Hokage's office.

Konoha F4 gathered.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had just returned, and Danzo directly pulled the three of them to hold a high-level meeting.

Danzo still felt a little regretful.

"Why didn't the Uchiha do anything?"

"I'm still waiting for the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to resign on the grounds that he handled the Uchiha issue improperly!"

Last time, I finally found an opportunity to make Sarutobi Hiruzen resign, but he pushed forward his disciple Namikaze Minato to succeed as Hokage.

If he could find another opportunity to make Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicate, Danzo could recommend himself and compete for the position of the Fifth Hokage.

Unfortunately, things did not develop as Danzo expected.

This made Danzo feel a little exasperated.

"Hiruzen, you are too kind!"

"We should take advantage of the situation today to completely wipe out the Uchiha clan!"

Danzo paused with his cane, his eyes full of murderous intent.

As for the Uchiha clan, Danzo has always advocated the extermination of the clan.

The power of the Sharingan is so terrifying, how can you feel at ease if you can't control it in your own hands?

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo.

He knew Danzo's thoughts very well.

Take advantage of the situation to wipe out the Uchiha clan?

You really want me to fight the Uchiha clan to the death, and you can just sit back and reap the benefits!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression sank and he said

"Uchiha is also a comrade of Konoha, don't mention the matter of extermination again!"

The Third Hokage changed the subject

"Although we failed to exterminate the clan, we still have to be on guard against the Uchiha!"

"‘I am deeply worried about the rise of Yusuke Engei!"

"What do you think?"

Mitomon Yan said after a moment of contemplation.

"For now, why not try to win over Fugaku and make him our spy?"

Danzo sneered when he heard this.

"Win over the former Uchiha clan leader?"

"Are you sure he will agree with us?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen also shook his head.

According to today's situation, Uchiha Fugaku is obviously getting closer to the clan members.

It's probably too unrealistic to win over Fugaku.

However, Mitomon En's proposal also provided Sarutobi with a new idea. If it fails to win over the old Uchiha core figures, is there a chance for the new generation of young people?

In the era when the second generation Hokage was in power, there were many Uchiha ninjas who were willing to jump out of the family and devote themselves to the village wholeheartedly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen first thought of Uchiha Kagami's descendant, Uchiha Shisui, who was as famous as the 'Flame Ghost' Yusuke!

Then he thought of Uchiha Itachi, who had just graduated from the Ninja School with extraordinary talent.

Thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth curled up a smile.

Everything is for Konoha, arranged by the Will of Fire!

He has made up his mind to find an opportunity to instill brainwashing will into these people.

The next day.

Yusuke held the first clan meeting as the new clan leader.

The same place, the same people, but this time Uchiha Yusuke sat in the first place

""Meet the clan leader."

Uchiha Yusuke sat down, and everyone simply bowed to him.

Uchiha is not Hyuga, there are not so many red tapes!

Yusuke smiled and nodded to everyone. In addition to maintaining his dignity, he did not put on the airs of a clan leader at all. He was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was relaxed and tense.

The Uchiha people were quite satisfied with Yusuke, the new clan leader.

Although Yusuke was young, his words and deeds were very decent, no worse than Uchiha Fugaku.

At such a young age, he already has the qualities of a leader. With such a person as the clan leader, the future of Uchiha is bright!

"cough cough……"

Uchiha Yusuke cleared his throat and spoke

"I have gathered you all here today to announce two things."

"These two things are crucial to the reputation of our Uchiha"

"Please be sure to abide by the requirements!"

Uchiha Yusuke's expression gradually became serious, and the atmosphere on the scene became a little solemn.

Everyone thought of a problem in tacit understanding. Is the clan leader going to implement policy reforms?

Uchiha Yusuke sat upright and got straight to the point.

"First, the Uchiha clan members must be strictly restrained and no one is allowed to bully others by taking advantage of their power!"

"If anyone violates the rules, they will be severely punished."

Uchiha Yusuke's expression was very serious.

Since it was a bone scraping to cure the poison, it naturally required thunderous means!

Uchiha Yusuke changed the subject and said half-jokingly

"Of course, we can fight back when others bully us."

"A dignified Uchiha should not be bullied!"

Everyone echoed in agreement.

Uchiha Yusuke briefly summarized

"Don't cause trouble, don't be afraid of trouble, please keep these six words in mind."

Uchiha Yusuke opposes his clansmen bullying the weak, but he also doesn't let his clansmen swallow their anger.

It's impossible to make a family that advocates the use of force do what they want!

In the past, Uchiha, if you provoke me, I will fight you back!

In recent years, due to the suppression of Konoha's high-level officials, the tempers of the Uchiha clan have been restrained a lot.

Because the way the clan leader Fugaku handles conflicts is often just to keep things quiet, but now it's different, and clan leader Yusuke has made it clear.

As long as you are right, you are not afraid of big things!

Uchiha Yusuke paused for a moment and spoke again

"The second thing is to change the law enforcement process of the police department."

The previous one is just an appetizer. Changing the law enforcement process of the police department is the important measure that Yusuke wants to implement.

Uchiha Yusuke said

"I think everyone knows that since taking over the police department, Uchiha has gradually become the target of public criticism."

"If you want to change everyone's impression of Uchiha, the reform of the police department is imperative!"

The second generation Hokage, Senju Tobirama, originally handed over the police department to Uchiha according to the family characteristics, but this had a great negative impact on Uchiha.

Even though Uchiha enforces the law impartially, it still caused strong dissatisfaction among the people of Konoha.

In addition, the Uchiha clan members are all aloof and simply don't bother to explain anything to others.

Over time, the misunderstanding has become deeper and deeper.

The Konoha high-level officials knew the grievances of Uchiha, but they were not willing to help Uchiha change the status quo.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

Uchiha holds the power of law enforcement, so it is reasonable for him to suffer some grievances.

Anyway, we don't plan to let Uchiha people become Hokage, so it doesn't matter if there is such a thing as reputation!

Uchiha Fugaku can accept it, but Uchiha Yusuke can't swallow this breath. The

Konoha high-level officials are unwilling to take the blame, right?

Then I will reform the process openly and drag the major families of Konoha into the water together!

Yusuke took out a piece of paper and introduced the specific reform plan to everyone

"Eliminate violent law enforcement and treat criminals kindly before conviction"

"Do not abuse punishment and never use lynching to force prisoners to confess their crimes"

"Set up a jury and invite members of major families to try criminals together, striving for fairness, openness and justice."


Based on his past life experience, Yusuke developed a set of Dianping's trial methods.

In short, everyone has the final say, and there is no dictatorship.

If there is a problem, the responsibility is also everyone's.

I, Uchiha, will never take the blame myself! Yusuke

's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

With this method of reform, within a year, the people of Konoha will definitely have a much better view of Uchiha.

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