Although Chigen acted very evil, but for some reason, Jiraiya liked Minato more.

Not only because of his personality and warm smile, but also because Minato was relatively normal.

Students who are too talented are actually not a good thing.

Because, if you teach like that, not only will you not achieve any success as a teacher, I am afraid that you will continue to be hit.

At least, that brat Qianxuan mastered several advanced ninjutsu in just a few days, and he doesn’t have the ability to improve these ninjutsu and make them look fancy.

“I can see that you are really satisfied with this kid named Minato! After hearing this

, the third generation nodded in understanding and pondered:”Did Tsunade introduce it?” So, this child should also be a descendant of Thousand Hands, right?”


Jiraiya listened and nodded affirmatively:”I heard what Tsunade said. In addition, Minato is also an orphan. He grew up with Qianxuan. The two have a good relationship and often work hard to practice together. They are all good kids!”

“OK! I see!”

The third generation listened and nodded:”You���It’s a good thing to have a disciple! In this way, all three of you have disciples, and my lineage has blossomed!”

“In this case, you can go to Mito-sama on his behalf tomorrow morning!”

“It just so happens that Mito-sama wants to see Chigen and I tomorrow morning, so we might as well come together!”

He had thought about not letting Minato come into contact with Uzumaki Mito, lest he get too involved with the Senju.

He still understands Jiraiya.

Although this guy is often unreliable, his vision is still good.

Then Since Minato could be favored by him, his talent must be good, but in the end he gave up.

Judging from Uzumaki Mito’s attitude towards Sengen and the relationship between Sengen and Minato,

Minato would come into contact with Uzumaki Mito sooner or later. , there is no need to be a villain by being trained by Senju.

That will easily lead to estrangement.

“Is that so? It seems that Mito-sama attaches great importance to that boy Chigen!

Jiraiya was a little surprised when he heard this, and then nodded:”Okay!” I see! That’s it! I go first!”

With that said, Jiraiya went straight to the window again. Under the silent gaze of the third generation, he turned over and climbed out of the window…..

Early the next morning,

“Qianxuan little ghost head! Are you up yet? Get up and squeak!”

Qianxuan and Minato were having breakfast when they heard shouts from outside the yard.

The two looked at each other, and Qianxuan immediately got up and walked out, while responding:”Here you are!”

Then, he quickly opened the courtyard door, only to find that not only Tsunade, but also Jiraiya came with him. He was a little surprised and said:”Tsunade-sensei! Lord Jiraiya is here too! did you have breakfast? Why don’t you come in and have something to eat?”


Tsunade raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard this:”Are you already having breakfast?” It seems you got up very early?”

“But no need! we all drink…Ahem…have eaten! Hurry up and go with me to meet someone.”

Qianxuan curled his lips after hearing this. If he hadn’t smelled the strong smell of alcohol from Tsunade, he would have believed it.

“Meet someone?”

Qianxuan was a little surprised and curious. Who did Tsunade plan to take him to see?

It shouldn’t be the third generation, otherwise Tsunade would have said it directly.

“So, is it Mito Uzumaki?

Qianxuan guessed in his heart, and then said to Tsunade:”That’s no problem!” But have you forgotten that school starts today and we still have to go to school!

After hearing this, Tsunade couldn’t help but rolled her eyes and said,”Don’t talk nonsense!” Aren’t you a very good master of the shadow clone technique? They deceived me yesterday. Just send a shadow clone over to the school!”

“Stop talking nonsense! hurry up!”

“You Minato brat in the room, please come out quickly!”

“Yes Yes! I’m coming!”

Minato heard Tsunade’s shout and ran out quickly, respectfully greeted Tsunade and Jiraiya:”I’ve met Tsunade-sama, hello, Jiraiya-sensei!”

“Ha ha! No need for so many gifts!

Jiraiya smiled heartily and said,”Let’s go!” Minato, you are coming too, I will take you to meet someone today, and by the way, meet the Third Hokage!”

“By the way, does your kid know the art of shadow cloning? If you can, I’ll create a shadow clone to go to school instead of you!”


Minato naturally had no objection. He learned the shadow clone technique from Qianxuan, and immediately formed a shadow clone.

Then he looked at Qianxuan.

Qianxuan shrugged, raised his hand to form a shadow clone, and also created a shadow clone. The clone said to the shadow clone: “I’ll leave the school to you!”


The shadow clone Qianxuan nodded, and then greeted the shadow clone Minato:”Let’s go!”


Immediately, the shadow clones of the two people dodged and left here.

“Let’s go too!”

When Tsunade saw this, she greeted Qianxuan, Minato and the others. It took a few minutes to arrive at a core courtyard of the Senju clan.

She opened the door and walked in.

Qianxuan and Minato looked directly at them. In the third generation, there is still a kind old lady…Well…Aunt?

That aunt’s blood-red hair made Chigen very sure that she was Uzumaki Mito.

But Mito Uzumaki was a bit younger than he expected.

He looks like he is in his thirties.

If it weren’t for the vicissitudes of life in her eyes that didn’t belong to her appearance, Qian Xuan would have almost thought she was really a young man.

“Is it the effect of the Yin Seal? Surprising but not surprising! Qian

Xuan thought to himself.

If I can get the Yin seal, what reward can I get?

“grandmother! teacher! I brought Sengen and Namikaze Minato over!”

Tsunade spoke first, first introduced Chigen and Minato, and then introduced Chigen and Minato:”Chigen! Watergate! This is the Third Hokage. This is my grandma, Uzumaki Mito, who is also the wife of my grandfather, the First Hokage.”

“I’ve met the Third Hokage, I’ve met Mito!”

Qianxuan and Minato heard this and quickly bowed respectfully one by one.

“Um! Sure enough, they are all good kids!”

The Sandaime and Uzumaki Mito looked at the two of them and nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention other things, these two children at this age already have such a amount of chakra after extracting chakra for less than 2 weeks. It’s really good.

His physical strength seems to be pretty good, and he has a good mental outlook and is neither humble nor arrogant.

“teacher! There’s a gift!”

At this time, Tsunade winked at the third generation and directly reminded him.

The third generation:”…..”

Can I still have this apprentice?

He shook his head and said,”Yeah, yeah, yeah! Don’t remind me in such a hurry! I brought it!”

After saying that, he took out two scrolls from his arms, handed them to Qianxuan and Minato respectively, and said,”Here! Here! This is a meeting gift given to you by Master! I hope you like it!”

Upon seeing this, Qianxuan and Minato looked at each other, and then looked at their teacher.

“The old man gave it to you, just take it! He is good at this!”

Tsunade waved her hands carelessly.


Jiraiya also nodded with a smile.

At the same time, he secretly gave Tsunade a thumbs up:”Well done!”

He actually forgot about it. Fortunately, Tsunade was prepared for it.

Indeed, as his teacher is the Hokage, his wool will be white if it is not shaved…….

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