Not long after,

Yan Min picked up Chen Jianping, Wang Yang, and a group of research institute staff from the airport.

Then they all rushed to the Miaojiang forbidden area.

Because before that, in order to save Reba, Yan Min sent a mercenary team to go there in advance. Now the mercenary team has sent news that there is a new discovery, so Yan Min directly led Chen Jianping and others to join the mercenary team.

When they arrived at the place, it was an open space with a cliff behind it, and there was nothing particularly conspicuous.

"Director Yan, you are here."

When Yan Min appeared, a 1.9-meter-tall, sturdy foreign man came over and said.

This sturdy man is the boss of the mercenary team.

His name is Ross.

He is a special forces soldier who once served in the Eagle Sauce and participated in many wars. He is a terrifying existence on the battlefield.

Later, he formed a mercenary team by himself.

Specializing in dangerous missions. He is well-known throughout the world and can be said to be the No. 1 among mercenary teams.

This time, the program group wants to explore the unknown forbidden area, so Yan Min naturally did not dare to be vague and directly invited Ross and his mercenary team to come.

"Ross, what did you find?"

Yan Min walked closer and asked immediately.

Ross held an AK47 in his hand and pointed to the ground:"Director Yan, look here, there is a pool of black blood. I suspect it is from the black tiger."


Yan Min was stunned and looked over quickly.

Chen Jianping next to him was also very surprised, and they looked at the ground together.

There was indeed a pool of blood on the ground.

The blood was pitch black, completely different from the color of normal blood.

Seeing this pool of blood, Chen Jianping laughed:"Yes, that's right, this is the blood of the black-scaled night tiger.

It is recorded in ancient books that the black-scaled night tiger does not like sunlight.

Over time, even the blood has changed color, and finally transformed into a weird black color.

This is also one of the symbols of the black-scaled night tiger.

" But then.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jianping was suddenly stunned:"Wait, there is the blood of the black-scaled night tiger here.

Does this mean that this black-scaled night tiger is injured?


"How is this possible?"

"The Black Scale Night Tiger has a strong body. Although it is not invulnerable, it is definitely difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt it. Moreover, it is extremely fast and extremely powerful. How could it be injured?"

Chen Jianping's face was full of disbelief.

At this moment, seeing the Black Scale Night Tiger bleeding and injured was even more shocking than discovering the Black Scale Night Tiger.

After hearing what Chen Jianping said, Yan Min also widened his eyes.

After all, he had watched the live broadcast. When the black tiger attacked the bus, it knocked over the bus weighing several tons several times with one collision. Such a terrifying black tiger actually bled?

Is it fake?

Who can let it get hurt?!

Thinking of this, Yan Min quickly looked at Ross

"Ross, do you know what happened here?"

Ross shook his head:"Director Yan, when we came here, there was a pool of blood on the ground, and we didn't know what happened."

But at this time.

Another foreign mercenary shouted to Ross:"Boss, look at this."

Ross hurried over and looked at a rock that the mercenary pointed to.

There was a deep cut on the stone, as if it was left by a weapon like a sword, which was chopped on the stone.

Looking at this mark.

Ross couldn't believe it and widened his eyes.

"Director Yan, this mark was left by a weapon.

I guess someone was fighting this black tiger just now.

" As soon as these words came out, there was silence at the scene, and everyone was a little confused.

A man and a black tiger fighting? Really?!

Ross touched the marks on the rock, combined with the black blood on the ground, and slowly restored the battle situation that took place at that time in front of his eyes.

Just in front of this cliff.

A man stood face to face with the black-scaled night tiger.

The man held a long knife and chopped at the black-scaled night tiger quickly.

The black-scaled night tiger dodged it with terrifying speed, and the knife chopped on the rock.

This mark.


The black-scaled night tiger opened its bloody mouth and counterattacked.

The man swung the long knife and tore the black-scaled night tiger's mouth open.

Tick-tock~~ Tick-tock~~ Black blood fell on the ground.

The black-scaled night tiger retreated step by step, and the blood gradually stretched out.



The scene in front of Ross disappeared.

He immediately looked up at the top of the rock wall, only to see a huge hole on the rock wall as well.


"Impossible, it can't be like this!"

Ross swallowed his saliva and ran towards the rock wall with some trembling.

When he pulled away a patch of grass under the rock wall, he froze in his tracks.

Yan Min, Chen Jianping and others saw Ross's strange behavior and followed him.

"Ross, what's going on?"

Yan Min asked again.

But after coming to Ross's side, the doubts in his heart disappeared completely.


Everyone was completely stunned!! Everyone was in great shock.

Because in front of them.

On this piece of grass.

There was a corpse. It was the corpse of the black-scaled night tiger.

Blood was flowing.

There was a huge wound on the belly of the black-scaled night tiger. At this time, it was lying on the ground motionless.

"Oh my god, the black-scaled night tiger!"

"The real black-scaled night tiger!"

Chen Jianping was shocked and excited.

Although this black-scaled night tiger was just a corpse, it was enough to prove that the black-scaled night tiger of Longguo really existed.

Ancient books don't lie!!

And Yan Min and others beside him opened their mouths, still in shock.

Originally, they thought that being able to make the black-scaled night tiger bleed was already a very shocking thing, but they didn't expect that this black-scaled night tiger is now dead?!

And it was killed by someone!!

Who? ?

Who can kill such a terrifying black tiger?!


Just when he was shocked, Yan Min suddenly remembered that Wu Jing and others asked Reba about the situation of the black-scaled night tiger during the live broadcast. Reba told them that Jiang Chen said he killed the black-scaled night tiger...

At that time.

Everyone was sneering.

They were all questioning.

They were all abusing.

They were all saying that Jiang Chen deceived Reba.

But now.

This black-scaled night tiger is really dead!!

Judging from the wound, it seems that it was really killed by a knife through the body, and Jiang Chen happened to have a knife on his back.

"Could it be... Could it be that this black-scaled night tiger was really killed by Jiang Chen?"

At this moment,

Yan Min thought of an extremely terrifying possibility.

He swallowed nervously, looked in the direction of the bus a few times, and his whole body trembled.


Yan Min sent people to assist Chen Jianping and transported the body of the black-scaled night tiger back to the capital for research.

The bloodstains on the ground were also taken away.

Ross and the brothers of the mercenary team stood aside, watching the busy crowd. Ross took out a cigarette and sat on the stone to smoke.

But look carefully.

The two fingers he smoked were shaking faintly.

Noticing Ross's abnormality, the brothers of the mercenary team surrounded him and asked,"Boss, what's wrong with you? It's just a tiger that was killed. Why do you look so scared?"

Although they knew that this tiger was terrifying. But holding an AK.

They didn't take a tiger seriously. No matter how powerful you are, I'll shoot you with a volley of bullets and see if you will die?!

Ross put out the cigarette in his hand.

He said in a trembling voice:"Fuck, you know shit, do you know why the tiger died over there on the rock wall?"

Several mercenaries shook their heads in confusion.

Ross continued:"He was scared. When facing that man, the tiger was scared and felt fear in his heart, so he wanted to run!!"


After hearing Ross's words, several mercenaries were horrified and stunned.

With the help of AK, they could indeed kill the tiger, but this was the help that the weapon brought to them. As for making a terrifying tiger afraid of them... it was absolutely impossible.

And - how is this possible?

How could a beast be afraid of a human?!

Could it be that - this person is more terrifying than a beast?

Is this really a human?!

All the foreign mercenaries looked at each other, and no one dared to continue talking.

Ross took a deep breath.

Even though he had fought on the battlefield for more than ten years and was not afraid of gunfire and rain of bullets, he felt a chill at this moment.

This was an instinctive fear from the bottom of his heart.

Just like the black-scaled night tiger at that time.

He had not even seen this person, but this fear was always in his heart, making his back cold and sweating.

"Horrible, Dragon Country is really a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons"

"So scary!!"

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