Inside the cheap rental house where Naruto lives.

Hot vaporization.

Naruto was pouring freshly boiled water into the sauerkraut beef noodles of the foot odorous brand Laotan sauerkraut.

The seasoning is washed away by hot water.


An extremely sour smell filled the room.

That’s right, that’s the smell!

Naruto brought the instant noodles to the three generations.

With a smile on his face, he said, “Grandpa Hokage tasted it quickly, specially prepared for you.” ”

“Thank you Naruto.”

Sandai said with a gentle smile.

And his gaze was firmly fixed on the instant noodles in front of him.

This sour smell is too pungent

Make him unbearable!

But in the face of Naruto’s hospitality, the three generations could not refuse.

“Since it’s instant noodles, you can always eat them…”

Three generations can only comfort themselves in this way.

The next few minutes.

Extraordinarily long.

Under this sour smell, he felt that he could faint at any moment.

Finally, the instant noodles are ready.

As soon as the three generations looked up, they saw Naruto holding his breath and looking at himself with expectant eyes….

He could only pick up his fork and tremble and pick up the bubble noodles.

The next moment.

Instant noodle entrance.

The expression of the three generations’ original resistance suddenly stretched out.

A sour, spicy, salty and fragrant taste burst in the mouth.

It’s better than the instant noodles he’s ever eaten!

But the only thing is weird.

This bowl of instant noodles had a strong foot odor, which made him dizzy.

“Could it be… Is this bowl of instant noodles special? ”

Three generations thought to themselves.

After all, this is packaged food, and it is always in line with food safety.

Of course, this idea was for Naruto to know.

It will definitely be laughed at for three generations of loneliness.

This pickle was hard worked out by the grandpas and aunts!

Ann is not safe to know.

But the stench is definitely a stink!

Watching the three generations finish eating this bucket of instant noodles, Naruto finally relaxed.

Just now it was all his performance.

It is so that the three generations can eat this bucket of noodles.

Now, the noodles are also eaten.

Don’t pretend, showdown, I’m a bad teenager!

Naruto’s face.

The smile is gone.

In its place, there was an unruly sneer.

Naruto knew that he had done so many evil things today.

The three generations of Hokage will not let themselves go easily.

He always has to give the other party an explanation.

Naruto knew the character of the three generations well.

In this old yin bi heart, there are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies.

Only interests eternal!

Whether it was his own interests, or those of Konoha Village.

Or… The two are one in his heart.


It is better to remove the disguise and be honest.

“Naruto-sama, is there anything else? If you’re okay, please leave. ”

Naruto lifted Jiro’s leg and said lightly.

I saw Naruto in front of him who looked like a changed face.

The faces of the three generations also changed.

It seems….

Naruto really had a problem!

Could it be that the oppression of him exceeded the limit, so his heart collapsed?

But even if it collapses, it can’t be the current state!

How to say it again.

Naruto is a five-year-old child after all, and if he is bullied by the villagers, his psychological defense will collapse.

It should also be crying.

And now Naruto, his thinking is very calm.

Indifferent personality, ruthless, good at disguise….

There is a maturity different from that of a five-year-old child!

Could it be that the previous Naruto was a disguise?

Three generations feel their CPU burning.

But he believes that this matter is inseparable from the Nine Tails in any way.

“Did you really hand him over to Tuanzo?”

Three generations immediately dismissed the idea.

Even if it is to forcibly use brainwashing to control the human pillar force, it should be the responsibility of himself, the Hokage.


Suddenly, Naruto’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Miyo looked up and saw Naruto looking at him with a playful smile.

“You don’t want Konoha Village to be destroyed by the demon fox again!”

This moment.

The three generations felt that they were sitting in front of them, as if they were not innocent children.

But a demon with a butcher knife in his hand!

This sentence is a naked threat!

He abruptly stood up, his eyes sharpened, and he stared at Naruto in front of him.

“Naruto, what are you going to do?”

“If you mess around, I will definitely not let you go!”

A strong sense of oppression.

Hit the face!

But even in this case, Naruto never bowed his head.

He stared directly at the three generations of Hokage in front of him, and the teasing in his eyes became more and more obvious.

“Naruto-sama, you should know how to weigh the pros and cons!”

“Is the threat in the village now me or the Uchiha family?”

Naruto asked word by word.

The pupils of the third generation shrank suddenly!

“How do you know!”

Even his city government was shocked to the point of shock.

The contradiction between Konoha Village and the Uchiha family has existed for a long time.

Since the second generation of Hokage, Konoha high-level has been deeply hostile to the Uchiha family.

He and Tuanzang even have plans to completely wipe out the Uchiha clan!

But these….

None of them should be something Naruto should know!

Don’t… Another abominable nine-tailed !!!

“Naruto, what do you want?”

Immediately, the three generations asked in a low voice.


Naruto smiled.

“I’m just a bad boy who fights in the village and receives protection money to make ends meet. Where can I get my hands on the affairs of the high-level of the village? ”

Hearing this, the face of the three generations softened a little.

He took a deep look at Naruto.

To be sure, Naruto now is a world away from before.

He couldn’t think of Naruto as a child anymore.

It’s about being a real opponent!

After all, Naruto had nine tails in his body.

This is a force capable of destroying the village.

And there was only one wave feng shui gate, which died with the seal of the nine tails.

If the Nine Tails strike again.

Who can stop it?

Who can cast the Ghoul Seal again?

The three generations of Hokage thought about it, and this candidate seemed to be only himself.

But he doesn’t want to die!

Just like five years ago, he didn’t want to die!

So it was the wave feng shui gate that died at that time.

From Naruto’s words just now, the three generations heard his subtext-

Naruto didn’t want to be an enemy of Konoha.

At the same time, he also did not want Konoha to be an enemy of him.

The well water of the two does not violate the river water!


Three generations had a kind smile on their faces again.

As an old Yinbi, he has already made a choice in his heart.

“Naruto, Grandpa still has things to do, so let’s go first.”

“If you are making trouble in the village, you must pay attention to proportion, don’t make trouble, otherwise…”

In the smiles of the three generations, the meaning of threat is quite obvious.

Naruto’s bad behavior in the village.

He can sit idly by.

But if the Nine Tails really escaped from the trap and walked out, then he fought for his life and sealed Naruto!

Naruto smiled the same way.

Of course, he has his own measure.

At least in the next few years, there will never be an unending incident.

But a few years later, when he redeemed various skills in the system.

That’s just… No guarantees!

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