After hearing the former’s words, the old man immediately waved his hand and said.

“It’s nothing, obviously, you didn’t know my identity before, but for you just now without saying a word and wanted to point a knife at someone’s neck, this matter is that your personality is a little too irritable.”

“But I was only a little anxious for a while, after all, we desperately wanted to get out of here, thinking that there was a companion in our ship who had disappeared, and now we very much want to find him.” Roronoa Solon also hurriedly spoke out to explain his own affairs.

“It turns out that it is because of the loss of your companion, which is why you are so anxious, I can understand this kind of thing very well.” After listening to the other party’s explanation, the old man also figured out in his heart why the other party was so anxious.

After he finished speaking.


A large ship that was originally calm.

At this moment, it actually began to shake violently.

Not only that.

The stomach acid is also constantly shaking.

Faced with this sudden situation, the faces of everyone present changed drastically.

The old man squinted his eyes slightly and looked around.

Then he said to the two people in front of him.

“Since that person doesn’t want to come, then I have to tell you both about the exit from here.”

In fact, the old man didn’t really want to say it, but the situation of his eyeballs did not allow him to think about anything more, so he could only inform the two people in front of him of the way to leave here.

Roronoa Solon immediately nodded after listening to the former’s words.

“Where is that exit? We have to get out of here as soon as possible and go find our companions. ”

“The exit is actually at the back of your big ship, just the entrance.” The old man pointed to the slender exit not far away, and then said.

Upon hearing this, Roronoa Solon nodded, intending to leave here.

“Now let’s get out of here and find Luffy.” Sanji said to Roronoa Solon beside him.

However, at this time, the speed of the violent shaking became faster and faster.

The old man squinted and looked at the large ship that kept rocking.

Immediately he said to himself, “I didn’t expect this whale to start hitting the Red Earth Continent.” ”

As soon as the two of them heard the old man’s words, they were slightly stunned.

Roronoa Solon spoke first.

“Hit the Red Earth Continent, what does this mean?”

“Could it be that this big whale doesn’t want to live anymore and wants to use this method to understand itself?”

When the old man heard the former’s words, he shook his head directly.

Yamaji looked at the old man in front of him.

His gaze seemed to be different from before, and he suddenly had some different thoughts in his heart.

But he didn’t pay attention to it so much, and he would talk about it after they left.

Thinking of this, Sanji directly faced Roronoa Solon next to him. Izuku reminded.

“Let’s get out of here to find Luffy first, and then say that things here have nothing to do with us.”

Roronoa Solon had no objection.

Anyway, what happened here really has nothing to do with them.

For now, the only thing is to find Luffy and get out of here for the next destination.

And the whale’s life or death, they have no obligation to help.

“In that case, let’s get out of here quickly.” Roronoa Solon left here directly with Yamaji.

However, at the moment they stepped out, the old man behind them jumped directly and jumped into the stomach acid of the whale.

Faced with this sudden situation, everyone present was slightly stunned, but they did not go down to save the old man.

Because they all knew that the old man could not be in trouble, and there must be his own reasons for jumping down, so they did not need to rescue at all.

“Usopp, let’s get out of here quickly, we’ve got it from the old man’s mouth.” Roronoa Solon said to Usopp beside him.

After hearing the former’s words, Usopp immediately nodded.

In the gastric juice of whales, they can only rely on oars.

Yet at this very moment suddenly from the very top of the whale.

Three figures actually fell directly from the sky and finally landed in the stomach acid.

At the same time, the old man who jumped into the stomach acid before.

At this time, he had also left here along the railing next to the stomach wall.

Everyone was a little puzzled by the structure produced in this whale’s body, but they knew that this was not the time to think about it.

“The three people who suddenly fell into the stomach acid just now seem to be Luffy among them, and the rest are a man and a woman.” Roronoa Solon. His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said everything he saw.

After hearing the former’s words, everyone’s faces suddenly changed drastically.

“It’s not good, Luffy can’t swim, hurry up and save him first, otherwise he will drown sooner or later.” Usopp suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly yelled at the people around him.

When everyone heard the former’s words, they immediately reacted.

Roronoa Solon jumped directly into the stomach acid without hesitation, and continued to slide towards the position where Luffy landed.

After continuous searching, Roronoa Solon finally found Luffy’s figure at the bottom part.

At that moment, he directly dragged Luffy out without hesitation, and kept moving forward in the water, and after a few minutes, he brought Luffy to the deck of the Golden Melly.

Everyone looked at Luffy, who had fallen into a coma in front of them, and they all called out to Luffy at the moment.

“Where am I?” Luffy, who was confused, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at everything around him, and there was a hint of dazed tone in his eyes, and he also became a little weak.

Everyone present heard Luffy’s weak words, and they slowly exhaled.

“Luffy and you crashed into the two men and a woman who flew with you, do you know who he really is?” Roronoa Solon stood up, then pulled Luffy up and asked.

In the face of the former’s inquiry, Luffy scratched his head, saying that he didn’t know that he had indeed bumped into two people when he came back, and he didn’t see which two people he didn’t see clearly.

Luffy scratched his head.

I kept thinking about how I was hit here before.

“I don’t know much about this, anyway, I was the one who bumped into it, as for who it is, I don’t see it clearly.”

“But in each of them, they each have a weapon.”

“It’s as if they’re doing something bad, look at their sneaky appearance.”

After hearing the explanation, everyone’s eyes narrowed, they all believed Luffy’s words very much, since the other party had bad intentions, they were sneakily coming here, they must be playing some idea.

“We don’t have to worry so much, as long as they don’t come to provoke us, then we don’t have to bother, since the matter with them here has been settled, then we quickly leave from this whale.”

Roronoa Solon, who didn’t like too much trouble, proposed directly.

Anyway, it’s not a matter of waiting for others to come here.

One less thing is naturally the best.

This is also the biggest recognition in his own heart.

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