"Is this the dog you were talking about?"

Hao Yun was stunned when he arrived at Ou Haochen's house and stared at the creature in the cage.

The creature in the cage was covered with thick armor and had fangs in its mouth.

Although its body shape was indeed very similar to a dog, its size was as big as a cow.

Seeing this terrifying figure, Hao Yun was shocked and said, "This is not a dog, this is clearly a monster!"

"Also, is your cage strong? It won't run out, right?"

"Don't worry, the cage is very strong!"

Ou Haochen explained, "This is indeed my dog. It was fine yesterday. I don't know how it mutated!"

"Aren't you studying veterinary medicine? Can you find out the reason for its mutation?"

Hao Yun couldn't help but complain, "Brother, I'm a veterinarian, not a doctor of mutation!"

"I know this too. Try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll find someone else!"

While the two were chatting, Lu Zheng and Huang Huifeng were whispering in the back.

Huang Huifeng asked, "Did you see what this is?"

It was also the first time he saw this kind of dog-like monster.

Lu Zheng shook his head, "I haven't seen it either!"

Generally speaking, the reason why weirdos are called weirdos is because they are all transformed from humans, and they will remain in human form after becoming monsters.

In Lu Zheng's impression, it seems that only the doped bodies have transformed from animals.

But looking at the dog, it doesn't look like it has been inserted into the memory.

Moreover, the doped bodies are rational, but this dog is obviously out of control, baring its teeth in the cage, trying to attack the people outside.

Although Hao Yun was very scared, he had to agree to his friend's request, and when he thought of the two Kamen Riders standing behind him, he was not so worried.

However, he still didn't dare to get close to the cage, so he could only circle around from a distance and observe the monster inside.

But after turning around a few times, he still didn't find anything unusual.

Instead, the monster in the cage kept barking at him, as if it wanted to rush out and bite him.

Hao Yun was annoyed by his noise, and couldn't help but taunting: "Stupid dog, why are you barking? Come out and bite me if you dare!"

The monster seemed to understand, with red light in its eyes, and then it looked up to the sky and let out a long howl.

At the same time, its body became larger again, and its limbs grew long sharp claws.

"Fuck, Garuru is evolving!"

Hao Yun was stunned.

The next second, the monster waved its claws, and the sturdy cage was torn apart in an instant, like paper.

The sudden change scared everyone.

Ou Haochen grabbed Hao Yun, who was still in a daze: "Run!"

At this time, only Lu Zheng and Huang Huifeng were still calm.

Although this monster looked scary, judging from the aura it exuded, it was at most an elite level.

"You come, me?" Huang Huifeng asked.

"Let me do it!"

As Lu Zheng said this, the Calis Awakening Device appeared on his waist.


The card with the Ace of Hearts between his fingertips passed through his belt.

[CHANGE! 】(Praying Mantis!)

After the transformation, Lu Zheng leaped and landed in front of Hao Yun.

He swung the bow in his hand and repelled the monster with one blow.

Then he reached out and took out a spade 2 from the card box and swiped it.


The energy of the card was transformed into a shadow that merged into the blade.

Lu Zheng swung his knife.

The monster that just rushed over was immediately chopped.

There was an explosion with a "boom"!

Lu Zheng turned his head and said to Ou Haochen who was still in a daze: "Sorry, your dog is gone!"

Although the monster has been solved, it does not mean that the matter is over.

According to Ou Haochen, the monster was originally just an ordinary Labrador, and suddenly mutated into a monster.

So the matter was reported to the Security Bureau, asking them to send someone to investigate.

But these have nothing to do with Lu Zheng.

Because he received a call from his mother Zhang Lan, who sternly informed him that he must go home quickly.

After all, school is about to start!

When they parted, the three men were still reluctant to leave.

Although they only lived together for two or three days, they got along quite well.

Especially Huang Huifeng and Hao Yun, one is funny and the other is funny, and they quarrel almost every day.

Lu Zheng was going home, and Huang Huifeng was also ready to leave to continue wandering and setting up stalls.

According to him, they have been doing this for generations.

He traveled all over the country and made a living by fortune-telling and curing illnesses.

In his generation, fortune-telling was no longer easy. People basically went to the hospital when they were sick. No one believed in barefoot doctors like him.

To make a living, he expanded other businesses to make a living.

When he heard this, Lu Zheng couldn't help asking: "Why do you have to run around outside? Can't you go home?"

Huang Huifeng laughed at himself: "What home is there? I haven't even married yet!"

"What about your father?" Lu Zheng asked again.

"He was struck by lightning!"

Huang Huifeng said with a complicated expression: "He didn't do fortune-telling properly, but thought about changing his fate all day long. One day, the sky was clear, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell, and he was struck to death!"

Lu Zheng was surprised and said: "Uh... so careless?"

Huang Huifeng didn't say anything else, but just looked at him deeply.

After drinking the last meal, Lu Zheng and Huang Huifeng left.

What they didn't know was that on the night they left.

A zipper suddenly appeared out of thin air above Ou Haochen's yard.

It was like a tunnel had been opened, and there were dense forests inside.

However, these trees looked very strange, and were obviously not species on Earth, and they were covered with colorful fruits.

At this time, a fruit fell off, passed through the zipper and fell into the yard.

Then the chain closed and disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared.

Only in the corner of the yard, there was an extra bright fruit.


After returning home, Lu Zheng only stayed for one day, then packed his luggage and boarded the train to Xinheng City.

Xinheng City is nearly a thousand kilometers away from Le'an City.

Lu Zheng naturally couldn't ride a motorcycle again.

Although he could get there by motorcycle, he would definitely not be able to make it in time.

Moreover, the journey was long, and Zhang Lan would not agree.

So Lu Zheng could only choose to take the train.

The motorcycle was mailed to Xinheng City.

After all, no matter where he is, a Kamen Rider must have a motorcycle.

Otherwise, can he still be called Kamen Rider?

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