After all, he was born and raised in the Uchiha clan after traveling through sixteen years.

People are not plants or trees, so who can be heartless?

Most of his relatives and friends are in the Uchiha clan, so he naturally cannot watch the tragedy of the genocide night happen.

"Nabekage Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the filial son Uchiha Itachi, and the secretly active Tsuchiko."

After reciting the culprit of the night of genocide, Uchiha Yusuke's eyes flashed with coldness.

Of the four culprits, Uchiha Itachi can be ignored for the time being, after all, he has just graduated from the Ninja School and his strength is not too strong, but the other three are all genuine Kage-level strength.

If Uchiha Yusuke wants to deal with them, he still needs to make long-term plans.

Let's not talk about others, Nabekage Danzo is madly targeting Uchiha, and at the same time secretly coveting the forbidden eye power of the Sharingan.

To be frank, Danzo Itachi was already on his must-kill list, and Uchiha and Danzo could not coexist.

In addition, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was kind on the surface, but he was actually quite dirty inside. Although he did not agree to wipe out the Uchiha in the original work, he did a lot of things to exclude and target the Uchiha, both openly and secretly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also played an indispensable role in brainwashing Uchiha Itachi.

He turned this rare genius of the Uchiha family into a tool in his hands to slaughter his compatriots.

He also called it for Konoha. , for the peace of the ninja world.


As for the remaining two members of Konoha F4, Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu, the two are basically in the same boat with Danzo.

However, these two old doves have neglected training after being in high positions, and their strength has already fallen to the bottom. Uchiha Yusuke doesn't take them seriously at all.

Without the Mangekyō, Yusuke can easily kill these two old guys.

As long as Danzo Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi are dealt with, the two so-called consultants will be defeated.

As for his old classmate Tsuchiko, this severe psychopath is a bit difficult to deal with.

Nohara Rin is dead, and Tsuchiko wants to destroy the world and create a world with Rin.

Yusuke just wants to say that he is really a psychopath, and he is seriously ill. Tsuchiko, who knows Madara's plan, knows that the Rinnegan can resurrect the dead.

He doesn't grab the Rinnegan to resurrect Rin, but insists on executing the Moon Eye plan and the entire illusion is self-indulgent. Isn't this a disease?

It can only be said that Madara's brainwashing method is more powerful than that will of fire.

【The three-magatama Sharingan (proficiency 100%) evolves into the Mangekyō Sharingan (proficiency 0.1%)!】

As time passed, a reminder sound finally came from my mind.

At the same time, a huge amount of pupil power flowed from my mind into my eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

As the pupil power was injected, Uchiha Yusuke's face began to twist, and he couldn't help but scream.

His eyes were burning as if they were placed on flames, and the pain was unbearable.

At some point, two lines of blood and tears appeared on his face.

Fortunately, the pupil power was quickly injected, and the burning pain that penetrated into the bone marrow also dissipated.

""Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Uchiha Yusuke panted heavily, and after a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, the three magatama gradually changed shape and flowed, connecting with the black dot in the center, and finally formed a windmill pattern.

Uchiha Yusuke couldn't wait to pick up the mirror and observe the kaleidoscope in the mirror. He couldn't help but curl up a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Although he hasn't felt the pupil technique of both eyes yet, he is very satisfied with the surge in pupil power.

With his current pupil power, once the illusion comes out, who below the level of Kage can resist it?

Moreover, the Mangekyo Sharingan is called the art of spiritual portraiture.

After a period of incubation, the eyes will naturally give birth to the pupil technique that suits them best. It is only a matter of time before he comprehends Susanoo, which is called the power of God.

"We can start the first step of the plan, and take down the position of the Uchiha clan leader first."

Uchiha Yusuke smiled confidently after closing his Mangekyō.

The first step to saving the Uchiha clan is, of course, to become the clan leader first.

With the Mangekyō Sharingan and his own special abilities, he is basically confident that he can defeat the current clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku.

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