Konoha: Comprehension Is Heaven-Defying, The Opening Is Broken Caged Bird

Chapter 197: Ninja Civilization, Controlling Gravity

The world of Hokage also has computers, as well as system programming.

But that's too low-level.

Even if Neji has a very high level of understanding and has been developing it for many years, he can extract genetic information, conduct fusion operations, and cultivate various cloned organisms.

But that can only be regarded as taking a different approach and reaching a certain height in a different way.

It is to combine science and ninja system to produce a series of wonderful effects.

If we talk about technology alone.

The technology in his hands is still not as good as that of Super God World, and his basic application and knowledge reserve are far behind.

After all, this place has been developing for tens of thousands of years.

The Angels also have a few Ten Thousand Years of history.

As for Neji, he has only been doing it for a few years on his own, so the difference is not huge.

Of course.

Even if there is a big difference in time, it does not mean that there is no opportunity to catch up.

Because everyone plays in a different system.

Pure science needs to move forward step by step. It cannot be accomplished in one fell swoop, let alone advance by leaps and bounds.

Only by thoroughly understanding what is known can we continue to explore unknown areas. 19

Progress is naturally slow.

But Neji is different here.

He does science and metaphysics at the same time, and they go hand in hand.

By absorbing the essence of the two systems and merging them, he created his current strength and various techniques.

It cannot be compared with a purely scientific system.

So forget about Ten Thousand Years.

As long as Neji can learn this knowledge, he is confident that he can master the technology here in a very short period of time.

This is not bragging, but comes from real confidence.

"Where are we going?"

Neji asked Reina who was sitting next to him on the transport plane.

"Super Seminary, but now it has been moved to an aircraft carrier. That is our new base."

"Aircraft carrier? It's a military facility, right? Is it appropriate for me to go there?"

Neji said in a retreat.

In fact, he doesn't care about this little thing.

Sure enough, I heard Reina say generously: "What's inappropriate about this? This goddess has already spoken, who can not give me face? Just relax.


Neji gave a thumbs up.

"That's for sure, haha~~"

Reina laughed wildly, showing her true nature as a crazy woman.

This also made the other people next to him unable to bear to look at him. They either turned their heads away or covered their faces.

"I'll go, sister, what are you doing?"

"Needless to say? I must have fallen in love with this pretty boy."

Liu Chuang asked, and Zhao Xin complained.

the other side.

Ge Xiaolun couldn't stand it any longer and said in a huff, "Qiang...Qiangwei, do you also like this kind of person?"

"What did you say?"

"Then why do you always stare at him?"


Qiangwei was also speechless.

Because she was staring at Neji, although it cannot be ruled out that she found it very eye-catching, but the most important thing was not this.

She thinks so.

Neji has a lot of secrets, and it's certainly not that simple.

Unfortunately, she couldn't scan any useful information with her dark eyes.

But the more this happened, the more determined Qiangwei was, so Tuanhui kept staring at Neji.

It seemed like he was really attracted to the other person.

Just like Gui Xiang, Qiangwei doesn't care what others think of her, and she doesn't want to explain to Ge Xiaolun.

"That's what you think."


"Ah, what, don't I like looking at handsome guys? This has nothing to do with you, you should just worry about your own business.

Ge Xiaolun didn't expect such an answer, which also shocked him.

But Qiangwei doesn't care about that.

At this time, she was still quite disgusted with Ge Xiaolun, so she didn't speak too politely.

The transport plane continued to fly forward.

Soon we reached the sea.

"What is your civilization called?"

Rena is still chatting with Neji.


Neji said casually.

“What a strange name, and I’ve never heard of it at all.

"It's because we're not very famous."

"But looking at the strength you showed in killing those gluttonous soldiers, you are not weak at all. Are you the god of your civilization?"

"So be it."

"What is calculation? If it is, it is, and if it is not, it is not."

"That is."

"Is this right? Let's discuss it when we have time."


Neji nodded in agreement.

"We're going to make an emergency landing later. We don't have anything like a parachute, so you should be fine." Reina added.

"no problem."

"That's best. Let's get ready. We're about to get there."

Rena clapped her hands and greeted.

Soon, the transport plane arrived at the designated location.

As the cabin door opened, the cold wind came in like a howling.

Reina also stood up, commanding the men of the Xiongbing Company to jump down one by one.

to the end.

She even took Neji with her and jumped off the transport plane.

Fortunately, Neji is not a pirated version of Sun Wukong.

Even if he is pulled by someone, he can still maintain a good balance.

Through heavy clouds.

Neji didn't use any abilities, and was just dragged down by Rena.

Until I saw the aircraft carrier below, which was the Juxia.

When it was still a hundred meters high from the deck.

Only then did Neji control gravity, offsetting the speed of his descent.

And this also surprised Lena.

Because she just wanted to see how Neji would solve this problem, 347 she kept pulling Neji to act as a coward.

But she didn't expect that Neji could resolve the gravity of the fall so easily, and the method she used was something she had never seen before.

It landed lightly on the deck without making any movement.

This effortless control ability also made Reina interested, and she couldn't help but ask: "How did you do it?"

"Controlling gravity, it's not too difficult."

Neji said very Versailles.

Because he used metaphysical power, not scientific technology.

The gap is huge.

If you want to use science and technology to control gravity, you have to apply it to individuals, and the technical content required is too high.

Not to mention the current earth civilization, even the Lieyang Star where Reina is located, or the angel civilization, cannot easily achieve this.

"Have you made a mistake? Do you dare to say that this kind of technology is not difficult?"

After snorting twice, Rena said again: "I am becoming more and more curious about your Ninja Civilization. It is true that even if you are not born, you will be shocked as soon as you are born."

"It's still not as good as your Lieyang civilization."

"Don't say that, we don't have the technology to control gravity."

"Do we have time to talk?"

"Okay, the Sleepy Goddess is always with you."

After agreeing on this matter.

Reina gathered the people from the Xiongbing Company again, went to see Dukao, and introduced Neji to him. .

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