
At this time, Xiao organized everyone to be stunned when they saw this scene.

Feiduan: \"Huh?? Our goal is not the tail beast, and then establish peace?"

Gan Persimmon Guijiao: "Are you a fool, Feiduan? Didn't all our plans be exposed before?"

Dried persimmon ghost shark: \". The second or fifth boy with Obito is actually the back-hand of Uchiha Madara, who wants to collect tailed beasts, and then set off a war in the ninja world."

"Complete the so-called Moon's Eye Project. However, they didn't expect that the Moon's Eye Project is actually a fake. It was Hei Jue who made something for the resurrection of Kaguya. Hearing the explanation of the dry persimmon ghost, Feiduan suddenly realized. expression.

Xiao organized everyone to look at Feiduan with a foolish expression.

Feiduan: \"Oh oh oh! I see... But then, why are you looking at me with such eyes?"

Feiduan: \"I was doing the evil **** ceremony just now... Hey, hey! What do you mean by this kind of vision!? Explain it to me clearly!"

Deidara: "Well... So, in the future, our Xiao organization will declare war on various Ninja villages?"

Scorpion: \"From the picture, it's like this. But don't worry, because now we don't seem to have any reason to declare war on various Ninja villages."

Jiaodu: "Yeah! Now Hei Jue ran away after seeing his exposure, and Obito didn't know where to go..."

"Even Itachi doesn't know where people are going"

Hearing this, Dried Persimmon Guijiao said, "Uchiha Madara may have gone to Konoha Village to protect his Oudoudou!"

Jiaodu: "Well...it's possible. In other words, in the current Xiao organization, there are only a few of us left."

Xiao Nan: \"Kakuto, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark, Scorpion, Deidara, Feiduan, Nagato, and me. There are only seven people left..."

(Deno is good) Feiduan: \"In other words, we won't provoke wars against all Ninja villages?\"

Hearing this, Jiao Du raised his forehead and said, "Fei Duan, has your brain been sacrificed to Lord Heretic God... no!"

Hearing this, Feiduan suddenly looked listless: \"Then where did the sacrifice I gave to Lord Heretic God come from? This time, no one paid any attention to him.

The live broadcast continues.

[\"Sand Hidden, Rock Hidden, Mist Hidden, Konoha, Cloud Hidden, none of these exist! There are only ninjas!" Gaara shouted loudly. 】

[After hearing this, all the ninjas under the stage widened their eyes, with surprised expressions on their faces. 】

【\"If you still can't forgive Sand Hidden even so, then after the war is over, cut off my head!!!\"]

[When I heard Gaara's words, everyone's expressions changed. 】

[“Now, the enemy is trying to take away the friend who saved me. Once the enemy gets him, the world will be over! I want to protect my friend and protect the world!”]

【"But I'm too young to do such a thing....So...\"section]

【"Please help me!"】

[After hearing this, all the ninjas of the ninja alliance in the audience are boiling! 】

【"You should serve Lord Gaara!" "Support Lord Gaara! Come on!" Everyone cheered and cheered. 】

Chapter 148 The Sad Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiyazaki! (Ask readers to help~)

\"In the future, will Gaara work so hard for that guy called Naruto?"

Kaura muttered in his heart after seeing this picture. "It seems that Gaara and Naruto will really become very good friends in the future!" "Is that nine-tailed kid from Konoha Village?"

On the side, Kankuro and Temari also recalled Naruto after seeing this scene.

\"Um... Konoha's fourth Hokage, the son of the legendary golden flash Namifeng Minato..."

"But I was abused by Sarutobi Hijen since I was a child... Everyone knows the identity of the fox demon, and no one knows the identity of the son of the fourth generation of heroes... In this way."

"Maybe I love Luo, will there really be a lot of common topics?"

At this time, Gaara was also shocked after seeing such a picture.

"Naruto . . . in the future, will I say such things for that guy?"

\"Cut off my head"

Saying that, Gaara couldn't help but recall that in the previous picture, Naruto fought the enemy and regained his body.

Thinking of this, Gaara was silent for a while, and then murmured in his heart: "Maybe... I will really do this in the future..."

Inside Konoha Village.

\"Actually, you can do this for your best friend...〃 After saying that, Tsunade looked at Gaara in the picture and burst into tears.

\"Woooooo, the bond between Gaara and Naruto is really deep...\" At this time, Mute on the side was also moved to tears.

\"Can you even say \'cut off my head after the war\'?"

Tsunade looked at Gaara in the screen and muttered. At this time, Tsunade saw the figures of Kato Dan and Roshu in a trance on Gaara's body.

"One-tailed kid from Sandyin Village...I approve of you!" Tsunade said.

"Naruto and Gaara have such a deep friendship?" Sakura sighed as she looked at Gaara in the changing screen. At this time, Sasuke on the side felt as if he had been betrayed, but he felt inexplicable about this feeling.

"Qi, isn't it normal for Naruto to have a few friends... Damn it, why do I feel uncomfortable?" Sasuke murmured with a puzzled look: \"I should feel for Naruto I'm just happy... Damn, but I'm still unhappy!" "The guy called Gaara actually cares so much about Naruto...\"

At this time, after seeing this scene, Dingci immediately felt heartbroken for Naruto.

"Yeah! Naruto is so lucky to have such a good friend!" Tian Tian said.

At this time, after seeing this scene, Naruto on the side muttered with dull eyes: "This guy called Gaara is in the future."

"Will you be such a good friend with me?"

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly looked forward to it. "Friends...of course the more the better!"

At this time, in the eyes of Minato Namikaze and Uzumaki Kushina, in addition to the gratification that Naruto was able to make such a good friend. There is also a touch of worry and anxiety that can't be hidden.

Careful they have found some clues from Gaara's words.

"Husband, what Gaara means is that there will be an organization called Xiao in the future, do you want to arrest Naruto?"

Uzumaki Kushina asked worriedly in Minato Namikaze's ear.

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze said solemnly, "From what Gaara said in the picture, it's like this."

"And add the second half of the sentence \'Once the enemy gets it, the world is over\'."

"I speculate that it should be the nine tails who want to get the seal in Naruto's body and summon the ten tails."

Hearing this, Vortex Jiuchinai suddenly felt strange and said:

"Then, husband, in the previous picture, didn't Naruto still lead the Ninja allied forces against the ten tails?"

"If the ten tails are the sum of the powers of one and nine tails, then the nine tails in Naruto should have already been drawn out?"

"Then why did the nine tails appear in Naruto again?"

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze also shook his head, "About this...I haven't figured it out yet."

"However, this young man named Gaara is very good!"

Namikaze Minato appreciated it.

"Yeah, yes!\" Vortex Kushina on the side also agreed very much.

\"There is no difference between Shayin Village, Wuyin Village, Yunyin Village, Konoha Village, and Yanyin Village. Now everyone is a ninja...\"

"You are so young, but you can have this kind of awareness. What a great young man!"

Namikaze Minato exclaimed.

"Actually, there is no difference between the various ninja villages, are everyone ninjas?" Terumi Mei murmured while looking at the impassioned Gaara in the picture.

"That makes sense!\"

\"This young man named Gaara, said it really well!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai Zhen said.

"That's right, in front of the Akatsuki organization that has caused painful damage to various villages, in front of the Akatsuki organization that wants to start the fourth ninja war, and in front of the Akatsuki organization that destroys the world." "Everyone is indeed no difference, A ninja who yearns for peace!"

"I love Luo, I really grew up!"

Chiyo's mother-in-law looked at Gaara in the picture and praised. \"It is not worth sacrificing myself to save Gaara back

"Proud of you!\"

"It seems that those of us from the older generation can leave with confidence!"

"Gaara of Sandyin Village..."

At this time, Ohnogi looked at Gaara in the picture, and there was a touch of respect in his eyes. It's not about strength, it's just state of mind.

\"At this time, Gaara already has a real heart of a strong man who yearns for peace!\"

Pure Land.

[Senju Hasuma: Well, this little guy called Gaara is really good! Very much my style! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Everyone is a ninja, let go of the prejudice and hatred between the various villages... What a novel idea! 】

[Senju Hasuma: "If you are still dissatisfied with Sandyin Village, then cut off my head after the war\" From him, I can see who I used to be! 】

[Whirlpool Mito: Yes! From this young man, I see hope! 】

Live screen continues (cbdb) o

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to the battlefield. 】

[I saw in the picture, Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiizan, Senju Tobirama, and Qianshou Hasuma are standing side by side. 】

[In front of the four, is the ten tails who are raging. 】

【\"Hokage, go!\"]

["The second Hokage, the third Hokage, please come to me." Minato Namikaze said to the two. 】

["Is the mark ready? It's really fast!\" The two exclaimed. 】

[Then, the three figures of Namikaze Minato disappeared instantly and appeared in all directions of Juwei. 】

[Then, the four of them formed a seal. 】

[\"I'm about to go! Ninja. Four bottles of Wanglaoji!"]

[Suddenly, the red barrier opened, imprisoning the ten tails in it. 】

[At this time, Qianshou Zhujian said with a smile on his face: "In addition to my unique skills..."]

[Speaking, the smile on Qianshou Hashirama's face disappeared, and he entered the immortal mode in seconds: \"Xianfa. Mingshenmen!"]

[Suddenly, ten giant red torii gates descended from the sky, sealing the ten tails of the ten tails on the ground. 】

【"Seal ten!"】

[Seeing this, the furious Ten Tails condensed Chakra again, and a prototype of a tailed beast jade appeared! 】

[Seeing this, Naikaze Minato said: "All the Hokage of all dynasties, please get ready!"]

[The words fall, and the ten-tailed beast jade is sent out, and it explodes in the enchantment! 】

[Suddenly, a red beam of light rises into the sky! The red enchantment did not move! 】

Inside Konoha Village.

\"Is this the strength of Grandpa..."

Tsunade looked at the screen and muttered.

Although in the previous screen of the battle between Uchiha Madara and Chishou, I have already experienced the strength of the legendary "God of Ninja".

But at this time, when he saw that his grandfather, Chishou Hashirama, was able to seal even the ten tails, Tsunade's heart still caused quite a stir. "And even the ten-tailed beast jade can't break through the enchantment of the four Hokage?  …"

Tsunade looked at the Four Scarlet Sun Formation and muttered in his mouth. "It's really a powerful form of ninja."

"Oh oh oh! Si Guoyi! Such a big monster can actually be sealed, and even its tailed beast jade can be stopped! Naruto looked at the screen with admiration and said.

"Dad is my idol, you and the previous Hokage seniors are really strong!"

Hearing this, Minato Minato patted Naruto's head with a smile: "After Naruto, he will become so powerful!"

root base.

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