"This kind of person, even if he has the most powerful power, will be spurned by others!"

"But...\" Nagajurou looked at Sasuke and Itachi in the picture with anticipation in his eyes. "If you have great power and the right mind at the same time."

\"Power can be a truly respectable thing!\"

"I don't know when I will be able to have such power!" Changjurou said expectantly.

Chapter 156 The Case Has Been Solved! It turns out that Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, is a bt who likes red fruit.


At this time, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai saw Uchiha Itachi, not only came out of the unicorn thunder almost unscathed, but also called out Susanoo. Immediately, a look of astonishment appeared on the whole person's face.

"Are all the people of the Uchiha clan so perverted!?" The fourth Raikage Ai muttered.

Looking at Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi in the picture, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai burst out with cold sweat on his forehead.

As someone who has played against Madara Uchiha.

-Although it is a hand that has been exchanged in the future screen. but.

Madara Uchiha's huge and complete figure of Susanoo has been deeply imprinted in the minds of the four generations of Raikage Ai.

powerful! Unbreakable! It is an invincible existence!

It has already left a deep psychological shadow on the fourth generation of Raikage Ai.

So at this time, after seeing this Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi. Although the color is not the same as the appearance.

But it still made the four generations of Raikage Ai shocked.

"Yes, is Susanoh the same as Madara Uchiha in the previous picture?"

Fourth Raikage Ai muttered in his mouth. Then, there was a look of fear in his eyes. "Uchiha Itachi..."

"What a vicious and powerful despicable villain!!"

"Huh!? Isn't this dead!?"

Chiyo's mother-in-law looked at Uchiha Itachi in the picture with solemn eyes.

"Suzanohu.... You actually used Susanoo to block that thunderous trick called Kirin..."

"It seems that Sasuke seems to be in danger..."

On the side, Eizang also said with a solemn look: "Yeah... That little guy named Sasuke, the chakra has been exhausted."

\"Even the writing wheel eyes have been unable to sustain for 21 years."

"And the one called Itachi...\" Saying this, Eizo looked at the huge Susanoo in the picture.

Immediately, Granny Chiyo and Hailaozang were silent for a while.


After a while, the two sighed in unison. \"I just hope... this Sasuke can have some means of escape!\"

11 At this time, in the hearts of the two, Sasuke was already defeated.

"Nani!? Can this even stand up again!?"

Onogi looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was shrouded in red Susanoo in the picture in shock.

\"Is this the power of Sharinyan..."

Onogi's eyes were solemn - seeing this Susanoo, let Ohnogi recall a certain bad memory. The same person from Uchiha, the same Susanohu, who was also beaten...

Suddenly, Onogi shook his head and threw out the bad emotions brought by this memory. "Uchiha Itachi who can turn on Susanoo... That little guy named Sasuke, I'm afraid he's going to lose. Ohnogi murmured with a solemn expression.

"Nani!? Uchiha Itachi really isn't dead!?\"

At this time, everyone in the Xiao organization had an incredible look on their faces after seeing this scene.

Feiduan: "Uchiha Itachi... worthy of being a member of the entire Uchiha clan! His strength is really powerful!"

Kakuto: \"Is that... Susanoo? It's the same thing that Uchiha Madara in the previous picture was controlling?" Dry persimmon ghost shark: \"I didn't expect that Itachi still has this ability. !\"

Deidara: "Is this the true strength of Itachi... Damn it!"

At this time, Deidara suddenly remembered the several battles he had with Itachi before.

The battle between himself and Itachi was like child's play compared to Susanoo at this time!

"So Itachi never used all his strength when he was fighting against me!?"

Thinking of this, Deidara couldn't help but feel ashamed, and then became angry.

"Damn it! Isn't my Deidara worthy of his full strength Itachi!? I have never seen this trick of his, Susanoo!"

"Do you despise my art so much... Damn, **** it! Damn Uchiha Itachi!"

Deidara's face was full of twisted expressions.

At this time, Deidara suddenly thought of his last art.

\"Since that's the case... Then I don't know, how will you deal with my final art!? Will you use Susanoo to defend like this!?" Thinking of this, Di Dara couldn't help but feel a little calmer.

Pure Land.

【Thousands of Hands: Oh! ? Is this Uchiha Itachi, who can also use Madara's trick, Susanoh? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Humph! This is Itachi, as expected of someone who wants to buckle his younger brother's eyes just like Madara! Even the tricks are the same! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: Tobirama! My Nissan didn't deduct my Shaker! Stop talking nonsense! ! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Okay, um, um, you're right, your dear Nissan didn't buckle your eyes, are you satisfied now? 】

【Uchiha Quanna: ! ! A thousand hands! ! Ahhh! What do you have to say in order for you to believe me! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Quan Na, you don't need to say it! Because I already believe it! 】

[Thousands of Hashirama: Yes! Tobirama and I both believe that Madara Uchiha did not detain you, and you are right! 】

After that, the two looked at Uchiha Izuna with caring eyes for the children who made the staff.

The two whispered:

[Senju Tobirama: How pitiful! Not only was the eyeball dunked, but even his mind was brainwashed by his brother Uchiha Madara! 】

[Thousands of Hashirama: Yes! In contrast, the guy named Sasuke is better. At least people know what is right and wrong and have the courage to resist! 】

The live screen continues:

[Sasuke's eyes suddenly widened. At this time, Sasuke's left eye socket had turned into a purple one before he knew it. 】

【\"Are you helpless because you run out of chakra?\" Itachi said. 】

[Hearing this, Sasuke trembled suddenly. At this moment, Orochimaru's voice came from Sasuke's ear. "Lend you... I can lend you strength..."]

【“Don’t you need me? Sasuke-kun, don’t you want revenge on Itachi!? Come on, release my power! In this way, your wishes can be…”]

[Suddenly, Sasuke's left arm in the picture suddenly exploded, and a huge white snake sprang out from it! 】

[Afterwards, a giant Orochi, even bigger than Itachi's Susanoo, appeared on the spot! 】

["Orochimaru's Eight-Girl Technique?" Itachi murmured. After that, Itachi manipulated Susanoo and Orochi to walk towards each other! 】


[As soon as the two sides came into contact, Susanoo directly decapitated a head of the Yaqi Orochi. 】

[Seeing this, several snake heads of the Orochi Orochi entwined forward and strangled Susanoo to death. 】

["Kui Lala!\"I saw the huge Susanoo raised his sword and fell, and several heads fell to the ground! There is only one head left of the Orochi. 】

[Seeing this scene, Orochi Yachi stopped attacking, and the last remaining head was raised, and then a figure emerged from it. 】

[The whole body is covered with mucus in the mouth of the snake, and the person who crawled out of the red fruit is Orochimaru! 】

[\"The thing that should have appeared finally appeared..." Itachi murmured as he looked at Orochimaru in Shekou. 】

[At this time, Orochimaru opened his mouth and spat out a sword. 】

[Then, Orochimaru held the sword in his hand and said proudly: "This is the moment! I have been waiting for this moment to come!\"]

[\"Thanks to you, the chakra that Sasuke used to suppress me also disappeared!\"]

["I want to take this opportunity to capture Sasuke's body!" Orochimaru laughed wildly. 】


Seeing this change, Tsunade's eyes were sluggish at this time, and he said with a messy expression like he had seen a ghost:

"Isn't this my old classmate, Orochimaru!? He, how did he come out of Sasuke's body as a big snake!?"

\"What exactly is going on!?"

At this time, the mute on the side also had a confused expression.

"Why, why does Sasuke-kun's body have an orochi, and why is there a perverted man crawling out of the snake's mouth?"\"Isn't it still a passionate brother duel just now? Is it? In the blink of an eye, things have become like this?"

"What the **** is going on here!?\"

.. 203

At this time, after seeing this scene change. Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang also looked sluggish, opened his mouth and eyes wide, with an incredible expression. Dingji: "Well, what the **** is going on here?! Why did a white snake of Yachi pop out of Sasuke's body!"

Li Locke: "Yeah... What the **** is this!? Could it be that Sasuke-kun is the reincarnation of a white snake!?"

Tian Tian: \"Little Li, you idiot! Certainly not! There is still a person in the mouth of that white snake!\"

"Besides, I didn't see the perverted man crawling out of the snake's mouth, and he said something like \'I want to take Sasuke's body\'!?" Neji: "So Say, what the **** is going on? Besides, this fruit pervert man, why do I feel familiar!?" Ino: "This ghost knows what's going on! But then again, I also think this fruit .The perverted man looks familiar!\"- But at this time, Orochimaru's whole body was made sticky by the mucus in the snake's mouth, and everyone didn't recognize it for a while.

At this time, Naruto on the side suddenly slapped his head: \"Oh oh oh! I know! I know who this fruit, body pervert, and perverted man is!\"

\"He is the one who appeared on the screen before, the Orochimaru who wants to invade Konoha during the Chunin Exam!\"

Hearing this, everyone looked at it carefully - it really is!

Well, the case is solved! It turns out that Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, is a pervert who likes red, fruit, body, body, and snakes.

Ino: "Damn it! Such a disgusting person still wants to take Sasuke's body!? Unforgivable!" Said, Ino's mind couldn't help but think of Sasuke's redness after being taken by Orochimaru. . The picture drilled out of the snake's mouth. Suddenly I couldn't help shivering.

No, it's too perverted! It's unacceptable at all!

At this time, Sakura on the side also said angrily: "How dare you take Sasuke-kun's body!?"

\"Unforgivable! If I meet this man named Orochimaru,

Be sure to punch him hard! \"

Chapter 157 Orochimaru kills Itachi? Perfect! The ninja world directly reduces two scourges at once!

Sasuke on the side was shocked when he saw this scene on the screen.

"This...what is this situation?"

"Is it the curse mark that Orochimaru planted on me!?"

Sasuke touched the black mark on his neck gloomily.

"Damn it! You dare to use me as your own container, and you still want to take my body... I will never spare you!"

\"But...\"Sasuke changed his words. \"Now I am in the picture, exhausted, and chakra is also used up."

"At this time, Orochimaru appeared and turned into an Orochimaru, just in time to fight against Itachi and consume each other."

"And it seems that the size of this Orochi is even better than Itachi's Susanoo, although only one of the heads has been chopped off."

"But looking at Orochimaru's fearless and wild laugh in the picture, it is estimated that he has some trump cards in his hand!?"

\"If you think about it, the two will definitely fight for a long time, and they may even lose both!\"

"At that time, when I restore chakra, it will be a battle between magpies and clams, and the fisherman will benefit!"

Thinking of this, Sasuke couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart.

At this time, Sasuke even wanted to cheer for Orochimaru in his heart.

"Orochimaru, you must do your best! Not to mention the serious injury to the man named Itachi, at least fight for 300 rounds before dying!"

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