Lu Zheng said this, Huang Huifeng's face became anxious. He quickly pulled him and whispered: "Of course what I said is not false. You just walk around here and wait for me to close the stall!"

Seeing his face, Lu Zheng seemed to realize something. He glanced at the people around him and nodded.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After that, Lu Zheng left Huang Huifeng's stall and walked around the square.

But he didn't go too far away. His attention was always on Huang Huifeng's surroundings.

Then he saw that Huang Huifeng vividly performed various scenes of sales and fraud in the afternoon.

Some people were stunned by his intimidation, while others did not believe him, and some were so angry that they almost overturned his stall.

The most amazing thing was that Lu Zheng saw that the canvas on his bamboo pole was hung with several layers.

There were people selling bone-setting wine, fortune-telling, and the most unexpected thing was that there were also mobile phone films!

Finally, it was evening, and people around began to pack up their stalls.

Master Huang also neatly put away his bone-setting wine and waved to Lu Zheng.

"Let's follow him!"

He pointed at a middle-aged man selling grilled sausages, who looked no more than 40 years old and was pushing a small cart.

The man's stall was not far from Huang Huifeng's, and Lu Zheng had also observed it.

But there was nothing unusual about this man's behavior, he just kept a straight face, and there were not many customers.

Lu Zheng walked behind Huang Huifeng and asked in a low voice: "Is there anything wrong with this man?


Huang Huifeng replied: "I have been setting up a stall here for more than ten days, and this person closes the stall at this time every day!"

Lu Zheng asked in confusion: "Isn't this very normal?"

"Normal ass!" Huang Huifeng cursed: "There are more children in the square at night, and sausages can only make money at night. How many did he sell during the day?"

"At first I felt strange, and then I secretly investigated, and found that he was indeed problematic!"

While talking, they followed the sausage seller through a narrow alley.

At this time, sporadic lights suddenly flashed in front, and the man and his sausage cart suddenly disappeared.

"Oh no!"

Huang Huifeng was startled, threw his wine on the ground, and ran forward quickly.

Lu Zheng also hurried to catch up.

They came to the place where the man disappeared, and could only see a puddle of water on the ground in the corner.

"It's like this again! "

Huang Huifeng's tone was a little angry.

Lu Zheng also remembered the description of the wall-water cricket on the bounty list.

It was introduced that the wall-water cricket was good at defense and could escape through the wall, but it would leave water stains every time.

It seems that it was really him!

"What should we do now?" Lu Zheng asked.

Huang Huifeng suggested: "How about we climb in and have a look?"

It was already dark at this time, and it would not be easy to be noticed if we climbed over the wall.

Lu Zheng nodded in agreement, and then jumped onto the top of the wall with a light jump.

But Huang Huifeng was not as easy as him. With the help of Lu Zheng, he took a lot of effort to climb up.

The two had just landed when Lu Zheng suddenly felt a strong wind coming from the right.

Lu Zheng subconsciously dodged backwards, then quickly turned around and kicked the attacker with a back kick.

The next second, a scream was heard.

"Ah--! ! "

At this time, Lu Zheng saw that the person he kicked was actually a human.

He was holding a broom in his hand, which should be the "murder weapon" just now.

"Good for you, not only did you climb over the wall to steal things, but you also beat people!"

The young man endured the pain and stared at the two uninvited guests angrily.

"I want to call the police!"

He said while backing away, and took out his mobile phone to dial.

"Misunderstanding, all misunderstanding!"

Huang Huifeng hurried forward to explain.

With the weak light in the distance, he saw the young man's appearance clearly.

"Huh? This brother, he seems to look familiar!"

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