Chapter 96 Ohnoki wants to be an oriole? Dust Escape VS Flying Thunder God Technique

“What’s wrong?”

Tsunade and others naturally discovered Qianxuan’s abnormality, and couldn’t help but follow his gaze to the north, but found nothing. They couldn’t help but ask

“nothing! I just discovered that the old coin Ōnoki and a few elite Iwa ninjas were ambushing us in a valley more than 3 kilometers to the north, ready to attack us at any time! hehe!

Qian Xuan replied with a sneer.


Whether it was Tsunade, the others or Hanzo, they were all shocked when they heard this.

“Sure enough, Ohnoki took action anyway! Qianxuan, your previous guess was right!

Tsunade frowned, and then continued:”But why is there no news from the Roots and Anbu?””

“If you hadn’t discovered this in advance, we might all have suffered!”

After saying that, she glanced at Danzo who was being rescued.

The suspicious look in her eyes was not concealed.

Qianxuan shook his head this time and said:”It shouldn’t be Danzo who is up to something. After all, if If I hadn’t discovered it in advance, if someone was not good, he himself would have to be completely left here!”

“It’s possible that Onoki had some way to deceive the surveillance of the roots and ANBU!”

“This is not surprising!”

“Ohnoki is an old fox!”

Danzo is bad, but not stupid.

“Uh…that’s true!”

Tsunade only reacted after hearing this, but there was no apology for Danzo at all on her face.

Even if this thing didn’t make a mistake this time, did he make many mistakes before?

The Senju and the Uzumaki clan were almost fooled.

“The Iwa ninja had a good plan!”

At this time, Hanzo couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes slightly and said:”Before, the Iwa Ninja sent people to contact me, and they also wanted to unite: I will deal with the Sand Ninja and you Konoha!”

“That old guy Onoki is indeed extremely cunning. Even if I face him, I have to be careful to avoid being tricked!”

He has finally discovered that among the five great ninja villages, none of them have a strong foundation.

He is strong personally, but he doesn’t have much advantage against them who have a deep foundation!

I think he was ambitious enough to lead Yugakure before. The village became the sixth largest ninja village.

Perhaps this behavior is ridiculous in the eyes of the five largest ninja villages?


Qian Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, and immediately asked:”Then are you interested in working with me to deal with Ohnoki and give him a hard blow?””


After hearing this, Hanzo frowned and asked with an ugly face,”Is this one of the conditions for peace talks?”

If so, he could only bite the bullet and go ahead.

But if not, please allow him to refuse

“It doesn’t matter whether it counts or not!

Qianxuan listened, shook his head and said:”Anyway, I don’t think Iwa Ninja will let go of your Yu Ninja chess piece in the end!””

“When they finally come to an end, you won’t be able to escape either!”

How can Ohnoki be easy to get along with?”

“Even so, please allow me to refuse?”

Hanzo listened, shook his head and said:”After this battle, Yu Ren can no longer withstand any torture!”

“We have already offended you, Konoha, and we are going to offend the sand ninjas. If we offend the rock ninjas again, we may really be in danger of destruction!”

“The worst thing is, when we face the Iwa Ninja later, we can’t stand back and just ignore it!”

At that time, no matter how the Iwa Ninja, Konoha and Sand Ninja wreak havoc in the Land of Rain, he is not going to take care of it. He has no ability to do so!

Well! The premise is that they do not directly attack the Rain Ninja Village.

If that is the case, At worst, if he ignores the poison attack, he won’t be able to kill many, but no matter how many ninja troops there are, he won’t be afraid.


Qianxuan listened and nodded clearly:”Then you don’t have to worry about Iwa Ninja! Integrate the troops and head to the Sand Ninja side! You should discuss the detailed plan with Orochimaru and the others!”

“Tsunade-san and I will come back as soon as we go!”

With that said, Qianxuan directly greeted Tsunade, and then controlled the thunder escape to go north at high speed. He also prevented Kushina, Minato and Mikoto from following.

“Damn it! Our strength is still not enough! Otherwise, you can help Qian Xuan at this time!”

Kushina looked at Qianxuan’s retreating figure, clenched her fists, and said unwillingly.

But no matter how unwilling she was, she did not force herself to run and cause trouble for Qianxuan.

“Why! keep it up! Qian Xuan will always be able to help!”

Minato sighed helplessly.

It was obvious that he and Kushina had worked hard, and their strength was much stronger than their peers.

Everyone said that they were super geniuses.

But only they knew that they could achieve what they have today. , Qian Xuan Gong is indispensable.

Logically speaking, with their current Jonin level strength, they are already very strong.

However, Qian Xuan played a high-end game at the beginning, and they directly faced the top Kage level experts. The version can’t keep up at all!

What can I do?

However, Minato believes that he will catch up sooner or later.

After all, the further the ninja’s strength is, the slower it will be! It’s probably impossible for Qian Xuan to break this rule?!

Even if Qianxuan can break this rule, it doesn’t matter, as long as other strong people in the ninja world can’t break it. Anyway

, he doesn’t really want to catch up with Qianxuan, he just wants to catch up with other strong people in the ninja world..

On Qianxuan’s side, Qilin quickly moved forward with the rolling thunder clouds and condensed thunder.

In the middle of the process, he did not forget to swallow another Qi Training Pill and use his full power to absorb it to restore his spiritual power.

At his speed, he had already covered a distance of more than 2 kilometers in just ten breaths.

When he arrived, he noticed that the abnormality in the thunder cloud had caused a strange movement on Ohnoki’s side.

He immediately started to move without hesitation. Ninjutsu

“Immortal magic thunder escapes Qilin! kill!!”

The next moment, a thunder unicorn head with a diameter of more than ten meters poked out from the thunder cloud.

The power in the mouth was condensed to the extreme, and it suddenly sprayed out towards the valley where Onoki was!


A super lightning beam with a diameter of more than 4 meters immediately erupted, hitting the valley where Onoki and the others were at lightning speed.

“not good!”

As early as 2 seconds ago, Onoki noticed the abnormality of the thunder cloud.

The terrifying energy aura could not be concealed even if he tried to hide it.

When he saw a unicorn head made of thunder protruding from the clouds, there was a light cannon in its mouth that was not fired. At this time, Ohnoki’s expression changed drastically, and he felt a fatal sense of danger.


Without hesitation, he immediately added light and heavy rock techniques to himself and the dozen or so rock ninja jounin he brought with him, and led them to flee to the side at a high speed.

But the time was too short, and he wanted to control It was impossible for so many people to escape from the attack area.

Ohnoki realized this, and with a sudden heart, he took his son Huangtu and Kagezuo Iwaki to accelerate twice, and the speed directly broke through the sound barrier. He rushed out dozens of meters in an instant


The next moment, before the remaining nearly ten Jonin flew ten meters away, half of them were hit by a terrifying lightning beam.


The bodies of several people were instantly transformed into gas, and no bones remained.


Then, the lightning beam didn’t stop there. Instead, it swept towards the remaining survivors from Qianxuan’s control box.



The remaining Iwa ninjas wanted to escape, but in the end, only the 2nd company successfully escaped from both sides. They were only scratched by the lightning and suffered some minor injuries; the rest also followed the footsteps of the previous few, all of them. He died unexpectedly.

Then, the energy of the lightning beam was exhausted and slowly dissipated.

At the same time,

Qian Xuan put down his hand and continued to accelerate forward with Tsunade. , arrived at a low mountain dozens of meters away from Onoki, and looked at Onoki from a distance.

“Damn it! The kid from Konoha! You deserve to die!”

At this time, Ohnoki witnessed the tragic death of nine of his elite jonins in an instant. Seeing Qianxuan not far away, Onoki’s eyes were split.

He immediately roared at Qianxuan over there without hesitation:”Mu. Ye’s little devil! You actually dared to launch a sudden attack on me and killed nine of my Iwa-nin jounin. Are you ready to start a war with me at this time?”

While speaking, Ohnoki had quietly sent his son Huangtu and Kagesa Iwaishi to the ground.

At the same time, he clasped his hands together and began to prepare ninjutsu, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time…

Today, he was accidentally ambushed and suffered a big loss in advance. He had already lost so many elites before he even reached the enemy. How could he take this breath and keep

Qian Xuan behind no matter what ?


Qianxuan over there saw Onoki’s furious look and his little actions, and immediately curled his lips in disdain and shouted:”Onoki, stop yelling and saying”Catch the thief!””

“You are ambushing me here at this time. Do you think we can’t figure out what your plan is?”

“Since you are planning to sneak attack and ambush us, then be prepared to be killed by us!”

“The only thing to blame is that you are too greedy and too ambitious!”

“Everything today is just your own fault!”

“Don’t blame others! snort!”

While speaking, Qianxuan also took out ten flying thunder god daggers from the ninja bag on his waist.

Without hesitation, he used both hands to throw them in the direction of Onoki, Huangtu and others with a special technique.

“The art of dust escape and boundary peeling!!”

The next moment, Ohnoki was ready. He separated his hands slightly, and a white cone emerged between his hands.

The next moment, the cone shot towards Qianxuan and Tsunade at an extremely terrifying speed.

And, the more Extending, the diameter becomes larger, and in the blink of an eye, when they are about to reach Qianxuan and the others, it has expanded to a diameter of more than 5 meters.


It was about to hit Qianxuan and Tsunade.

But the next moment, Qianxuan and Tsunade disappeared in an instant and appeared more than ten meters away from the direction where they came from.

Obviously, Qianxuan had arrived before Along the way, he also left other foreshadowings. He directly left the mark of the Flying Thunder God at many places along the way.

With his knowledge of the Flying Thunder God and the sealing technique, the Flying Thunder God’s mark was not limited to the flying thunder god prepared in advance.

In any place, Qianxuan can instantly carve a hidden and difficult-to-detect mark of the Flying Thunder God, whether with his hands or feet.

“Damn it! Where to escape!! Go to hell!”

Seeing Qianxuan and Tsunade easily escaping his attack, Ohnoki’s eyes widened in anger. He immediately controlled the technique in his hand and flew towards Qianxuan, wanting to pursue Qianxuan..

But Qianxuan teleported and took Tsunade back hundreds of meters to avoid it.

At this time, Ohnoki had no choice but to give up and terminated the technique with a look of unwillingness. Damn it! This flying thunder god technique is too abominable! Otherwise, I don’t believe this kid can avoid this blow!”

“We can’t just let this guy go!”

Immediately, Onoki flew towards Qianxuan and the others, chasing them.

In just a few breaths, he had already rushed to a distance of only more than 20 meters from Qianxuan.

A white ball had once again condensed in his hand. cube

“Dust Escape……”

Before he could release this technique, Qian Xuan and Tsunade looked at each other, and in tacit agreement, they performed the techniques separately, using the teleportation technique to avoid both sides.

“The art of peeling off the original world!”


The next moment, the white cube in Onoki’s hand rushed to the position where Qianxuan and Tsunade were standing before, and instantly expanded to a diameter of more than 3 meters.

The next second, it directly annihilated the covered area, leaving a flat and smooth area on the ground. the hole

“Water escapes water and breaks waves!”

At this time, Qianxuan had completed the seal, opened his mouth, and a terrifying water blade shot out from his mouth, shooting directly towards Ohnojutsu in mid-air.

Ohnoki sensed a fatal sense of danger in advance.

But he had just finished casting it in his hand. Before the ninjutsu was over, the water blade was so fast that it was impossible to completely avoid it.

He could only forcefully twist his body to avoid the vital point.

The next moment, the water blade pierced through. One of his arms.

Qianxuan noticed this and directly controlled the water blade to cut across Ohnoki’s body.

But Ohnoki had already reacted, and he ignored it and accelerated towards Qianxuan’s direction.

He couldn’t even care about half of his arm being cut open.


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