Uchiha Yusuke's indifferent voice fell, and the whole venue was dead silent.

People from both Konoha and Kumogakure were stunned by his unconventional speech!

A complete collection of forbidden techniques?

That is the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors of Kumogakure!

And an amber bottle that can seal the tailed beasts?

Since the Kin Ginkakure Rebellion, this is the only one of the Six Paths Treasures left in Kumogakure!

Three billion taels of war reparations, isn't that enough?

That is equivalent to the income of Kumogakure Village for a whole year!

The people of the Kumogakure delegation were frightened by Uchiha Yusuke's remarks.

This Konoha flame demon is going to ask them for a huge sum of money!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The conditions you proposed are too harsh, and Kumogakure has no way to agree to them."

Dodai came to his senses and stood up to protest with an excited look on his face.

The request that Uchiha Yusuke just made was completely beyond his psychological expectations.

He thought that even if Konoha asked for compensation, it would definitely not be too much, but the reality was so embarrassing.

Uchiha Yusuke not only dared to think, but also put it into action directly.

Dodai was somewhat unprepared for this situation.

The Third Hokage had already agreed to return the Eight-Tails free of charge, how dare Uchiha Yusuke do this?

"cough cough……"

When the Kumogakure delegation was doubting their lives, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed and stood up.


"Yunyin has promised to resolve the issue peacefully."

"Are the conditions you proposed a bit too harsh?"

"Let's take a long-term view on this matter!"

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, Uchiha Yusuke immediately refuted

"700""The war started because Kumogakure provoked Konoha"

"We tried to reason with them before, but they were unreasonable."

"Kumogakure wanted to bully the weak, so Konoha fought back in self-defense"

"If it was Konoha that was defeated this time, how could Kumogakure let it go?"

"It is reasonable to ask them for that little compensation, there is nothing to discuss!"

Seeing Uchiha Yusuke's firm attitude, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately showed an embarrassment on his face.

If he really asked Kumogakure to compensate as Uchiha Yusuke said, his image as the benevolent Third Hokage would be greatly reduced!

There were differences of opinion, and the Third Hokage couldn't help but look at the patriarchs of each family.

If you want to stop Uchiha Yusuke from going his own way, you can only put pressure on him by uniting everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice

"What do you mean? Tell us what you mean."

His meaning is self-evident. You guys should take sides!

If it were in the past... this kind of meeting would basically be the one-man show of the Third Hokage.

Basically, no one would object to the ideas he put forward.

Unfortunately, since Uchiha Yusuke came out of nowhere, the ideas of the Konoha clan leaders have gradually changed. After Sarutobi

Hiruzen spoke, the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, was the first to stand up.

"Third Hokage, I think Yusuke is right."

"The whole thing is the fault of Kumogakure, they should compensate Konoha for the losses."As soon as

Hyuga Hiashi finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku also stood up.

"The war was caused by the selfish desires of Kumogakure, and my Uchiha clan paid hundreds of lives for it."

"I also support Yusuke's opinion. Kumogakure should compensate Konoha."

Two heavyweights stood up to support Uchiha Yusuke, and the Third Hokage looked a little unhappy.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Nara Shikaku, who was always close to Konoha's high-level officials, also stood up.

"Third Hokage, during the war, the frontline did not receive support from Konoha, and the major families suffered heavy casualties."

"Since Kumogakure wants to redeem the Eight-Tails, it is understandable that we ask for some compensation."

Nara Shikaku's words were full of profound meaning.

He not only supported Uchiha Yusuke, but also criticized the Third Hokage.

When we were fighting hard on the front line, someone was tripping us up from behind.

Not only does Kumogakure owe us, but you, the Konoha high-level officials, have also let everyone down.

After being reminded by Nara Shikaku, the Third Hokage finally came to his senses.

He was indeed in the wrong in this matter, and Uchiha Yusuke was fighting for the interests of everyone.

If he insisted on not asking for compensation from Kumogakure, his reputation as the Third Hokage would likely be greatly damaged.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face kept changing, and after weighing the pros and cons, he finally gave in to everyone.

The Third Hokage looked at Tsuchida, the representative of the Kumogakure delegation, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Your Excellency has heard what everyone meant. Do you think……"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say it directly, but his intention to ask for compensation was obvious.

Dodai rolled his eyes at the Third Hokage.

Just now, they had agreed to release the Eight-Tails for free, but now they changed their minds because of a disagreement.

Are you playing a double game here?

Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that this move would definitely offend Kumogakure.

However, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot, so he could only swallow his anger.

Dodai said indignantly

"It is not impossible for us to make certain compensation."

"But the conditions proposed by Konoha are too harsh!"

"If you insist on doing so, I, Kumogakure, would rather fight to the bitter end."

Touchai is indeed an old hand. While bargaining with Konoha, he did not forget to threaten.

His meaning is simple, don't push us too hard, otherwise Konoha will also suffer.

If we force both sides to lose, it will only benefit the other three major countries.

In the end, no one will benefit from the quarrel between the snipe and the clam.

Although what Touchai said makes sense, Uchiha Yusuke does not buy it at all.

Before the Third Hokage had time to bargain with the Kumogakure delegation, Uchiha Yusuke directly overturned the table.

"You don't want to talk about it anymore, right?"

"That's it."

"Do you want to fight to the bitter end?"

"I will lead my men to the Hidden Cloud Village right now!"

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Uchiha Yusuke added again

"If there's a war, you guys won't have to go back."

"It feels quite troublesome to clean up the battlefield one by one"

"I might as well solve it right here and now!"

After Uchiha Yusuke finished his two sentences, Dodai was so confused that he doubted his life.

Didn't I just want to bargain?

Why don't you play by the rules at all!

Until this moment.

Dodai remembered that Uchiha Yusuke was a ruthless man. The last time, all the envoys from Kumogakure died in his hands, and only one person ran back to deliver the message.

Looking at the murderous Uchiha Yusuke, Dodai was immediately frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

But he was shouldering the mission of a country, so naturally he couldn't lose his integrity.

Dodai said with difficulty under pressure

"Konoha wants too many things!"

"I can't make the decision here. I need to consult the Raikage-sama before I can give a reply."

After hearing what Dodai said, everyone in Konoha breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really worried that bloodshed would happen again, but fortunately the representative of Kumogakure knew the situation and admitted his mistake. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing that Dodai was going to ask the Fourth Raikage for instructions, Uchiha Yusuke immediately changed his expression.

"What are you still standing there for?"

"Hurry up and prepare the communication equipment for the guests from Kumogakure!"

The Anbu directly under the Third Hokage slapped his head belatedly.

"Yes, Master Yusuke"

"I'll go make arrangements for the guests now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, but was a bit speechless.

The Kumogakure delegation wanted to contact the Raikage, and there was nothing wrong with them being responsible for providing the communication tools!

Dodai glanced at Uchiha Yusuke and complained in his heart.

This guy's contrast is too big, isn't it? When he heard that he was going to discuss compensation with the Raikage, he suddenly became so enthusiastic? Are you playing tricks on us here!

Because the Kumogakure delegation needed to ask the Raikage for instructions, the peace talks had to be temporarily suspended.

The Third Hokage announced the adjournment of the meeting and reconvened it another day.

Everyone in Konoha left the table and prepared to go back to enjoy the quiet.

On the way home, Hinata Hiashi and Nara Shikaku walked side by side with Uchiha Yusuke and talked enthusiastically.

"Yusuke, your behavior today is really refreshing!"

"He actually intends to return the Kumogakure Eight-Tails for free. The Third Hokage is really getting old and confused!"

Nara Shikaku changed his usual low-key attitude and actually criticized Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of Uchiha Yusuke.

In the face of Nara Shikaku's show of goodwill, Uchiha Yusuke smiled and replied

"Lord Hokage is old after all!"

"Today's matter is all thanks to you."

Seeing Uchiha Yusuke being so polite to him, Nara Shikaku was immediately delighted.

"What are you talking about!"

"You are thinking about the interests of everyone"

"Of course I have to come out to help!"

Uchiha Yusuke smiled and nodded.

Although Nara Shikaku did not admit that he was supporting him, his attitude was still very obvious.

Seeing that the relationship between Uchiha Yusuke and Ino Shikacho had improved, Hyuga Hiashi was also in a good mood.

Now, under his leadership, the Hyuga clan is gradually alienating the Konoha high-level officials..........

The stronger Uchiha Yusuke's foundation is, the more stable the position of the Hyuga family will become.

When Uchiha Yusuke succeeds to the position of Hokage, the Hyuga clan will be able to completely get rid of the constraints of the Konoha high-level.

Over the years, the Hyuga family has been dependent on the Konoha high-level, and there are too many things that are not satisfactory.

Although the Konoha high-level dare not threaten too much due to the strength of the Hyuga clan.

But the Hyuga family is dependent on others, and there are many times when they act according to others' eyes.

Take the last Kumogakure incident as an example. Although the Hyuga family is the victim, they still have to sacrifice their younger brother of the branch family according to the wishes of the Konoha high-level.

If Uchiha Yusuke hadn't come out to disrupt the situation, the body of Hyuga Hiashi would probably have been sent to Kumogakure as a gift of apology.

The third generation Hokage kept saying that the will of fire is to protect every villager.

But in the end, he had to sacrifice innocent lives in exchange for his own temporary peace.

Uchiha Yusuke said that the will of fire of the third generation Hokage has changed, and it is really not false at all.

If it was the First Hokage or the Second Hokage, they would definitely not agree to sacrifice their companions for peace.

When they were surrounded, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama chose to sacrifice himself to save his companions, while Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to sacrifice his companions to save himself.

If the Third Hokage really wanted to protect Konoha, he should have engraved his name on the memorial tablet long ago.

Instead of falling and rising again, holding power for decades and refusing to let go.

Don't say that Konoha has no successors, Tsunade and Jiraiya are still there among the Three Ninjas.

Hinata Hiashi calmed down and asked about other things.


"Do you think Kumogakure will agree to our request?"

Uchiha Yusuke shook his head slightly.

"It's a bit unrealistic to want to take back all the things I said"

"But there is still a good chance to get half."

Hinata Hiashi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Uchiha Yusuke's request was completely a lion's mouth and an exorbitant price.

Being able to get half is already a very fruitful result.

In the many years of war history, Konoha has always paid a lot, but rarely got a return.

If Uchiha Yusuke can create a precedent, he will surely be loved and supported by everyone.

Who doesn't want to follow a leader with great talent and strategy?

Everyone has long been tired of following the Third Hokage and going hungry for nine meals in three days!

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is quite capable, he is not as enterprising as the Nabekage.

Danzo still wants to become a Hokage and rewrite the history of the ninja world.

The Third Hokage only wants to build a family Enterprise.

His eldest son is the captain of Konoha's Anbu, and his second son Asuma was sent to serve as the Twelve Guardian Ninjas to protect the Fire Country Daimyo.

The Sarutobi clan has more than two thousand ninjas, and even big families like the Uchiha and Hyuga may not be able to reach 2.7.

The Nabekage Danzo did not do this, and Konoha's Shimura family is now almost completely wiped out.

Along the way, Uchiha Yusuke had a good chat with Hyuga Hiashi and Nara Shikaku.

In stark contrast to them, Konoha F4 was in a terrible mood at the moment.

Hokage's office.

The Third Hokage, Danzo, and the two advisors stared at each other, and no one spoke.

The scene was silent for a long time, and it was the Third Hokage who broke the silence first.

"Uchiha Yusuke is now somewhat out of control"

"We must find a way to eliminate this unstable factor."

Danzo walked up slowly and said coldly.

The Third Hokage shook his head. It would be too risky to act rashly against Uchiha Yusuke.

If you are not careful, the other party might catch you.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said in a deep voice

"You all know Konoha’s current situation. Let’s discuss this matter later!"


The next day, the peace talks were held again in the Hokage Building, and everything was just as Uchiha Yusuke expected.

After a fierce bargaining, Kumogakure finally agreed to hand over the Lightning Release Chakra Mode and the Amber Purifier Bottle.

In terms of war reparations, Kumogakure bargained down the price from 3 billion taels required by Uchiha Yusuke to 1.5 billion taels.

What should be taken has been taken, and as for the Eight-Tails Killer Bee, it was handled according to the wishes of the Third Hokage.

Through this compensation, Konoha directly gained a lot and took off on the spot.

Uchiha Yusuke once again proposed to double the pensions for the dead and disabled on the battlefield.

As soon as the decree was issued, Uchiha Yusuke's name spread throughout the village again.

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