[Uchiha Fuyue: Nani? ! This.... brothers kill each other! ? But when I died, didn't Itachi promised to live a good life with Sasuke! ? 】

[Uchiha Meiqin: Woohoo ... Itachi, Sasuke ... your two brothers want to kill, as a mother, I have been guilty! 】

[Uchiha Fuyue: But why... Why did Itachi do this! ? Is it really as he said, in order to gain power! ? 】

[Uchiha Mikoto: No...It's definitely not like this! Uchiha Itachi is not that kind of kid! 】

【Senju Tobirama: Look! Uchiha Quanna, at this moment even your Uchiha clan has personally admitted that the Uchiha clan is an inherently evil clan! 】【Senju Tobirama: Do you have anything to defend! ? 】

[Uchiha Quanna: No... It's not like this! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: What the **** is going on... Why does this Uchiha Itachi say that! ? The truth is clearly not like that! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: Damn! What's going on with this guy named Uchiha Itachi? ! 】

The live broadcast continues.

[In the secret room at this time, Sasuke and Itachi looked at each other. 】

[Itachi sits on the stone chair and looks at Sasuke opposite. "How far can you see with that pair of writing wheel eyes?"]

[After hearing this, Sasuke said coldly: "You ask me how far I can see?"]

【"What I can see now is your death!"】

[After hearing this, Uchiha Itachi said indifferently: "Is it my death? Then... show it to me again!"]

[While speaking, Itachi has already come behind Sasuke! 】

[The words fall, and the two shoot at each other at the same time! 】

[Itachi Kubu inserted, Sasuke drew his knife to resist. The two played against each other several times, but they were not showing mercy at all, and they pointed to the key points! 】

"Will Sasuke and I get to this point in the future?" Itachi Uchiha looked at the screen with a sad look in his eyes.

"But... Sasuke will grow into such a powerful ninja in the near future... I'm also very happy!" Itachi looked at the screen and said complicatedly.

At this time, Sasuke, after seeing this scene, was also shocked and his face was horrified.

"What's going on!? Will the future me fight with Uchiha Itachi!?"

——At this time, Sasuke Uchiha has not yet thought about what kind of face and attitude he should take to face this person who killed his parents and destroyed the entire Uchiha clan. Did he choose to forgive him because of the peace of the village he carried, or to meet him in a fight to avenge his parents! ?

A complicated expression appeared on Sasuke's face.

After a while, Sasuke gritted his teeth and said, "Perhaps... Maybe Uchiha Itachi is really a despicable villain who does everything he can to gain power!"

The live broadcast continues.

[After a fight, Sasuke rolls back and retreats, and then seals. "Thousand Birds!"]

[On the assistant assistant, there are traces of lightning flashing. Then, Sasuke pretended to charge towards Itachi, but covered his hands on the ground. 】


[Suddenly, the thunder light spreads from the ground to Itachi! 】

[Itachi jumped up to dodge, but was stabbed in the stomach by Sasuke who predicted it in advance! 】

[Blood gushing out, Sasuke's face shows a look of joy. 】

[However, this scene is an illusion! 】

[At this time, Hei Jue's head appeared in the distance and said: "Since the beginning, the two have stood in the same place without moving! All this is just a duel between the two of them in illusion!"]

"Will Sasuke's future strength grow to such a level?" Uchiha Itachi looked at Sasuke in the picture with a look of relief. "But..." Uchiha Itachi looked at Hei Jue in the picture and murmured:

"In the future, will this guy Black Jue come to the battlefield between me and Sasuke?"

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes.

"What the **** is this dangerous guy trying to do..."

The live broadcast continues.

[The screen flashes, Saitachi and the two seem to have solved the duel of illusion. 】

["No matter how you use those eyes, I will use my hatred to turn the phantom into reality"]

[Sasuke said, the two looked at each other, and then suddenly started to move. 】

[I saw countless shuriken appear from the hands of both sides, flying towards each other frantically. 】

[The shuriken collided in the air, stopped, and landed. Wiped out a path of intense sparks. 】

[Each shot of the shuriken aimed at the opponent was accurately stopped. After the two faced each other for a while, a figure suddenly appeared from behind Itachi. 】

[One by one is Itachi's shadow clone. "What!? In such a fierce battle, there is still time to seal..."]

[At this time, Itachi's shadow clone threw several Kunai at Sasuke. Seeing that Sasuke could no longer resist. 】

[Suddenly, the curse mark on Sasuke's shoulder was broken, and a white snake came out, which firmly protected Sasuke and blocked the few kunai. 】

[Then, the white snake dissipated, and a huge wind demon shuriken flew out! 】

[Seeing this, Itachi was unstoppable with bitterness, but there was a slight current from the wind demon shuriken! 】

["Do you cover Chidori on the shuriken..." Saying this, Itachi couldn't stop it, and his body was cut to pieces by the wind demon shuriken! 】

[However, I saw Itachi's chopped body suddenly turned into several crows and flew away! 】

[Then, Itachi suddenly appeared in front of Sasuke and kicked out! 】

[Suddenly, Sasuke flew out and knocked out a big hole in the wall! 】

[Sasuke just wanted to activate Chidori, but Itachi came over and grabbed it, and then hit him hard in the stomach. Suddenly, a painful expression appeared on Sasuke's face. 】

[Then, Itachi reaches out to Sasuke's eyes. 】

【"Ah ah ah!"】

[With Sasuke's shrill screams, a **** eyeball was put into a jar by Itachi! 】

Inside Konoha Village.

"What!? Itachi...will he really take Sasuke's Shakers!?"

Tsunade murmured in disbelief after seeing this scene at the moment. "It turns out that Uchiha Itachi is really such a person..." At this moment, Tsunade's last doubt about Uchiha Itachi disappeared. It became a certainty of the darkness and ugliness in his heart. The mute on the side, after seeing this picture, also muttered in horror: "It was dug out like this... so cruel..." "Uchiha Itachi, what a vicious family of 200 people!"

"It's a shame that I chose righteousness for him before, and I was moved to tears by choosing righteousness to kill relatives in order to protect the peace of the village!"

"It turns out that he is just a scum who can do vicious things for the sake of strength!"

Silent said angrily.

"How dare you do this to Sass! This itachi... I can't spare you!"

Sakura looked at the picture and said angrily.

"What a cruel guy!" Dingji also looked at the screen with disgust.

"Humph! I thought he was a hero who was willing to bear sins for the village, but I didn't expect that he was such a person!" Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang and everyone spurned Uchiha Itachi for a while.

At this time, after seeing this scene.

Sasuke was shocked.

"Itachi... Is it really going to attack me for the sake of power and take my Shakers!?"

"It seems that Itachi is really just for his own selfish interests, and he can choose the traitor scum who kills everyone without hesitation!" At this time, Sasuke's mind echoed back to playing with Itachi when he was a child, and Itachi fingered several times. Click on the warm picture of Sasuke's forehead teaching.

Sasuke shook his head suddenly, and then said ruthlessly: "Those warm... are all fake!" "Damn! Dad, Mom... Itachi! I must find you to avenge my parents!" "Sasuke said with hatred in his eyes.

On the side, Itachi in the shadow saw the changes in Sasuke.

He let out a long sigh in his heart. "It seems that it is impossible to recognize Sasuke..." Uchiha Itachi muttered.

"But that's fine. It's exactly the same as my original plan."

Itachi looked at Sasuke below and murmured in his heart:

"Sasuke! Hate me!"

"Then, in the hatred for me, grow your own strength and make yourself stronger... Finally, kill me as a traitor and fulfill your hero's name!"

"Come on! I'm waiting for you, my dear Oudoudou!"





Chapter 152 Sasuke VS Itachi, Brothers Cannibal!!!


At this time, Madara Uchiha saw the scene of Itachi Kou Sasuke writing round eyes in the picture, and suddenly became uneasy.

Not only did they spread the rumor that Uchiha Madara killed his younger brother Quan Na, but he actually attacked his own brother and snapped his own brother's eyeballs! ? Unforgivable!

Of course, in addition to this, there is another point that actually makes Madara Uchiha furious.

That is the guy named Sasuke with the button eyeballs in the picture. He really looks too much like his younger brother Quanna.

For a time, Uchiha Madara loved Wu and Wu because of their similar appearance, and some took anger at Itachi.

Outside Konoha Village.

"Humph! Not only Madara Uchiha is despicable and shameless, it turns out that this Uchiha Itachi is also a despicable and shameless villain!" Terumi Mei said in disgust.

Changjurou, who was on the side, also looked at the screen and said:

"When I originally saw that this man named Itachi was willing to kill his relatives for the sake of the peace of the village, I also sighed at the profound justice in his heart, thinking that this man could be regarded as a dark hero.

"In the end, I didn't expect that it turned out to be just a guy who would do anything to gain power!"

"Shooting someone close to you... What kind of hero is such a person!"

Changjurou snorted coldly.

"It's really the scum of the Uchiha clan!"

At this time, Raikage Ai of the fourth generation looked at Uchiha Itachi in the picture and murmured.

"Humph! If you want me to see, the entire Uchiha clan is actually a scum!" Azabuyi on the side snorted coldly. "Improve one's strength by the death of relatives

"This crazy and upside-down family deserves to be destroyed!"

Hearing this, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai didn't say a word, but just looked at the screen with a deep expression.

"Hey... The Uchiha family of Konoha Village, is that kind of family..."

Granny Chiyo sighed. "Under such a powerful force, there is such a huge price hidden...

"If this is the case, then this kind of power is a curse! Even if you don't want it!"

On the side, Eizang also looked at Uchiha Itachi in the picture and murmured:

"Yeah... This family of magical pupils not only strengthens their strength, but also distorts people's minds. "Sooner or later, it will lead to self-destruction! "

"Humph! Let me see, the people of the Uchiha family are just as ugly as the one called Itachi said!" Onomu snorted coldly.

"From Madara Uchiha, to this guy named Itachi Uchiha, who didn't kill his relatives by any means for power!?" People who think about becoming stronger and gaining strength." "You don't deserve to be a ninja at all!"

"Oh! Will Uchiha Itachi take over his Sharinyan called Sasuke's younger brother in the future?" Hidean shouted excitedly.

"Qi, writing round eyes... Really evil! Hmmmm.!" Deidara said with fear in his eyes.

Hearing this, Scorpion said lightly: "Didara, I'm jealous of Weasel's talent and just tell Sharonyan, isn't it because I can't beat others, so I won't talk about it behind my back." The cat that stepped on its tail jumped like a cat, and said angrily:

"Hey hey hey! Who are you saying, who can't beat Itachi!?"

"You, Deidara." Scorpion said with a cold expression.

"How do you know that I can't beat him!? Tell you, in order to defeat him, I practiced secretly how to fight Sharinyan, and I still have a powerful move that is useless!" Deidara said proudly:

"If that move is used, it will definitely be able to easily defeat Itachi!"

Hearing this, the dry persimmon ghost said lightly: "But ah Deidara, you are secretly practicing against the shackles, but now Itachi has obtained his brother's shackles."

"In other words, Itachi's eyes are about to evolve into the 'eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye' that he mentioned in the previous picture."

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