Konoha: Exposure Of Six Paths Naruto, Shocking The Ninja World

Chapter 75: Ups And Downs In The Battle, Even A God Can't Avoid The Shadow Clone Trap

Uchiha Madara!

The D option in the options is garish again.

Because Namikaze Minato once said that the masked man who attacked Konoha Village called himself Uchiha Madara.

See the name Uchiha Madara.

Many ninjas have chosen to shut up.

After all, that guy's temper is not as mild as Senju Hashirama's.

Senju Hashirama: "Madara... from what I know about Madara, he should disdain to be the black hand behind the scenes.

Not bad! Hash is spicy, you finally had a brain break.

Uchiha Madara smiled secretly.

If it weren't for the fact that I was nearly buried in the ground, where would I need to find such a waste as Uchiha Obito.

Senju Tobirama: "Just now Payne said that he and Naruto are brothers, from Jiraiya, that should be an acquaintance of Jiraiya."

Tsunade: "Second Grandpa, this kid is called Yahiko, and he is the orphan of the three Rain Shinobi Village that Jiraiya took in."

Kakashi: "I also heard from Master Jiraiya, Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, Master Jiraiya said that they have died in the war."

Jiraiya: "That's true, the information I received is true, but Nagato, Yahiko and Konan, why don't you respond to me."

Jiraiya: "And it should be Nagato who owns Rinnegan, why would Yahiko, the damn system didn't tell us what the secret code I left for Naruto at that time."

Jiraiya was speechless.

If you know what the password you left is, you may be able to find a breakthrough in the matter.

Nagato? Or Yahiko.

Orochimaru: "Do you think there is a possibility that Yahiko was jealous of Nagato's ability, so he picked his Rinnegan.

Shimura Danzō: "I feel that what Orochimaru said is a bit reasonable. It is not uncommon to pick eyes in the ninja world."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "?"

Jiraiya: "Although Yahiko's ideals are bigger than Nagato's, I don't think he is the kind of person who can do things that hurt his teammates."

Rain Shinobi Village.

Nagato took a deep breath nervously.

"Konan, I think Yahiko will know the answer."

"Because the boss of the Akatsuki organization will always be him, he should be able to understand our intentions.

"And this system reward can revive people."

"I think Mr. Jiraiya and the others dare not make decisions about things they are not sure about because of the previous punishment. When the question and answer is nearing the end, the two of us rush to answer. Yahiko should also make the right choice."

Konan instantly understood what Nagato meant.

Yes, the three of them are the orphans of Rain Shinobi Village, and they are also the partners who depend on each other.

The reason why Nagato became like this is also related to Yahiko's death.

If Yahiko can be resurrected, it will definitely be great news for them.


Sad face: Nagato, Yahiko never responded a word from the beginning to the end, I..."

Konan didn't have the heart to say it.

Perhaps Yahiko thought Nagato was doing the opposite of what he thought.

Maybe Yahiko doesn't believe that Nagato did all this.

All in all, Konan's sixth sense tells her that Yahiko won't make any choices.

"Konan, the time is coming."

"This question is the one given to us as a reward, we don't need to miss it."

"Besides, to achieve real peace, we need the calendar."

Nagato's words sounded in Konan's ears again.

The two didn't hesitate any more.

At the same time a choice was made.

Nagato: "A"

Konan: "A"

Jiraiya: "?"

Jiraiya: "Nagato, it's really you, you... aren't you already dead?"

Nagato: "Mr. Jiraiya, your ideas run counter to the reality. There is no need to gossip. Payne is invincible, and Naruto can't defeat him.

Jiraiya: "Nagato, what the hell is going on, and... Yahiko?"

Nagato's sudden rush to answer stunned everyone.

Payne's real body is not Yahiko in the mouth of Jiraiya and Tsunade, but Nagato.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, the time for answering questions had passed.

Unfortunately, Yahiko did not choose to participate as Konan expected.

Nagato closed his eyes.

After a long silence, he slowly opened it.

"It doesn't matter, Yahiko is Payne, Payne is Yahiko."

"Penn is invincible.

"He will defeat Uzumaki Naruto and rule the world."

Think of Yahiko's ideals when he was young.

Nagato's eyes became more determined.

"Come on! Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Let me see what skills you have."

【Fight again. 】

【Lost humanity and hungry Kidō. 】

[Penn is not panicked. 】

【Beast Dao followed suit, and the Summoning beast from Summoning brought trouble to the three big toads. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto wrestled with the beast for a long time, and when they separated, Naruto's breathing was obviously a lot faster. 】

【"Your movements have slowed down."】

【"It seems that the power of your fairy art has weakened."】

【"Did the trick just now exhaust the magic Chakra?"】

[Penn knows everything. 】

[As he expected, Uzumaki Naruto's Sage Mode is about to be released. 】

【 Naruto also started to panic. 】

[But before the Sage Mode is lifted, he needs to get rid of another Payne. 】

【At this time, Fukasaku and Sesame began to assist Uzumaki Naruto. 】

【The Wind Style spit out by sesame seeds caused smoke and dust to rise around, cutting off the connection between Payne and Rinnegan. 】

[Fukasaku even sent the huge toad Bunta to Uzumaki Naruto's side. 】

[Beast Dao didn't even have time to react. 】

【The tongue of Toad Wentai, who fell from the sky, was sucked into his mouth. 】

[The scene suddenly became pitch black, and the beast did not react in time, and was constantly being beaten by Naruto's perception. 】

[When he got his eyes back a little, he saw two blue rays of light had come to his side. 】

【"Sage Art Spiral Linking Pills."】


【Toad Wentai opened his mouth suddenly, and a thick smoke came out. 】

[The next moment, all the Summoning beasts around Hama Jian and Hama Guang disappeared. 】

【And Uzumaki Naruto, who came out of Toad Bunta's mouth, has also changed back to his normal appearance. 】

Jiraiya: "Nagato, Naruto has already eliminated four Payne, and with the information given to him by everyone in Konoha Village, you have no chance of winning."

Tsunade: "But Naruto's Sage Mode has been lifted, and Naruto's state is not better than Payne."

Jiraiya: "Hmph, I believe Naruto will not be unaware of his state, the huge scroll behind him must be hiding a mystery."


Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words.

That's right! Uzumaki Naruto hasn't used the scroll on his back since the start of the war.

As far as everyone can remember, Uzumaki Naruto rarely used ninja weapons in battle.

Not to mention carrying a scroll on him.

It seems that Zhang Scroll does have the secret to come back.

Nagato: "Hehe, Mr. Jiraiya, you are really naive, it's just Sage Mode, Payne is invincible, and Tiandao alone is enough to deal with Uzumaki Naruto."

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya, you seem to have forgotten that this guy can also revive his companions.

Jiraiya: "?"

Jiraiya: "Sorry sorry, I seem to be too excited, so I forgot."


When is this, are you still in the mood to joke?

Uzumaki Naruto's combat power dropped significantly after disabling Sage Mode.

This time, the audience became extremely nervous from the previous excitement.

By the way, cursing the system for being eccentric, actually gave Payne himself a chance to answer the question correctly.

Wouldn't he be stronger this way?

Even if Uzumaki Naruto beats Penn in front of him, all Shinobi villages will suffer Penn as soon as the inventory is over...

Oh no, to be precise, it is Nagato, all ninja villages will be attacked by the Akatsuki organization led by him.

At that time, the ninja world will be over.

[Uzumaki Naruto who lost Sage Mode threw the scroll on his back to Fukasaku. 】

【He and Payne started a hand-to-hand fight. 】

【"There are two chances to replenish Xianju Chakra."】

【"In this case, there are only four chances to shoot the spiral shuriken."】

【"Before that, we must make a conclusion."】

【Uzumaki Naruto confronted Payne in front of him, and thought to himself. 】

[On the other side, Fukasaku unfolded the scroll, and there was a big word "人" written on it. 】

【"I'm going to Naruto, you are ready to accept it."】

【"Reverse Summoning."】


[A white smoke rises. 】

[A Uzumaki Naruto who is meditating suddenly appears in the center of the scroll. 】

[However, in the next second, this Naruto disappeared into white smoke again. 】

【At the same time, Payne saw that Uzumaki Naruto's strength was weakening, so he immediately took out his black stick and stabbed Naruto. 】

[Just as the black stick stabs Naruto's face. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto suddenly opened his eyes and entered Sage Mode again. 】


[There is a crisp sound. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto snapped off the black stick in Payne's hand immediately. 】

[Just when Payne was unbelievable, Naruto started punching and kicking him. 】

[The sudden change put Payne at a disadvantage immediately. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto punched down a few times, and as his body swayed, he suddenly raised his right leg and kicked Payne's head with his high-whip leg. 】


[The high whip's legs were heavy, even though Payne had already defended, he was still kicked more than ten meters away by this huge force. 】

The audience froze.

The situation on the battlefield was once again reversed.

Uzumaki Naruto is really talented.

He was actually able to absorb the celestial Chakra from Shadow Clone to replenish the celestial Chakra in his own body.

0...seeking flowers...


"As expected of Uzumaki Naruto, his fights are always unexpected.

"And his side kick is just so cool."

"Payne is screwed, there is no way he can beat Uzumaki Naruto like this."

"Look, it's the Wind Style Spiral Shuriken that Uzumaki Naruto said, one Sage Mode can use two rounds.

"Now that Penn has fallen to the ground, there is no way for him to dodge such a fast spiraling shuriken.

"It's over, Penn is going to be beaten by Uzumaki Naruto.

【Payne fell to the ground and didn't get up in time. 】

【 Naruto's Wind Style spiral shuriken came before his eyes with a buzzing sound. 】


【Naruto is very excited. 】

[But unfortunately, just when the spiral shuriken was about to hit Payne. 】

[The reborn Hungry Kidō appeared in front of Payne in a flash. 】

[The single rescuer stretched out his arms, and Chakra, who looked like a protective shield, moved

its package. 】

[The moment the spiral shuriken hit the protective shield, it was actually absorbed by him. 】



not good!

The faces of the audience changed drastically.

Because Naruto's fighting is so cool, they seem to have forgotten that Penn has the ability to revive other companions.

Uzumaki Naruto's Wind Style Spiral Shuriken will have zero effect as long as there is a Kidō who can absorb ninjutsu.

And if the battle lasts too long, the Hell Dao that can resurrect people will resurrect all the rest of Payne.

At that time, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Damn it, if you want to solve Payne, you must first solve the resurrected person's hell way.

"But you see, Payne has already lined up. Hell Road is behind Heaven Road, and Hungry Kidō is at the front."

"The long-distance Wind Style spiral shuriken cannot be effective, and Naruto is three against one in close combat."


"When Payne used Shenluo Tianzheng to destroy Konoha, it seemed that Chakra consumed too much, so he didn't commit crimes for a long time.

"Now, I wonder if he has regained his ability?"

The mood of the audience was once again extremely tense.

Now Naruto is facing a particularly serious problem.

If he can't solve the hell way, Payne, who is soon defeated by him, will be resurrected.

Nowadays, facing hungry Kidō, spiral shuriken is useless ninjutsu.

The way of heaven with the gradual recovery of external power.


Facing such a hopeless situation, how to fight.

"Look, Uzumaki Naruto is doing it."

[The little Katsuyu on Naruto narrated everything to Naruto. 】

【Especially the ability of Tiandao Payne. 】

【You can attract objects, or you can spread out all the surrounding things. 】

【Also, Katsuyu is wondering why Tendo didn't use his ability. 】

[After getting all the answers, Naruto took the lead in making the right decision. No matter what, he had to find a way to solve the hell road behind. 】

[With the help of two clones, Uzumaki Naruto has two more Rasengan in his hand. 】

【"Use smoke bombs together."】

【The voice fell, and a red smoke screen immediately enveloped Naruto. 】

【"It's useless." Payne said contemptuously. 】

【However, after the huge roar penetrated the smoke screen, the Wind Style spiral shuriken quickly flew towards the hungry Kidō. 】


Naruto, what the idiot is doing, knowing that this trick is useless to the hungry Kidō.


【Hungry Kidō unfolds the barrier, trying to absorb the spiral shuriken. 】

[But it was beyond Payne's expectations. 】

[The original spiral shuriken turned into Uzumaki Naruto. 】

【"You absorbed the Transformation Technique, idiot!"】

[The transformed Uzumaki Naruto body instantly threw Kidō to the ground. 】

【Seeing this, Payne finally had a change of mood: "You bastard turned out to be the main body!"】

[But Payne seems to have no time to react. 】

[The second spiral shuriken is spinning towards him. 】

【The moment when he was about to hit him. 】

[Payne's pupils move slightly. 】


【Shinra Tianzheng activates, Rasengan Shuriken is bounced off and dissipated on the spot. 】

【"Hmph! The power is back."】

[Facing such a difficult enemy, Uzumaki Naruto did not give up. 】

【He threw down the hungry Kidō, he immediately covered the opponent's realization with his arm. 】

【"Asshole, it's not over yet!"】

【"Sage Art Spiral Ball!"】

[Just as Payne was still immersed in the power recovery, another Uzumaki Naruto fell from the sky. 】

[Spiral Lianwan accurately patted Hell Dao on the back, and sent Hell Dao away on the spot. 】

【Penn: "Nani!"】


No more chopping: "This trick..."

I am familiar with three!.

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