
Uchiha Yusuke glared, and the two Konoha jonin were instantly caught in his illusion.

Yusuke stepped forward and asked casually

"Who told you to kill me?"

The two Konoha jonin opened their mouths but could not make any sound.

"This is... the seal of eradicating tongues?"

Uchiha Yusuke's eyes condensed, and he suddenly understood.

You are so good, Shimura Danzo!

I haven't bothered you yet, but you took the initiative to provoke me?

After coming to their senses, Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Shisui, Ino Shikacho and others immediately rushed over in a hurry.

This time, Konoha was able to defeat Kumogakure, and Uchiha Yusuke was undoubtedly the biggest contributor.

The army was about to triumph, but Uchiha Yusuke was suddenly attacked by his own people.

Even these outsiders felt a burst of anger!

Hyuga Hiashi stepped forward with a concerned look on his face and asked

"Are you okay?"

"Have you dealt with the person who attacked you?"

Uchiha Yusuke replied with a smile.

"It's okay, just a scratch"

"These two guys have been hit by my eye technique, so they can't make any waves."

After hearing Uchiha Yusuke's answer, everyone was relieved.

Fortunately, no major incident happened. If Uchiha Yusuke suddenly encountered an accident, it is very likely that the Cloud Hidden Village would kill them with a surprise attack under the leadership of the Fourth Raikage.

After all, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee is in their hands now.

Nara Shikaku breathed a sigh of relief

"I'm glad you're okay, Yusuke"

"I was really shocked just now!"

Uchiha Shisui looked a little hesitant.

"Brother Yujie, what are the origins of these two people?……"

Uchiha Yusuke shook his head and said with a faint smile

"I asked"

"But these two people couldn't speak."

Can't speak?"

Hearing Uchiha Yusuke say this, everyone unanimously locked their targets on a person synonymous with darkness. Of the fifty dirty people in Konoha, Danzo took the blame for forty-nine and escaped one.

The name of the first Nabekage is not for nothing! When the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog is cooked. When the birds are all gone, the good bows are hidden.

The battle with Kumogakure has just ended, and someone in Konoha can't wait to get rid of Uchiha Yusuke. When this happened, Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shikaku and other famous Konoha clan leaders all felt a chill in their hearts.

First they refused to support, and then they wanted to wipe out the heroes who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield.

What the Konoha high-level officials did was really too much!

Uchiha Shisui looked a little gloomy.

He was ordered by the third Hokage to come to monitor Uchiha Yusuke.

The purpose was to prevent Uchiha Yusuke from doing things that would harm the interests of Konoha.

However, after all the surveillance, Uchiha Yusuke did not do anything that would harm Konoha. Nothing was done, instead, the Konoha high-level officials repeatedly set traps to harm Uchiha Yusuke.

Uchiha Shisui was extremely upset at the moment, and he had begun to doubt the Will of Fire that he firmly believed in.

The so-called Dark of Konoha, Danzo, actually sent people to assassinate Uchiha Yusuke. Is it true that there is no place for the Uchiha clan in Konoha anymore?

Uchiha Yusuke said nothing, and so did Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shikaku and others.

Everyone knew very well that with the Third Hokage's level of indulgence towards Danzo, even if they brought the matter to light, Danzo would still not be severely punished.

Uchiha Shisui originally wanted to defend the Third Hokage, but when he thought of what the Konoha high-level officials had done in recent days, he immediately gave up the idea.

The Third Hokage might really not know, but people like Danzo should not be at large!

Everyone was silent for a long time, and finally it was Uchiha Yusuke who spoke to break the silence.

"Arrest these two men and hand them over to the Third Hokage for punishment!"

Hinata Hiashi, Nara Shikaku and others nodded when they heard this. It was obvious that Uchiha Yusuke did not intend to give up!

They did not want to intervene in the dispute between the Uchiha and Konoha's high-level officials, but if Uchiha Yusuke wanted to cause trouble for Danzo, they would be happy to help. Did

Danzo just want to deal with Uchiha Yusuke?

He wanted to pit them together! We can't afford to offend you head-on, so it's okay for us to hide aside and fan the flames, right?

Even if we can't fight back head-on like Uchiha Yusuke, we have to curse and vent our anger.

You plotted against us on the battlefield, and you still want to be safe and sound?

We are also very vengeful!


Uchiha Yusuke let the Konoha coalition rest for two days, and only ordered the army to return after the outpost confirmed that Kumogakure had fully retreated.

Not long after Kumogakure retreated, the Fourth Raikage received information that Uchiha Yusuke was attacked on the battlefield.

The Fourth Raikage saw a glimmer of hope again.

With the behavior of the Konoha high-level, they will sooner or later fall out with Uchiha Yusuke!

As long as the internal strife in Konoha continues, Kumogakure will have a good chance to ask for Killer Bee or prepare for a comeback.

External threats are not terrible, but internal strife is the most deadly!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo and others are now in a state of conflict with the Uchiha clan, and Konoha will sooner or later fall into chaos.

Although Kumogakure was defeated this time, as long as they wait patiently for the opportunity, they are not without the possibility of a Jedi comeback!

Uchiha Yusuke has been caught in the political vortex of Konoha, and he will definitely be unable to do anything.

Their most important task now is to negotiate with Konoha and find a way to redeem Killer Bee.

The Fourth Raikage Ai felt that with the Third Hokage's weak character of indulging in peace, he should be able to get his brother back without spending any price.

Last time, Konoha had gone through so much trouble to defeat Iwagakure, but in the end, didn't they get nothing?

Killing one thousand enemies, losing eight hundred of their own.

The final result of the war will only be a lose-lose situation.

As long as they, the Cloud Village, are tougher, Konoha will not dare to push them too far!

After all, if the Cloud Village really fights with Konoha, the only ones who will benefit in the end will be the other three hidden villages.

Each of the five major ninja countries is not a pushover.

Without special reasons, it is impossible to fight to the death!


Under the leadership of Uchiha Yusuke, the army marched straight to Konoha.

On the way, every Konoha ninja's face was filled with deep joy.

Facing the powerful Kumogakure, they won a beautiful victory!

Now, they are all heroes who have returned triumphantly from the battlefield.

Among them, the most talked about is Uchiha Yusuke's proud record.

First, he defeated the two-tailed Yukito in a single duel, and then defeated the AB combination of Kumogakure in a one-on-two battle.

At this moment.

Uchiha Yusuke's reputation has reached its peak, just like Namikaze Minato at the end of the Third World War.

Many people are privately discussing that Uchiha Yusuke is likely to become the next generation of Hokage.

Uchiha Yusuke is also deeply gratified that everything is developing in the direction he expected.

As long as they get the support of public opinion, those people in Konoha's high-level officials will have to think twice before they want to attack Uchiha.

The third generation Hokage, who cherishes his feathers, can't bear such a pot!

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