Although the Sandai’s words were relatively vague, Danzo immediately understood that the Sandai wanted to keep these more than ten ninjas from the Senju clan on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Whirlpool and not have to come back.

Naturally, he would not refuse this kind of drama that further weakened the Senju. He immediately nodded with a sneer and said,”Don’t worry, I’ll do the work! Let’s go!”

After saying that, Danzo turned around and left quickly.

Only the third generation was left standing in the Hokage’s office,”Bata! Bahta!” smoking a cigarette.

After a long time, a deep voice sounded in the office:”Don’t blame me, everything is for Konoha!”…

In the core area of the Senju clan,

Uzumaki Mito looked up at the direction of the Hokage Tower, then looked at the direction of the Uzumaki Country, frowned slightly and said:”Sure enough, Monkey and the others are still worried about the Senju, so they can’t wait. There are further forces to suppress the Senju;”

“For this reason, do you even sacrifice the country of the whirlpool?”

Is Uzumaki Mito angry?

Naturally, she is very angry.

But what can she do?

What reasons are there to stop it?

Not to mention that there is no definite news to prove that the Third Generation Ninja Village will take action against the Country of Uzumaki in the near future. Even if Yes, the third generation can also find various excuses to delay the time and scale of support.

In the end, the Kingdom of Whirlpool is still inevitable from being destroyed.

In the end, from the moment the Kingdom of Whirlpool is targeted by the major ninja villages, its Destruction is already doomed.

It’s not like Uzumaki Mito hasn’t sent a letter to the Uzumaki Country to persuade her recently, but it’s useless. It’s been too long since she left the Uzumaki Clan and married into the Senju Clan.

They couldn’t listen to her opinions and suggestions, and some people even felt disgusted with her. They felt that it was Uzumaki Mito’s behavior of sealing the Nine-Tails into himself that made the Uzumaki Country a thorn in the side of the major ninja villages..

The various reasons were so complicated that Uzumaki Mito felt helpless.

The only thing she could do was to send Tsunade and more than a dozen elites from the Senju clan to save some of the Uzumaki clan at the critical moment.

Bringing them back to Konoha.

Of course, if she were a few years younger, more impulsive, and didn’t have so many worries, she might be able to forcefully change things herself.

Unfortunately, she is old and is about to die..

This feeling of powerlessness also strengthened her determination to cultivate Qianxuan and Minato as soon as possible……..

Five days later, near the capital of the Kingdom of Whirlpool,

Qianxuan’s Shadow Clone No. 1 had arrived here several days ago and used his talents to sneak in quietly.

It’s not like he hasn’t thought about doing something in advance and getting something.

However, the core area of the Uzumaki Clan is dominated by the red-haired Uzumaki Clan, and it is not the case that there are no Uzumaki Clan who possess Kagura’s Heart Eye and other perception techniques.

Coupled with the endless sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan.

Sneaking in casually is seeking death.

The strong warning given to him by his danger perception talent made him choose to lurk temporarily.

Also just now, No. 1 witnessed Tsunade leading more than ten people from the Senju clan into the core area of the capital of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

At that time, No. 1 couldn’t help but frown slightly:”Tsunade-sensei actually brought so many people from the Senju clan here? It seems that this is Grandma Mito’s arrangement!”

“She obviously knew a lot of things;”

“But if we let these elites of the Thousand Hands Clan come over at this time, wouldn’t they be sent to die?”

Thinking of this, Qianxuan inadvertently glanced at a place a hundred meters away in the northeast, and then looked away instantly.

As early as one day ago, No. 1 discovered that a group of unidentified elite ninja troops had also sneaked in here and lurked. Get up.

Moreover, with Qianxuan’s improvement in sealing skills during this period, he could easily sense the aura of a certain sealing technique from these people that was similar to Danzo’s.


No. 1 frowned:”The target of these people is just the Whirlpool clan?” Or are these Senju elites brought by Tsunade-sensei too?”

No. 1 has reason to suspect that both are the targets of these root ninjas

“Sure enough, the Third Generation and Danzo said it nice, but secretly they would not miss an opportunity to attack and weaken the backbone of the Senju Clan!”

“They can’t rest assured unless Senju is completely wiped out.”

“We have to find a way to stop it!”

Thinking of this, No. 1 has a headache.

With his current strength, what he can do is actually very limited.

In addition, most of the Thousand Hands clan are iron fools. Even if he secretly gives information to remind them to be careful. They may not believe the backstabbing of the root ninjas.

Most of these people are straightforward and like to be straightforward, and they don’t like to engage in conspiracy behind the scenes, and they will not easily doubt their fellow villagers. Ninja is infamous for its roots as well

“No matter what, you still have to make an effort! Whether it can succeed in the end depends on God’s will!”

No. 1 thought of this and immediately started to act.

He didn’t do anything else. He just left the capital of the Kingdom of Whirlpool and came to a forest on the outskirts. He first used the summoning spell to summon the white wolf and handed a scroll to the white wolf. Wolf.

Then, the summons was cancelled.

The white wolf turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the forest…….

Here in Konoha,


Qianxuan is here at the secret training base, using a fish to repeatedly test his medical ninjutsu and medical knowledge.

He just sensed that the white wolf in the small world was summoned away.

And the fish’s eyes have long been

Minato looked at Qianxuan with a pained look on his face and advised him,”Qianxuan!” Why don’t you just give this fish a good time?”

“It’s a little too inhumane to treat the injury like this, then injure it again after treatment, and torture it repeatedly!”

“You might as well just kill it and bake it!”

“At worst, you can just try out your medical ninjutsu with a few more fish!”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan hadn’t spoken yet. A bright light appeared in the eyes of the fish, with a hint of hope and relief.

Qian Xuan:”…..”


“Well….Is this fish so intelligent?”

Minato also noticed this and said with some hesitation and surprise.

“spread! Who knows?”

Qianxuan heard the words, shrugged his shoulders, followed the good example, and directly struck the chakra scalpel to cut off the fish’s head, giving it the relief it wanted.

At this time, Qianxuan sensed that the white wolf was sent back again, And there was a scroll in his mouth.

Qianxuan immediately continued chatting with Minato, while quietly communicating with the white wolf in the small world.

“Well done!”

He directly transmitted the message to Bai Lang, then took the scroll into the air and unfolded it, and quickly browsed through the contents.

He suddenly understood…….

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