
Mei Terumi, the pen pal she had been communicating with for ten years, suddenly came to Konoha Village and asked to meet him offline.

It seems that after ten years, her patience has worn out. She wants to meet him in person in one step!

Uchiha Yusuke didn't react to this...

He still insisted on his three principles: don't take the initiative, don't refuse, and don't take responsibility!

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to show his goodwill, he will always be the undefeated party.


On the other side. In the small house where Mei Terumi lived, the host of the group from Kirigakure was staying.

"Water escape - Mist Hiding Technique." Mei Terumi performed the Water escape ninjutsu.

After a while, fog gradually began to form around the small house where she lived.

At first, it was a hazy white fog, and then, the fog thickened, and the sight was less than five meters.

The whole area was shrouded in this thick white fog.

"Strange, why did it suddenly become foggy?"

"The fog is so thick that it affects the vision."

"This thick fog, if it continues like this, the mission ordered by the Hokage will be affected.……"

In the dark night, in several hidden woods and bushes, there were several ANBU members wearing fox animal masks lurking.

These ANBU ninjas received the request from the Hokage to monitor the Mizukage Terumi Mei.

They did not think much about the task, after all, their mission was to obey the arrangements of the Hokage unconditionally. Moreover

, in order to ensure safety...

The outsiders including the Mizukage Terumi Mei from the Hidden Mist Village who came to the Hidden Leaf Village must be monitored by the village. Although it was surveillance, they would not disturb the other party's life. However, the sudden appearance of such a thick fog in front of them disturbed them.

"No, I can't see clearly at all. I have to get closer."

"The opponent is the Mizukage. If you get too close, it might alert him. It will be difficult to deal with him if he is discovered."

"We can't worry about that anymore, we just need to carry out the task assigned to us by the Hokage."


Just as several members of the Anbu quietly approached the small house of Mei Terumi, a figure disappeared at a very fast speed in the thick white fog.

The Anbu members were completely unaware.

In the night, the figure of Mizukage Mei Terumi appeared a few hundred meters away from the small house.

Looking at the area filled with white fog, she couldn't help but smile:

"Sending people to monitor me, Hokage, I didn't expect that you would pay so much attention to me, I am really flattered."

Mei Terumi was very dissatisfied with Tsunade's sending the Anbu to monitor her.

Who would like to be monitored?

In fact, Tsunade's arrangement is more or less understandable.

Mei Terumi and her group are outsiders, and they are in someone else's village, so it seems that it is understandable to accept monitoring.

However, the arrogant Mizukage Mei Terumi was very unhappy:

"Sending someone to monitor me, it's really disrespectful to me as the Mizukage!"

Terumi Mei was furious.

"I will definitely get this place back in the future, but now……"

"Forget it, let's get down to business."

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei used a body-flash technique, and her beautiful figure quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Tonight, the purpose of her sneaking out this time was to find Uchiha Yusuke.

Although, today Tsunade told Terumi Mei that Uchiha Yusuke had been sent to the Sand Village.

But according to Tsunade's unfriendly attitude today, Terumi Mei felt: (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It is better not to trust Tsunade's words too much.

Whether it is true or not, wouldn't it be clear if you go there yourself to check it out?

Fortunately, for this trip to Konoha, Terumi Mei had already made preparations a long time ago.

As for the map of Konoha Village, Terumi Mei had already memorized it by heart.

In the night, after finding the iconic building of the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, comparing it with the map that was familiar to her mind...

Soon, Terumi Mei determined her position and headed towards the direction of the Uchiha clan's residence.

Yusuke-kun, here I come... the Uchiha clan's residence. The Uchiha clan leader's residence, it covers an extremely large area.

However, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

Not to mention that under the governance of Uchiha Yusuke , the public security of the Uchiha clan can be said to be the best among the major families in Konoha.

And around the Uchiha clan leader's residence, there are Uchiha clan members taking turns to guard it all day long.

In the dark, there are root members guarding vigilantly.

After all, not far from the clan leader Uchiha Yusuke's residence is the root base.

However, this base is very secretive, and most of the Uchiha clan members know about it.

It can be said that in terms of security, no place in Konoha Village can compare to the clan leader's residence of Uchiha Yusuke.

Under the cover of the hazy night, Mei Terumi easily sneaked into the Uchiha clan's residence.

As he entered the Uchiha clan's residence, the residential areas on the edge were okay and were unlikely to be discovered.

But the deeper you go into the center of the Uchiha clan, the more rigorous the management is. Basically, you can see patrol teams from time to time, and Uchiha clan members standing guard at important locations.

Everything is in order, and the work is clear and meticulous.

Mei Terumi couldn't help but frown slightly, and began to pay a little more attention and be careful.

"As expected of Konoha's largest and most powerful family, the Uchiha clan's security measures are too rigorous."

After evading a patrol team, Mei Terumi muttered to herself.

If a normal Kage-level warrior wants to sneak in here, he will definitely be discovered and exposed.

However, this is not a problem for Mei Terumi.

She is the fifth Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village!

Tonight, her destination is the Uchiha clan leader's residence.

Not the residence of the previous clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, but the residence of the current clan leader, Uchiha Yusuke.

It must be said that Mei Terumi's luck is pretty good.

Uchiha Yusuke just moved in a few days ago, otherwise, she might have really come up empty-handed.

After a series of dodging and sneaking in, finally...

Mei Terumi came to the outside of the Uchiha clan leader's residence. Mei Terumi hid in a dense and tall tree, looking at the Uchiha clan leader's residence in front of her.

The residence is quite large, with lights dim inside.

"Yusuke-kun, wait a moment, I'll come to you soon……"Looking at Mei Terumi in the courtyard, she was filled with excitement.

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