Konjiki no Moji Tsukai
193: The Struggle of the Braves
He was taking Anold and Crouch, whose sun colours reunited, and pushing them into the newly found door. I was thinking about the betrayal of Akwinas I heard from Anold and Crouch as I walked forward looking at the dark path, which is now the third time.
Judom says it's probably his fake, but it doesn't judge the sun color.
Only two people have seen that Akwinas, and two people who don't know much about Akwinas.
So you won't be able to believe that Akwinas did treachery and hurt both of us or anything. I think the sun color is just like Judom's for once.
However, even though we have been with Akwinas long enough to be fully trustworthy, unlike Anold, we have little or no experience traveling together or fighting.
So there's no way I can figure out everything he thinks or anything else. Even if they say that's why he betrayed him, to be honest, Nippon believes that both could be possible.
However, if he betrayed you, I wonder why this is the right time. I think I let Akwinas move even when they dropped [Shytern Castle].
For Avoros, [Shytern Castle] is also an important part of the war that cannot be lost. If it's sunny, move Akwinas and definitely stop him before he drops the castle.
But Avoros moved Akwinas at this time... Apparently. That's also a story on the assumption that he really betrayed him.
(still likely to be fake......?)
That would be convincing. Furthermore, sending a fake to those who don't know much about Akwinas is also likely enough to surprise you without realizing that it is fake.
(If...... if it's real, I sometimes wonder, should I be alert for once)
I only believe what I saw with my own eyes, so I decided that the sun color would move after seeing both possibilities as five minutes.
If we do that, we won't be so shocked, assuming it's real.
"... Muir, I wonder if you're okay"
Squeeze out the words so that Anold asks someone for an answer.
"Osama, the little one can fight one more. I don't know if you're overprotective.
"I know that."
"Besides, the little one was away from that place. I don't think we're trapped in this space. Well, I don't know what's going on out there, but if I'm okay, there's nothing I can do."
With that said, show the Bond Ring, which is embedded in your right arm. If something dangerous is happening to Muir, this ring returns a response.
The fact that nothing responds is also proof that Muir is safe.
"Oh, well... oh, but then you're the only one who can get to Muir right away, right?
"... you can go, but once you're out there, it's not necessarily going to let you in again. If there's that Temple Demon King in here, it's convenient. I'm gonna crush you right here."
That way this space will be restored, so it is a stone and two birds.
"Well, that might be better for sure... oh Muir... I'm worried"
Still, Anold is restless because he still seems to care about his beloved daughter.
"Yes, Anold. Believing is a power."
"Mr. Judom...... right"
Somehow I felt something like trust between us, and I was wondering what kind of connection there was, and Marquis said, "Have you two met?," he asked.
"Oh, when I was only in my twenties. When I busted the guy who used Anold as a livestock slave... right?
"Yes. That really helped me then. If Mr. Judom hadn't helped me, I wouldn't be standing here right now."
I thought the sun color was enough to listen to the conversation from behind. When I first met Anold, he was being taught that he had a past where he had been engraved with the Demonic Tablet and had become a human livestock slave.
And he said it was humans who helped him then.
(So that was this guy...)
Chirali and the sun color only turned their faces back and sent their gaze to Judom, who was smiling and crumbling his stern face.
Humans were anords who hardly trusted them, but I finally understood why they were the only ones to let go and praise me about Judom.
"Nha! Hiiro! There's a door!
Crouch (White Cat Version), who was walking to stick next to the left of the sun color, points his finger forward. There was certainly a door there, but Fuji had something to feel and stopped his leg.
"Duh, what's wrong?
"That's right, Hiiro, why are you stopping?
Crouch and Anold strangely frown and stare at the sun color. But I stare at the door jizzily without answering their questions.
A disturbing air from the back of it, or an evil and mighty magic.
(... No way)
The sun color removes "peach candy" from the sachet that is lowered to the waist and replenishes the magic. Judom, who has extensive combat experience in the act, has also become more powerful in his entangling air, as he has observed.
Full of body, the sun color slowly walks up to the door. Everyone feels the atmosphere brewing in sun and watches in silence.
The sun color kicked the door straight up with force on his right leg as he quickened up his glasses. And he stepped in feeling an aura of barometric pressure from behind the door.
A flash of light engulfed him and his eyes narrowed unexpectedly to the sight that soon spread to the present. At the end of the line of sight stood a sun-colored target.
"Kukukuku, I've been waiting for you - - Hiiro Okamura"
It was definitely Avoros who was standing there. Moving forward, staring at Avoros as if looking down from height. But at that time, I heard voices from the left that I didn't expect.
And he cut his gaze from Avoros, and turned his face to confirm the LORD of his voice. There was a figure of Yveam who couldn't be here.
"... Demon King!?
"Ma, demon king!? Why are you here?
Judom as well as the sun color is stuttering with his voice up. Anold and Crouch alike round their eyes.
The sun color quickly spins her thoughts by seeing that she is here, and the Akwinas-like figure holding back beside Avoros.
"... well, did he bring you here"
"Hiiro............ sorry"
In that one word, I find out that my views were the same. The reality that Yveam, who is supposed to be in [Demon Nation/Heros], is on this occasion. That can only be assumed to have been abducted by someone.
"... Demon King, is the country safe?
"Huh? Oh, yeah, we're good."
I mean, it's not like Avoros went to crumble the country like last time. He shouldn't be able to move from here in the first place. I guess that's why I moved Akwinas.
And beside Avoros, you can see Yuhua Shifeng.
And there's no way that Yveam can distinguish between Akwinas fake and real. The country also has his best friend Aunous.
The fact that the country is safe means that Akwinas is not rampaged. I guess he took Yuhua out with some verbal skill and tied Yveam up and brought him this far.
I don't think a fake can fool the two of us in this war. I don't want to think about it, therefore, but Akwinas, who is quietly releasing its presence in front of me right now - it's real.
But still, for once, the color of the sun asks Yveam without distracting himself from the Avros.
"That redhead... is real, huh?
A small, breathtaking sound comes from Yveam, and shakes his lips heavily.
"... well, yes"
"... right"
"What an idiot!? Hey, Akwynath! You're really that Akwynath!
Naturally Judom raised a voice that seemed incredible and resembled anger. But it was Avoros who answered.
"... if Akwinas here refuses to be fake, it means you're a man that far away, too, the Impact King."
Judom chewed on his teeth with gibberish and could only stare at Akwinas.
"I don't care what intent the redhead betrayed me. You're an enemy now, aren't you? Then we just need to fight."
"But Hiiro! Maybe he's just being manipulated!
Judom talks about possibilities, but even so, what the sun color said remains the same.
"I told you. Whatever his thoughts, if you stand in my way about the other side... just consider him an enemy."
"Ku...... demon king! Is that all Demon King can do!
Judom returns that spearhead to Yveam, seemingly deciding that he cannot say anything to the sun color. But Yveam also seems to be wondering what to do again, and the confusion resides in his expression.
The sun color stops my legs after I step about three steps forward. Avoros' gaze concentrates on the sun color.
"I heard I needed to take you down to get out of this unintelligible space. Just fine, I'll crush you here."
"Kukukuk, you better not be too big. They're gonna look smaller, aren't they?
"Say it."
Think as you get ready to get into battle at any time. The other three from what I've seen. On the Japanese side, pulling Marquis and Lanconis, which cannot be converted into a force of war, they refrain from about four.
I want these four to deal with two other people besides Avoros, if possible. Akwinas would be a formidable enemy, but it's also about having Judom, and we'll figure it out because it's advantageous over numbers.
The rest is one-on-one. If the sun color can discuss Avoros, it will all be over.
When I tried to convey the idea to those behind me, a door suddenly appeared on the back side of Avoros, and from inside came a girl named Kainabi.
Besides, there was a face behind it that I had seen.
(Were they... here?)
It was just like Zhu Li and Shinobu who showed up there, two of the four summoned as brave men in this world [Idea] - Aoyama Daisuki and Chika Suzumiya.
"Huh!? Oh, Hill Village!?
The ambition also seems to have noticed the presence of the sun color and is hacked. But about Chika, we looked at each other, but he kept a cool face.
(What? I feel something uncomfortable...)
Seeing Chika, she felt somewhat incredible that she could not say it with clarity, but was standing faceless. In this situation, it was strange to see nothing emotional ups and downs.
"Oh, hey Avolos! What are you going to do by bringing us here!
"Kukukuk, you seem to have healed your injury already. Thank you for treating China."
"What are you talking about! You must be the one who tried to kill me in the first place!
"Say what. Isn't that the woman who stabbed you?"
"Come on! He's not Chika. No!
Hearing his sad cry, the sun color deepens in mystery. Not Chika. What does this mean......?
No matter how you look at it, Chika Suzumiya is right in front of you in the memory of the sun color. Sure, if you look at it this way, it doesn't make you feel like she has a unique vibe like you've seen her before, but it still makes you decide she definitely looks Chia Chia.
But I can understand what he's really saying earlier when he sees the ambition to stare at Avoros with a look that matches anger with haste.
"You keep breaking promises! You are... you are!
An ambition that is rattling its teeth and running its eyes blood. It still feels like jumping on Avoros, but I don't actually take action just to shake my fist.
(Sounds like there's some reason I can't point the blade at you)
I could see the idea that the sun color would be irrevocable if he attacked Avoros in a context where he left it to his anger to not break out.
"The promises are still going on. The reason I called you here. That's because I'm trying to fulfill what you want."
"... what?
"Don't worry. I've already used that chica. I'll give it back to you."
"Ho, it must be true!?
"Kainabi, are you ready?
Avoros speaks on her knees when she speaks to Kainabi, who is holding back beside her.
"Ha! His Majesty's right, he's already sent it."
"Kuk, right"
"Hey, what are you talking about? You mean Chika, right?
"Don't panic so much. Let me show you now."
When Avoros goes to the stone column that is protruding from the floor, he touches the stone column and sheds his magic. Then the surroundings gradually change.
Until then, it was a fantastic space with hourglasses floating all over the sky, but the space suddenly began to distort, changing the scenery around.
And the dazzling light was pouring out of the stone column, and the light covered the perimeter, and after a flash of brilliance, an astonishing sight was spreading.
"Is this... Huh!?
The view of the sun color shows not the earlier space, but the vast earth. No, the earth I thought was vast, but if you look closely, the end of the earth was a cliff. Overall, it apparently stands on a large cylindrical earth. There are cliffs spreading around.
There were also several similar cylindrical earth protruding across the cliff.
And on top of that...
"Shh, master. Ooh!
Across the cliff, on the left side of the earth, Nikki, Camus and Ten confront Hiyomi. Nicki is also noticing the sun color and calling out loud.
And there are others on the earth who belong to the Miracle Coalition, facing the Matal Deus.
(Some red lollies...)
He also discovered what Lillin and Siuba looked like. It seems that those trapped in this space have been mustered together in one piece.
"Master, whoa!
Nicki runs toward the sun color with the joy of finding the sun color,
"Stupid apprentice! Stay away from the detour!
Yelling so, but already late in the day, Nikki, who jumped heavily trying to jump over the cliff, was bounced back to the earth as if by an invisible wall.
A hasty Camus rushed to the moment she was slapped on the earth to hug its body.
"Nicki, are you okay?
"Uh-oh, I hit your forehead."
Nicki is teary-eyed as she holds onto her reddened forehead with both hands. But apparently, he was safe and the sun color was horrible. But this proved the fact that we still can't work with each other.
Perhaps he looks like he's in the same space and he's somewhere else. Therefore, it seems impossible to cross a cliff and step into other lands in a normal way.
"Chika ahhh!?
Soon my ambitions moved to near the cliff and stared at one battlefield. There was Chika Suzumiya dressed in black. And there are two of them with the same face. Just one of them is clearly upset to see the face of the grand aspirant.
And it is Zhu Li and Shinobu, equally upset, who are dealing with the Chikas. It is understandable that this opponent is clearly manipulated by Avoros.
Each battlefield seems to have a suitable opponent for each.
Lilyn & Kuzel VS Black Clothes Dead
Nikki & Camus & Ten VS Hyomi
Shubblers & Ionis VS Visioney
Three Juli & Shinobu VS Chika
Ciuba VS Avis
Balido & Pettis & Rushbal VS Black Clothes Dead
By the way, the black dead man is covered in black all the way to his face, so I can't tell exactly if he's a dead man. But the Nikki are still the ones that bother me the most in this battlefield.
It's been like a draw once, but it's lost in local power. It could at least be the salvation of having a Ten over there.
"... hmm? No Beast King and Baron Beard......?
I don't see Leo Wood and Marione. If you're still fighting, I thought you'd show up here...
"Oh, they beat the cockroach down. Well, it was a little unexpected, but they won. Therefore…"
At that time, a door appeared near the sun colour, from which came Leood and Marione.
"Mm? Hiiro?
"Heh, Your Majesty!? Why are you here?
Marione rushes all the way to Yveam.
"Now you have all the actors."
After Avoros smiles invincibly, he turns his gaze to Kainabi.
"Well, Kainabi"
"You go to battlefield with that toy."
With Avoros' life, Kainabi disappeared into the door with Chika when he replied. And it was at the Jules' that they showed up. Now it's five of them that Zhu Li and the others have to deal with.
And Avoros opened his mouth against the sun color as if he was ready.
"Come on, Hiiro, let's play a game"
"... that it's a game?
"That's right. It's about gambling on the battlefield that's going to happen."
"Just kidding. Can you hang out with such a visible time buyer?"
The sun color discerns that Avoros' thoughts are a buy of time. The urgent need for Avoros is the resurrection of the demon gods and the restoration of the castle. But that takes time, and you can't be disturbed.
That's why we use enormous magic this way. But we're buying time by trapping troublesome enemies in the labyrinth.
You can't go out with a bother in such a farce.
When the sun color packed between Gilli and Avolos, Avolos smiled invincibly and touched the stone pillar again to shed his magic.
Then shortly afterwards - the vision of the sun color was filled with white.
And it made a noise and collapsed like that white broke the glass. The sun color loses words to the next sight it moves.
Because the earth itself was no different, but it could undoubtedly be perceived as different from where it stood earlier. There's no big hourglass and no stone columns on the poke. On the contrary, there is no Avolos.
"Hey, what the fuck? All of a sudden your eyes turned bright white!?
For some reason, there was only one ambition. He also seems unexpected and looking around. Check the perimeter of the sun color as well. Then confirm the appearance of Avoros and Yveam on the other side of the earth across the cliff on the left.
(I see. It was in his belly.)
Then you should also be able to easily transfer enemies. Avoros seems to play tocoton. His thoughts are easy to read.
The sun color is jizzy, and I still stare at the ambition that I am still confused and do not understand the current situation.
(His purpose... maybe...)
The moment I thought about it that way, Avoros' voice rang from the left as if he were using a loudspeaker.
"This is one game. Oh, my God, the rules are simple. Use all of each other's pawns to beat down the other's pawns for more victory"
The sun decided to shut up and listen. Either way, because I thought I'd figure out all the other guy's thoughts.
"I thought you'd forgive me for already fighting, but you look a lot better. Depends on what I'm trying to get him to join the game itself."
I find it unpleasant to do anything extra. But if this world is created by Avoros, it will be overshadowed no matter what you do.
(... I need to figure something out)
Honestly, we'll be able to get out of this world. But not everyone who is here. Using four-letter magic may also make that possible, but it's not something that would have accumulated if they had targeted me after using it.
It's too early to use four letters. High-risk power defeats instantly if used incorrectly. No, it would mean death on this occasion.
Therefore, other than Avoros, four characters are not so easy to use.
So in other ways, I hope we can get out of here, but apparently Avoros' plans won't allow that.
"You would already understand. Your opponent... is a brave man there."
It was ambitious, not Japanese, that was shocked by Avoros' words.
"... Huh? Oh, oh, I fight Hill Village... fight?
"Yes, brave man. The last task I will impose on you. If I can kill the person in front of me, I will fulfill your wishes. I'm ready."
"Jiu, get ready..."
Gokuri and throat ringing ambitions staring at the sun color.
"Kill Hill Village...? Kill me... I can go home with Chika!?
I can see his eyes clouding with dongs. A look like you're forcing yourself to make a laugh as you cramp your cheeks. A crooked smile.
(This guy...)
I looked at him and felt broken. I'm under Avoros, and I don't know what they did, but it's not unusual to put so much emotion on the table with one of those words. I just think he's undergoing some sort of brainwashing.
"Okay? If you die, there is no hope. Your precious presence also... disappears"
Hacked by Avoros' words, Dai turns his gaze to the battlefield where Chika is. We gaze at each other as if we were looking at a great ambition over there.
"Chika... you I will protect... protect... protect, defend, defend, defend!
Turn your guillotine, blood-running eyes to the sun.
"... you poor thing"
"Hey, what the hell!?
"No, it doesn't make sense to say anything anymore"
The sun colour pulls out the "Absolute Knife/Zangeki", and as it is, it kicks the earth and crushes the distance from the grand ambition with a quick move.
The ambition has not been able to react at all. When the sun color immediately entered his nostalgia, he let magic flow through his sword and flashed his body intact.
The ambition fell straight to the ground, and the sun color delivered the kachin and the sword to the sheath. The characteristic of Zangeki is that when you reside in magic and inflict a slaughter, you can cause the target to become magically intoxicated and lose consciousness.
"Stay asleep for a while. When you wake up, it's all over."
I was wondering if Avoros would send his next opponent in or move him elsewhere.
"Kukukuk, what are you trying to end?
Avoros' voice listens.
"Look, don't you see? It's over."
"Kukuku, I'm sure your movements impressed me, but unfortunately, he's not the one I've ever seen before."
As the sun color tilts his neck, he realizes the ambition to stand up with a small groan.
(Stupid...... you had a response?
There is also a definite difference in strength. He was struck by a decent blow, so he thought his ambitions had already fallen into inaction, but apparently that was a mistake.
The body of the risen magnate has changed color in red and black at some point. The wings also grow and obviously exhibit an appearance that cannot be considered Japanese. That's exactly... - "Demon Nation".
(Well, that was in the information. "Demon Stone" can be used to "demonize"...)
I had also heard the information that once a brave man had transformed his figure, but I hear that with the magic of Schubblers it could have been nullified and driven away.
"Gu... Oh, Hill Village..."
A clear intent to kill springs up. It emits a distinctly heterogeneous presence from when we met before.
"I see. Not only the brave, but also the human race at last."
"Shut up! Hill Village... I will kill you! Let's not kill him and prove I'm stronger!
Words are bumped from height as they float in the sky. Even the tone has changed. Maybe I'm losing myself.
"... No, brave man, no, you're not brave anymore. Just a... poor doll."
"Shut up. Yikes!
He holds the sword he carries on his hips in his hand and sticks it in his hand. The sun colour was pierced by its speed, but he turns his body around aggressively and dodges.
But a red line is drawn from the sun-colored cheeks. I couldn't fully identify it.
The sun color observes the ambitions that are floating in the sky when you get in shape.
(Apparently your abilities have improved explosively......)
It was a motion that the color showed the other day and a motion that did not suck. I couldn't completely avoid the unexpected speed. Alarm...... in a nutshell it would be.
The sun color unexpectedly touches the wound on the cheek softly.
(... sounds like you haven't been poisoned)
If it's even poisoned, I have to detoxify it. But the sword of the great will doesn't look poisoned.
I can't get any more scratches than that.
The sun color stares at Chirali and Avolos. And it also shows Yveam's face staring anxiously. I got angry at myself for making you look like that.
"... don't lick it. No, asshole."
The sun colour widens both hands, gathering magic in the right hand and physical strength in the left hand. And clap with pan.
"Too Red!"
Red aura begins to cover around the sun-colored body. It's like wearing a red lotus flame. And I say with a glance at the great ambition.
"I'll show you the difference in character"
I decided to end it all at once.
Thousands of faces were colored with despair from a far-sighted look at the changing figure of the Great Will. And Chika, who knows she can be mentioned, should be getting thoughts that are going to tear her heart apart terribly because her ambitions have become like that.
"Daiichi... no..."
Nobu and Juli, who are now relative as enemies, also continued to see their ambitions with a sad look.
"I'll use that power again... Akan and I'm ambitious..."
"And I can't believe the other guy is Hill Village..."
"What kind of atmosphere does Hill Village have to be serious, but you're willing to fight the Homma?
"Oh no... I'm the same Japanese..."
It would be unacceptable for both of us to fight between the Japanese color and the great ambition, which is our hometown. Neither of us must have thought about it.
Who could have expected the four people who were close to each other to be torn apart and thus have to hurt each other?
Last time I was attacked by an ambition, Chika is stuck in front of me this time. Besides, there are three people with the same face as Chika. Chika said it was Avoros' made clone body, but even a clone couldn't seriously attack an opponent who looked the same as Chika.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Makes a breakthrough against Chika, who Kainabi will never take action on.
"If we don't, we're not gonna get what you want, are we?
"Ugh... ok!
Chika shifted her gaze away from her ambitions with the feeling of being pulled behind her hair and returned to Shinobu.
"Juli...... Shinobu"
They are both staring at Chika's face again, but all three have an unheeded look on their faces. You won't have a choice because they are.
"Are you going to do it to Homma, Chika?
"... I don't want to do this! But..."
Bite your lower lips and Chika stares spicidly at you both.
"Shit, how long have you been a netiquette? Go, replica!
With the hanging of Kainabi, Chika, other than the original, simultaneously pulled out the sword he was carrying on his hips and attacked the Jules.
Juli and the others also enter the fighting posture feeling the clear intent to kill the three coming towards them.
"It's not shabby, Julie! Don't move!
"Ha, ha!
Shinobu takes the lead and points his hands at the three of them coming towards him. Magic gathers in her hands.
Water released from both hands is released towards the three as they draw a spiral. But each of the three spreads apart from the spot, breaking up to the top, left, and right and advancing.
"Green Bindo!"
From behind Shinobu, Zhu Li first hits the commandment of the wind on the Thousand Jia replicas he avoided to the left. The wind captures a thousand replicas as it hits the waves. Then fall straight to the ground and the restraint is complete.
But we still have two opponents.
"I'll take care of the right. Come on! Parallax!"
The current emitted from his right hand, which touched the ground of the shinobu, travels straight through the earth to the Chijia replica. But Chika replica made a big jump to avoid.
"I waited for that! Jump!"
Suddenly he headed up to the sky as the current that was transmitting the ground jumped, attacking the body of a jumping Chika replica.
"Well, that's pretty good."
Kainabi admires them for their skill. That's the same for Chika, keeping an eye on the fighting power between the two who haven't seen it in a long time.
"And then there's Juli Chi in Upper Ya!
"Yes! I'm coming!
The two scream as they stick their hands against the Chika replica falling from above as they line up beside each other.
"" Cool Prison!
It envelops a thousand replicas with a running stream of water erupting suddenly like a geyser from the ground. Instead of bouncing it off with water, it's the magic of trapping it in the water and depriving it of movement.
Seeing the two brilliantly intact and inactive Chika replicas, Chika was unconsciously muttering "wow..."
"Chiaka-chi, this is what we are capable of today."
"Yes. I trained desperately since then. It's to save Chika and the others!
"... Shinobu... Juli... Atashi..."
Chika hasn't trained or anything since she broke up with them. Because Avoros kept depriving me of my power. To make replicas.
But Zhu Li and the others kept building themselves up even after they broke up. The difference is shown as it is.
"You useless replicas. Hey, original, what about you? You're gonna lose like this and you're gonna lose everything?
The words of Kainabi, who say it unpleasantly, determine Chika's breasts. And turn your gaze toward your ambitions.
"Haha, you, what do you want with a guy like that? He's the one trying to abandon the guy who was one of us, isn't he?
"... Huh? What do you mean?
Chika eats up at Kainabi.
"Ah? Oh, well, don't those guys know anything about you either? Then I'll tell you. He's going to put the two of you in this world and go back to your old world, you and me."
Kainabi points to Chika. It was also shocking to Chika, but more than that, Zhu Li and the others had lost their words. That should be it, too. Thus the Jules became stronger in order to save the other comrades.
Yet they had heard that the grand ambitions had not seen themselves, so the shock was immeasurable.
"Shh... shh! He's stupid, but he's not the one who abandons his people!
"Hahaha, then take a look at this"
Kainabi took it out of his nostalgia with crystal balls like a slightly larger occupier would use. And the sight shown there.
There was a reflection of the great aspirations riding Avoros' proposal and getting broken. All I could think about was Chika, for Chika and the footage of destroying The Beginning Tree Aragorn, the symbol of the Beasts, and even betraying Lilith, who was one of them.
The video rocks the emotions of Chika and Juli and the others along with the audio.
"That's why. Hey, you suck, motherfucker, right?
Kainabi says it off with a tongue pounding uncomfortably. She may also be offended by the behavior of her ambitions.
The three men who were shown the footage were blushing and leaning down.
"So the great aspirant didn't just betray the world for Atashi... he's trying to sacrifice Zhu Li and Shinobu too?
Chika is on her knees gawking, shaking her whole body in small pieces as she holds her body. Zhu Li and Shinobu are suddenly losing their lives without losing sight of the reality that Dai Zhi has abandoned them.
Because of this, the magic that was restrained was unraveled, and the three Chika replicas gained their freedom. And as it stands, Zhu Li and Shinobu rush to pierce him with their swords. The two finally realized their presence there, but the blade was coming as close to piercing them with one breath.
But the next moment, suddenly a wall of dirt appeared in Zhu Li's present and protected them.
He looks stunned when he sees the person who made it up.
Because I protected the two of you, undoubtedly - because it was a thousand good.
"Oh, what are you doing!?
"Shut up. Hey! Juli and Shinobu are dear friends! It's not natural to protect them.
Chika pulled out her sword and flashed into Kainabi with all her strength as it was. Kainabi is slashed on his left shoulder and his face is distorted by pain.
"Oh, you... you know what happens like this!
Chika, who took a big, deep breath, pokes her straight eyes at Kainabi, who stares at all the shooting.
"Fine! You won't get my wish. I'll make Atashi's wish come true myself! That idiot comrade will undo you, too! And I'm gonna punch you with this hand and wake you up!
"Ku...... chi"
Kainabi suddenly entered the door that appeared behind her and disappeared from the spot, in the form of a barometric pressure on Chika's temper.
"Chi, Chika!?
"Shinobu, Juli! I'm gonna take that Atashimodoki down now. Yo!
"O, ok do it!
Suddenly Chika breaks out and tends to be confused, but Shinobu and Zhu Li get in shape and head to where Chika is.
Using Chika as an avant-garde, to the left and right of it, Shinobu and Zhu Li follow.
"It's been a long time since I've been in line with Shinobu!
"I'm coming!
As Zhu Li said, the three of us storm through the earth walls created by Qianjia. The replicas hold their right hand over the sky as they run.
Then a flame emerges over the sky and changes into a large spear-shaped.
"Be careful! Flame Lance!"
"I get it! I'll take care of this! Chiaka-chi, stay back!
As instructed by Shinobu, Chika turns behind Shinobu. And the replica releases flame lance.
"No use! Tidal Waybook!"
As soon as the magic bursts from the entire body of the shinobu and the shinobu puts his hands on the ground, a crack flashes horizontally on the ground, from which a large amount of water emerges and flows in waves forward.
Flame Lance is swallowed by that wave and disappears with dismay, swallowing three replicas as well.
"I'll do it, Shinobu! Even Atashi can't lose! Stay ice pickled! Freeze Dead!"
The shaved water gradually begins to freeze, as do the replicas that are swallowed. But only one of them seems to have escaped the difficulty, scaffolding the frozen part, putting up his sword and coming towards Chika.
Kiiyin and Chika also respond with swords and become impending with replicas. Look at that. Juli turns to her right hand to lend a hand,
"Wait, Julie!
Chika refuses to help.
"Duh, why not!?
"This is! Yep!"
Chika shakes off her sword and flies the replica forward to make the distance. And turn a crisp look to the replica like you're ready.
"Let Atashi do this fake!
"This is also Atashi's jerk!
Zhu Li is frowning like a troubled person, but when she looks at each other with a shingle, she nods quietly. It is an attitude of letting you like Chika.
Seeing the replica get to the ground, even Chika gets to the ground in the same way.
"Grand splash!"
Along with Chika's remarks, the earth ahead of both flies to their opponents with a mass of dirt as a murder weapon with momentum as if it had exploded.
but the same force bumps into each other and strikingly offsets it. Immediately sew that gap and the two strike the next hand.
"Ice Tone Dog!"
The same magic overlaps again, and now the ice storm envelops the two. Now it's not about offsetting, the two of them nestled in the storm gradually injure their bodies due to ice debris. Bushly, sharp ice rips Chika's right thigh and breaks her knee with that pain.
Did you see that as an opportunity, the replica puts her hands together to chase her, her index finger and middle finger up, and makes it look like a gun. Then a flame emerges from its fingertips and gradually expands.
"Flare Bomb......"
Chika perceives the magic the replica is trying to use. Red lotus chunks released from the replica. Coming straight to Chika. And they cry out unto each other the names of a thousand children.
Direct hitting is inevitable as it is.
But the next moment - - Chika did laugh.
"I've been waiting for that!
Chika smiles niggardly, jumping high into the sky as it is. And then Flarebom comes into contact with the ground and causes an explosion. The blast of birth causes Chika to fly further up the sky.
But he succeeded in escaping from the cage of the icetonade. Do you think the replica has stopped or to move the spot, looking ahead to the ground where Flarebom collided?
Besides, she is surrounded by ice-stoned, so she is still deprived of her strength by ice. Chika sees the situation, flips herself over and gets in shape.
And I hang a replica with my hands on the ground. Magic concentrates on both hands. Looks like I've detected magic. A replica looks up to heaven.
"It's too late. Yikes! Don't lick the original, hey!
The dazzling light envelops Chika's hands. And -.
"Photon Break Cook!"
The moment a mass of light fired like a bullet touches the replica, the light spreads all at once and scorches the replica's body. Ice tonades wrapped in light are also stripped of their effects and disappear.
"Sorry... but Chika Suzumiya can only be alone in this world"
The moment the bash shunk of light could play, all I was there for was a replica that didn't even move Pickle.
Kainabi came back to Avoros after a thousand strikes back. Look at the wound on her left shoulder. Avoros says off pale.
"It's called chewing on a cramped cat."
"Also, I'm sorry, Your Majesty!
Sassa and Kainabi kneeling in front of him.
"Fair enough. Do whatever you want."
Avoros stares at Chica, who is fighting Chirali far away.
(His betrayal was unexpected, but weak mortal at best. Leaving it unattended doesn't change the ending)
Avoros sees it as something that is not enough to take Chika's actions and so on. It doesn't hurt or itch because only three replicas have lost them.
"So? Are you going to be a sight to behold there, Avoros?
All of a sudden, it was the voice of Leo Wood, king of beasts, who listened. Move your gaze from Chika to him and make sure that his glued face is even more distorted with anger.
"Kuk, speaking of which, you haven't said it yet. Good thing you defeated that cockroach and fought the Beast Man's revenge, Beast King."
"That face...... did you realise that Cochroe had stormed out of a mistake?
"... Huh!?
Leo Wood's eyes open wide.
"Ki, you... did you know?
"Let's hear the opposite. Thought you didn't know?
"We are looking into the people who are in charge at once. All those thoughts and actions... to use them."
"... that you used Cochroe's vengeance?
"That's right. I met him when he was attacking the colonies of the Beasts. When I saw that face, I pinned it. He said he could use it. The rest of us got under the condition that we would listen to him and give him a hand in his revenge. Well, that's not all."
"Isn't that all?
Not only Leo Wood, but everyone on the spot pays attention to Avoros.
"I taught him the possibilities of creating the rest of the world."
"You think it's a possibility in the world?
"That's right. The rest take over God's system and reclaim the world that should have been"
"Get it back...? What are you talking about?
"I don't mind if you don't understand. I'm not trying to make you understand."
The voltage of Leo Wood's wrath rises to Avoros' unsolicited narrative. And next to it stands Judom.
"Marione, your Lord wants to ask for the defense of others"
Marione replies with a glimpse of Yveam to Leowud's remarks.
"Please, not an order... I'll let you know"
Nodding small to Marione's reply, Leood utters words to Judom, who stands next to him.
"All set?
"I'd say so, but I had a hell of a deal with a senior a while ago. The wounds have been healed by the hibiscus, but magic and strength are anxiety elements."
"Right. I've already given this one my all once. The opponent not only has Avoros, but also that Akwinas. I don't know how far I can go."
"Ha ha, you're a lot weaker"
"Our role is to protect the seeds that sprout in the future, right?
"That's why we don't have to be their stepping stone behind us."
"Must be..."
The two men smile and stare straight at Avoros.
"Let's prove that it's us, not Avolos, who grabs the future we want!
"That's what I meant, Leo Wood!
From the two of us who have dived through one battlefield, there is enough temper to tremble the atmosphere. Avoros, who feels something vile, was impressed by the fact that he is the person who has stood behind the world so far.
"But don't bother having me lick you. The rest has carried the world for a long time. I can't even reach the rest of you."
The first thing that moved was Leo Wood. A force that creates a crack in the earth just by stepping in. A rigid arm approaches Avoros' thin neck as it was bounced.
But at the next moment, a sword line runs like light on Leo Wood's stretched arm. His right arm is instantly amputated - but the amputated area bobs and flames and fogs.
Apparently, Leo Wood had already done the Transformation. From the amputated part, a flame emerges, forming the original arm. Leo Wood also takes a distance from the spot and stares at the person who took his right arm.
"Do you still want to stand... it's Akwinas"
On Akwinas' right hand is held a sword that is filled with pale green.
"Hurting Your Majesty is unacceptable"
"............... well, then let's slap the Lord with all our might"
"Out of the way, Leo Woo Doo!
Judom releases his palm bottom toward Akwinus, who is currently there as he jumps over him from behind Leo Wood.
The attack of Dogowo and Judom makes a big decision on the ground. That alone is understandably quite devastating.
The attack, however, only determined the ground, and Akwinas was foolish on the spot, and the Avoros and the others had already moved.
"Hmm, that's Impact King. It's quite powerful."
Avoros is impressed, but Judom remains niggardly with his mouth angle raised. Wondering at the grin, Avoros turns to his back feeling murderous.
"You're alarmed, Avolostu!
It was Leo Wood who was there causing a tremendous flame from his body. Apparently Judom's attack was positive. Leowood in that gap meant that he only paid attention to Avoros' movements and took the back.
Ethiolitis concentrates on Leo Wood's right fist. That's definitely in his back hand, The Fang of the End. Looks like he's going to do everything he can to finish Avoros off from the start. I guess I'm going to end it all with this blow if I can.
A fist surrounded by pale flames approaches all the way through Avolos' belly. You'd think it was totally decided in Leo Wood's brain. In a time shorter and thinner than blinking, Avoros will be under attack by Leo Wood.
But at that moment, the words of Avoros did arrive in Leo Wood's ear.
"It's supposed to happen."
When Avoros' invincible grin appeared in Leo Wood's eyes, Avoros disappeared from the spot as if he had metastasized.
"Colour!? Where have you been?
Leo Wood looks for Avoros as he moves his gaze around him, with a stunned expression.
"Kukuk, don't you notice yet?
The voice was heard from behind Leo Wood. And something protruded from Gussa's back to Leo Wood's chest.
Leo Wood drops his gaze and stares at an object sticking out of his own chest. An oddly elongated object with a blue and white urn was stained red with blood.
Zash and his object are pulled out, and Leo Wood accidentally falls on his knees. And just to stab Todome, Avoros tries to stab that sword-shaped thing in the back of the leood into his neck.
"Let it go!
Waves that strike Avoros. As if a mass of wind had been unleashed, Avoros was blown away and distanced from the spot.
It was the shockwave created by Judom's Applause that saved Leo Wood's crisis. Judom rushes to Leo Wood and makes him stand with his support.
"Are you all right?
"No... sorry"
It was Avoros blown away by the shock wave, but not at all damaged. After quietly positioning himself, he is coolly turning his gaze to both of us.
"Hmm, you seem to be able to manipulate more shocks than I thought."
Avoros, who had always grasped the distance from Judom, would have inferred from it that it would not fly shockwaves, nor would it be as powerful to let it fly again. But that prediction was off, powerful enough to blow Avoros' body away.
"But one of you is falling off"
Judom glances at Avoros' words.
"In a battle with Kokroo, once and for all. The movement has also become quite dull. If it was complete, the remaining signs would have been sensitized. You seem more worn out than I imagined."
Leo Wood is doing his hand to his chest while eating and tying his teeth to repentance.
"And Judom Lankers. You're still losing strength, too. I won't put it on your face, but the rest of your eyes won't be deluded, will they?
Avoros' observation is out of digit. That was due to Avolos' "Eye of the Devil," but at first glance he realized that the two of them could only show strength far from being fully fledged.
Avoros releases a tremendous amount of magic from both hands, condensing and shaping it into earlier sword-shaped ones. Everyone is breathtaking as they seem to have sensed the amount of magic that is happening in that object in a disastrous way.
"Let's play a little. I was just free."
Avoros' blue eyes glowed suspiciously.
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