Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Chapter 85 Jiraiya’S Polluted Innocent Heart (2/5, Please Customize!)

"Is that so?"

Orochimaru's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he nodded quickly: "Okay! Then wait a little longer! Let's wait until Tsunade succeeds!"

Anyway, this year is not bad.

He must at least confirm the authenticity of this matter before considering the transaction.

After all, the transaction price for such an important thing will definitely be very high, so they have to be cautious.


Qian Xuan nodded with satisfaction, looked at Orochimaru and said: "In the meantime, you can find a way to get Ryūchi Cave's complete senjutsu practice method, and I can trade something else with you first!

"Believe me, you will definitely be satisfied!"

I have a lot of good things in my hands!

Any leakage is enough to pay the price of Ryūchi Cave's senjutsu training method.

"No problem! I'll find a way to get it as soon as possible!"

Orochimaru licked his tongue, his heart moved.

In Orochimaru's view, Qian Xuan is so mysterious that he is even willing to trade the longevity magic, which shows that he has something better than the longevity magic in his hands.

Otherwise, he would not be able to trade the longevity method.

At least, it would definitely be the case if it were Douren himself.

Therefore, he became curious about Qian Xuan's secret changes.

But what pained him was that he no longer had the chance to explore Qian Xuan's secret.

Unless Qian Xuan takes the initiative to tell him;

Unless one day he breaks Qian Xuan's damn contract.

He regrets it!


At this time, Jiraiya licked his face, rubbed his hands, looked at Qian Xuan and asked: "Qian Xuan, look, I provided you with my celestial art Chakra before, allowing you to cultivate Mount Myōboku's Sage Mode. Should I pay you What is the reward for my belief?”

"Can you teach me how to perfect Sage Mode?"

Unlike Orochimaru, he has mastered Sage Mode, although it is not perfect yet.

"In addition, I can give you all the Sage Art I learned from Mount Myōboku. Can you help me remove the toad gene contamination from my body?"

Jiraiya added.

He now believes that the longer he practices immortality, the closer he will become to a toad;

I believe that this is the reason why I have become ugly over the years. Naturally, I have eliminated this negative influence as early as possible.

"Uh... That's fine!"

After hearing this, Qian Xuan touched his chin and thought: "However, I have to remind you that I must first help you master the perfect Sage Mode, and then eliminate the genetic contamination, so that you will not be unable to master the human Sage Mode in the future;"

"After all, without this kind of pollution, if you master Sage Mode, you have to completely synthesize the magic Chakra by yourself, without any external help:"

"In this case, if you don't master the perfect Sage Mode, it will definitely not work!"

"In addition, after removing the genetic contamination, you will not be able to continue to use Mount Myōboku Sage Mode unless you absorb Mount Myōboku's toad oil again;"

"Furthermore, after eliminating genetic contamination, it is unclear what Mount Myōboku's attitude is towards this."

"Perhaps, they will be very dissatisfied and even take action against you;"

"Or maybe you are looking for the root cause and are causing trouble for me!"

"Therefore, I do not recommend that you do this before confirming their thoughts;"

"Even if you want to do it, it is best to wait until you have enough strength and confidence to face any means of Mount Myōboku before you eliminate it;"

"Anyway, as long as it is eliminated, the influence of this toad gene on you will also be eliminated;"

"Even the appearance that was affected in the past should be able to be restored."

Well! Having said that, the main reason is that Qian Xuan does not want to face the unknown strength of Tomamaru and Mount Myōboku yet.

Although, Mount Myōboku may not fight him because of this.

But it's always good to be careful.

Wouldn't it be better to wait until the strength exceeds that of Mount Myōboku?

In addition, it is not clear whether Qian Xuan is still connected to Sage of Six Paths.

In case this alarms the Sage of Six Paths.

And if Sage of Six Paths treats him badly, it will be troublesome.

It is not yet certain whether Sage of Six Paths was good or bad in the past life!

Most likely it's not a good thing.

The high probability is that the ninja world is for his own things, and he will not allow things beyond his control to appear.

There is no doubt that I will be someone beyond the control of Sage of Six Paths!

Therefore, before growing up, it is necessary to be careful not to disturb these existences.

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, frowning and thinking for a while, then he raised his head and said solemnly: "What you said makes sense!"

"Indeed, before you are unsure about Great Toad Sage's attitude towards this matter, it's better to be steady!"

"Then teach me how to master the perfect Sage Mode first!"

"We will discuss eliminating genetic contamination later when we are sure!"

Although, Jiraiya felt in his heart that Great Toad Sage and the others would not be disadvantageous to him.

But seriously consider Qian Xuan and Orochimaru's previous analysis.

Considering that the two immortals are most likely to have evolved from humans.

Considering Toad Sage they didn't tell themselves this;

Jiraiya felt that it was better not to be too naive and be careful.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Great Toad Sage has been unable to predict the future of the ninja world since more than 3 years ago.

From that moment on, Jiraiya stopped looking for the Child of Destiny and felt that he had been cheated.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively and said: "I have two ways to help you master the perfect Sage Mode!"

"One is faster, but the chips you gave are far from enough;"

"One kind of time is a little uncertain, it all depends on your own understanding. This kind of time, the chips are enough."

"So, make your choice!"

The first one is of course to teach Jiraiya meditation!

But the chips Jiraiya currently offers are definitely far from enough.

Qian Xuan didn't even think about what other chips Jiraiya could give to pay the price.


After hearing this, Jiraiya suddenly looked depressed and said: "Isn't it the same as not saying anything? In the end, I only have one choice.

Since you can't afford the chips, it's definitely impossible to teach Qian Xuan to yourself!

"Then choose the second option! Can you guarantee that I will learn it?"

Jiraiya asked depressedly and anxiously.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively: "It's just that the time is uncertain!"

"That's good!"

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly: "Teach me now!"

The sooner you learn it, the sooner you will become stronger, and you will be able to use Sage Mode in front of others without any scruples.


Qian Xuan nodded and said immediately: "Actually, the reason why you cannot master Sage Mode perfectly is, in the final analysis, because you are not calm!"

"Normally, you wouldn't be able to learn Sage Mode in this situation!"

"Orochimaru and Tsunade; sensei, the reason why they can't learn Sage Mode is not because they are stupid;"

"On the contrary, it's because they are too smart and have too many thoughts and distractions in their minds! It is extremely difficult to reach a state of mind like Shisui!"

"But you are different. You are born with a pure heart. This is also the fundamental reason why you can learn Sage Mode."

When Jiraiya heard this, his eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement: "Yes! I am indeed a genius!"

As he said this, he raised his eyebrows proudly at Orochimaru beside him.

Orochimaru couldn't bear it any longer and taunted him directly: "You idiot, didn't you hear that?"

"Normally speaking, with your so-called innocent heart, you can easily master the perfect Sage Mode, but this is not the case now!"

"Not only did it take you years to master Sage Mode, but it's not perfect!"

"This shows that your innocent heart is polluted!"

"Would you like to guess what it was contaminated by?"

Ha! Want to show off in front of him?

See how I fight back against you.

At this time, through Qian Xuan's words just now, Orochimaru also understood the key to practicing immortality besides physical qualifications.

It is actually such an illusory thing as the state of mind.

No wonder!

Indeed, compared to Jiraiya, a simple-minded idiot, it is completely impossible to make him completely calm down and eliminate all distracting thoughts in his mind!

Now he only hopes that Qian Xuan can really help him achieve this state of mind.

Of course, he still has more confidence in Xuan.

Because, no matter how you look at it, Qian Xuan himself is also an extremely smart person, and logically speaking, he should not be able to learn magic.

It happens that you can master Xuanhui, and it is not an ordinary skill.

This shows that he has really mastered Jue Kong.


Jiraiya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and the proud look on his face froze. A thought suddenly came to his mind: "Could it be a matter of lust? No way?"

But the more Jiraiya thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

For a moment, cold sweat began to appear on his forehead, and he looked at Qian Xuan for verification: "Um, Qian Xuan, is it really like Orochimaru said..."

However, no matter what you are afraid of, come what may.

Qian Xuan listened and smiled slightly: "That's right! That's what Uncle Snake said! You're so horny!"

"Forcibly polluting your own innocent heart, making it less perfect!"

"Otherwise, it wouldn't have taken you so long to learn the magic, and you wouldn't have been able to master only a semi-finished product!"

"Sage Mode, in the final analysis, is a combination of natural energy + spiritual energy + physical energy, plus at most one more refined natural energy as a fusion agent;"

"The reason why a state of mind like Shisui is needed is so that the three can naturally fuse together under the guidance of the fusion agent to synthesize the magic Chakra!"

"If your mind is not calm, then your spiritual energy will naturally be impure;"

"This will naturally cause the repulsion of natural energy, making the integration less perfect and stable;"

"Furthermore, it affects your Sage Mode mastery and even allows you to synthesize magic Chakra anytime and anywhere after entering Sage Mode;"

"After you enter Sage Mode, I'm afraid you need to devote a lot of energy to suppressing your magic Chakra to prevent it from rioting or even decomposing, right?"

"This is also the reason why you cannot enter Sage Mode and continue to practice Chakra while fighting.

Jiraiya nodded numbly: "Yes! Because of this, if I use Sage Mode for no more than 5 minutes each time, the magic Chakra will be exhausted;"


"I can only do this for a long time with the help of two immortals who help me continuously refine the magic Chakra. Sage Mode;"

"I thought it was just because I couldn't master the magic of immortality, but in the end, it turned out to be because of this?"

Jiraiya didn't know what to say for a moment!

Is it so harmful to be emotionally lustful?

At this time, Orochimaru couldn't help but interjected: "Qian Xuan-kun! According to what you said, shouldn't people with restless minds be unable to cultivate Sage Mode?"

"Why is Jiraiya obviously restless?

But you learned it?”

Even if it’s just a semi-finished product, it’s still Sage Mode!

Very helpful to combat effectiveness.

Moreover, as long as you get started, there is always a way to practice to perfection.

Not being able to get started is truly despairing and uncomfortable.

"I'm curious about this too!"

Jiraiya listened and asked in confusion.

Qian Xuan chuckled and said: "After all, Jiraiya still has a pure heart and has far fewer distracting thoughts than normal people;"

"If you go through special training and force yourself to enter a state of mind like Shisui in a short period of time with full concentration, you can still do it!"

"This is also the reason why he can enter Sage Mode in a short period of time, but cannot achieve perfect Sage Mode;"

Speaking of this, Qian Xuan looked at Jiraiya and asked: "You should practice meditation for a long time at Mount Myōboku to master the technique of completely calming down in a short time.


When Jiraiya heard Qian Xuan's words, he immediately remembered his experience of sitting on a sharp stone pillar on Mount Myōboku for several years with a wooden board as a cushion.

I couldn't help but nodded and said: "Not bad..." Then, he explained his meditation training method in detail: "This is really difficult. If I have any distracting thoughts in my mind, I can't sit still and will fall down;" 0 "In that dangerous state, you can't succeed without draining all distracting thoughts:" "It took me many years to gradually master the skills!" "But as you said, I can only keep my whole heart and soul condensing the fairy art chakra, without moving my whole body, and maintain it for 5 minutes to extract enough fairy art chakra to enter Sage Mode;" "Exiting this state, you can't completely calm down and condense the fairy art chakra!" "Of course, it's worse than this at the beginning, and the condensation time is longer;" "The current 5 minutes is the result of my years of continuous hard work!" "But this time has been compressed to the limit by me, and there has been no further breakthrough for a long time!" "On the contrary, I feel that I still have room for improvement in terms of not being able to move;" "At present, I can condense the fairy art while walking around Chakra!"

"But both hands must be put together and cannot be separated before the condensation is completed;"

"Otherwise, it will fail."

This limitation is too great.

This is also the reason why he has mastered the perfect Sage Mode.

"That's it!"

Qian Xuan nodded in understanding: "You can only calm down completely in this state;'

"This is thanks to your natural innocence, even if it has been polluted"

"But at least it can allow you to enter the state of mind like Shisui in this state. "

"If you don't have this natural state of mind, with your lustful personality, you will never be able to learn fairy arts in your life, haha!"

Jiraiya was shocked and felt fortunate at the same time.

God still loves him!

At least he gave him this state of mind.

It's just that he failed.


But if you let Jiraiya choose again, he would still choose the current one, right?

The perfection or imperfection of Sage Mode is only a temporary thing, but beauty is his lifelong love, how can he abandon it?

If he really abandons it, what fun is there in life?

"So that's it!"

Orochimaru also fully understood what was going on, and immediately showed Jiraiya a sarcastic smile: "Tsk tsk! You have completely ruined your talent! As expected, you are a fool!"

"Who cares?"

Jiraiya rolled his eyes angrily after hearing this: "Whether it is ruined or not is my own business, it is better than you not having this talent.

After saying that, he looked at Qian Xuan asked: "So, how can I solve this problem?" Qian Xuan touched his chin and pondered: "One word, grinding!" "Huh?" Jiraiya listened and asked with a face: "What do you mean? Do you want me to continue to slowly grind like in the past? Isn't that the same thing?" "No, no!" Qian Xuan shook his head and said: "Not this! I want you to try to practice Sage Mode while peeping in the future: "Let your heart adapt to this kind of thing, and eventually form an instinct, so that even if you face beauty, as long as you want to enter Sage Mode, you can do it without any waves in your heart!" "In this way, even if your heart is not so pure, it is still possible to master the perfect Sage Mode." In the final analysis, it is to form a habit and regard the distracting thoughts of lust as a normal state. Well! It can also be called the state of a sage. PS: Please set your own size!

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