Terumi Mei saw the two people who stopped Hatake Sakumo in the picture, and suddenly felt a little familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere, very familiar.

But couldn't tell for a while. \"That's weird..."

"I obviously feel like I have some impression of these two people..." Terumi Mei murmured with a little doubt in her heart: "Did I remember it wrong?"

"Hey...how does this pair of men and women look familiar? They seem to have seen it somewhere...let me think about it..."

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai looked at the two people in the picture, and raised his forehead to think: "Well...the people from Sandyin Village...and they were from the age of Konoha Baiya." Logically speaking, the old man does not know each other. ...But why is it so familiar! ? "

Fourth Raikage Ai wondered in his heart: "It's really strange..."

"I really feel like these two people have met somewhere...but why can't I remember..."

"This this.…"

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Granny Chiyo pursed her lips tightly and widened her eyes. The wrinkles on a face were extremely gloomy. At the same time, Eizang, who was on the side, also had a bad look on his face, staring at Hatake Sakumo in the picture.

It's him!

Grandma Chiyo felt that she would never forget this man in her whole life!

Hatake Sakumo! Killed the parents of his grandson Scorpion, which led to Scorpion's final attack to kill the three generations of Kazekage, defected to Ninja Village, and joined Akatsuki to become the culprit! .

-Although the mother-in-law Chiyo, who sacrificed herself to save Gaara in the previous screen, said that she had relieved her hatred.

But in fact, how can hatred be so easily reassured! ? It's just that Hatake Shigeru has already died, and he will never see the helpless "That's it"!

Moreover, the mother-in-law Chiyo in the picture is also the mother-in-law Chiyo who has changed her mind three years later, not the mother-in-law Chiyo who is now acting as the agent of Fengying to rule Sandyin Village!

At this time, mother-in-law Chiyo saw the figure of Hatake Sakumo again. Naturally, she could not calm down, and the anger in her heart was aroused again!

Immediately, anger burst out from the eyes of Chiyo's mother-in-law.

"Hatake Sakumo... Konoha White Fang... I won't let you go!"

\"My grandson, Scorpion, and my son and daughter-in-law... Konoha! I will definitely avenge my relatives!"

"Mom and Dad..."

At this moment, the scorpion in Fei Liuhu was staring at the picture tightly, tears already streaming down his face.

After a while, Scorpion's eyes were full of hatred and anger: "Konoha... I must make you pay the price for my parents' death!\"

The live broadcast continues.

[I saw that the two of Sandyin Village were killed by Hatake Sakumo's white-toothed short blade after fighting with Hatake Sakumo for a while, and blood was spilled on the spot. 】

[Then, Hatake Sakumo continued to set off and killed the other Sandyin Village ninjas on the battlefield. 】

[Suddenly, there is a river of blood again...]

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to another battlefield. The two sides in this battle are still the ninjas from Sandyin Village and the ninjas from Konoha Village. 】217

[Although the opponents are different, Hatake Sakumo is still like no one on the battlefield, and quickly solves the opponents one by one. 】

[Wherever Konoha Baiya goes, there is a storm of blood and blood. 】

[A moment later, on the entire battlefield, all the ninjas in Sandyin Village were annihilated. 】

Outside Konoha Village.

"Hatake Sakumo from Konoha Village, Konoha White Fang...\"

Terumi Mei looked at the scene in the picture and muttered, "If I remember correctly."

"This should be during the Second Ninja World War..."

"At that time, Sandyin Village vs. Konoha Village... The level of the war was also intense..."

\"The name of the Sannin of Konoha Village was also played at that time..."

Terumi Mei looked at this scene on the screen, and muttered: "War... as expected, it will only spread and generate hatred!"

"Konoha Village and Shayin Village... Konoha White Fang..."

"Is it the time of the Second Ninja World War?" The Fourth Raikage Ai muttered as he looked at the scene on the screen.

"I have heard about the intensity of that battle... Konoha White Fang, Hatake Sakumo from Konoha Village?"

"The ninth place on the murder list... it is indeed well deserved!"

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Granny Chiyo couldn't help trembling with anger.

\"Konoha White Fang... Hatake Sakumo is abominable!"

"How dare you slaughter the ninjas of my Sandyin Village like this... I, Chiyo, as the representative Kazekage advisor of Sandyin Village, if I don't seek justice for these dead ninjas like me."

"I, Chiyo, don't deserve to be a ninja in Sandyin Village!"

"Is it during the Second Ninja World War..."

Onogi looked at Hatake Sakumo in the picture and muttered. "Konoha White Fang"

"What a powerful Konoha ninja...\" Saying this, Oh Yegi's face couldn't help showing a look of fear.


VI straight


Chapter 187 Eighth place in the ranking of the number of murders in the ninja world: Jiaodu!

Pure Land.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo sighed inwardly after seeing this scene in the picture.

[Hagi Sakumo: Is this...Is it really what I once did...I have so much blood on my hands, war is really a **** that only breeds hatred. ......] Hatake Sakumo murmured in his mouth. But then, Hatake Sakumo's eyes became firm again:

[Hagi Sakumo: But I believe that my actions are all worthwhile! This is all for peace, for the village]

Over the leaves.

At this moment, the list trembled for a while, and then white light shot out, and the handwriting appeared.

[The ninth place in the ranking of the number of murders in the ninja world: Konoha Baiya, Hatake Sakumo. 】

[Reward: White Teeth Short Blade (Enhanced Version), which cuts iron like mud and is indestructible. ] Then, a white light flew into the sky.

Pure Land.

At this moment, Hatake Sakumo looked at the short blade of White Fang that appeared out of thin air in his hand, and his heart was filled with emotion.

This is the white-toothed short blade that accompanied him to fight the ninja world! Although it was left to Kakashi in the end, Hatake Sakumo once used it to gallop on the battlefield and established a great reputation. At this moment, when he held the short blade again, Hatake Sakumo only felt a sense of familiarity.

In addition to this familiarity, more, I felt a powerful force from it.

Compared with the previous White Fang short blade, it seems to be sharper, more stable, reliable and sturdy.

Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo said with a shocked expression:

[Hagi Sakumo: The short blade of white teeth has really been strengthened a lot... What a miraculous thing this list is! ? 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, Su Yu looked at the short white tooth blade that appeared out of thin air in his hand, and put it in his hand to play with it.

At this time, the short white tooth blade in Su Yu's hand had a mysterious texture after Su Yu started it, and it could be felt that it was different from the short white tooth blade in the previous hands of Hatake Sakumo. Not only is the material harder, the blade is sharper, but it becomes more unobstructed when the chakra pours in.

It can be seen that after the strengthening of the system, this white tooth short blade is completely different from the previous time.

"Just use it as a fruit knife." Su Yu murmured while holding Konoha Baiya and slicing the apple he just bought from a roadside vendor. If Hatake Sakumo knew that the short white-toothed blade he regarded as a treasure was actually used by Su Yu to peel the fruit, he might not have fainted directly.

At this moment, a white light appeared on the list above Konoha, and then the list trembled. A new line of writing appeared.

[The eighth place in the ranking of the number of murders in the ninja world: Jiaodu! 】

The picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[I saw that Kotou in the picture was wearing a forehead guard from Zhunin Village and was on a mission. 】

[--At this time, the angle is still the Jōnin of Ziren Village, who is strong and powerful, and is a powerful ninja in the village. 】

[Jiaodu was on a mission to kill the leader of a hostile force, and in just a moment, Jiaodu arrived at the designated place. 】

[After finding the target person, even if the target was surrounded by heavy soldiers, Jiao Du easily killed him and completed the mission. Then he returned to the village to resume his life. 】

At this time, after seeing this scene on the screen, Tsunade's eyes were solemn.

"Kakuto...is the Akatsuki group member who was in the same group with Hidean who killed Asma and fought Kakashi in the previous picture...々.

"And... I also played against my grandfather, Qianshou Zhujian...\"

Said, Tsunade couldn't help swallowing: \"Ninja of this strength, was elected the eighth place, it is indeed well deserved..."

"But..." Said, Tsunade couldn't help but change the conversation, and the anger of hatred appeared in his eyes:

"How dare you join Hidean and kill me, Asma of Konoha Village....Unforgivable!"

"Kakuto... Hmph, even if I'm on the list, what if I'm about to get a reward? It's not like I haven't been rewarded before!" Tsunade said with a proud expression:

"I swear in the name of the fifth Hokage, I will kill you with my own hands!"

"Nani!? The eighth place on the killing list is actually this guy!?" At this time, Naruto looked at the list with a shocked expression.

"This, this is the **** guy who killed Asma-sensei together with that damned guy named Hidean!" Naruto said angrily when he looked at the corners in the screen.

At this time, Minato Namikaze on the side also looked at Kakuto in the picture with solemn eyes, and muttered in his mouth:

\"The Akatsuki organization ninja who assisted in the killing of Asma and fought against the first-generation adults, Kakuto..."

"Kakuto, who can fight against the first-generation adults and is still alive, must be very powerful..."

"This one is called the angle, was it really a ninja from Ziren Village before...\"

Namikaze Minato looked at the corners in the picture and muttered:

\"It seems to be troublesome now. Previously, the guy named Feiduan was rewarded for being on the list. Now his teammates are on the list again, and his ranking is still higher than the guy named Feiduan." "It's even more difficult. I've dealt with it!\"

Hearing this, the whirlpool Kushina looked at Minato Namikaze and said, "Husband, didn't you get the reward too?"

Hearing the words of the whirlpool Kushina, Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered something, he said angrily:

"Yes, I also won the list reward... How could I forget this..."

Hearing this, Vortex Kushina said with a smile on her face: "Maybe it's because I saw Naruto, I saw the resurrected wife, I'm too excited!" Hearing his wife's words, the Minato Namikaze family The eyes of the three of them couldn't help but feel a little wet.

"Mom and Dad!\"



Suddenly, the three of them hugged tightly together: \"In the future, we will never be separated!\"

At this time, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang had a solemn expression on his face after seeing the name.

Of course they know what the name stands for - the corner, the accomplice who killed Teacher Asma.

And... I also played against the first Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Hasuma-sama...

Thinking of this, the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang suddenly felt even more in their hearts.

"Damn it... It was already very tricky and even more difficult to deal with when I got a reward for flying in the previous stage. Now if I let this corner be on the list and get a reward..." Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang said in his heart Thinking, his face became more and more solemn.

At this time, Dingji looked at the corner of the screen with dissatisfaction and anger: "It's abominable..."

"This guy acted with Hidean who killed Asma-sensei in the previous screen..." Ino also said angrily.

"Is it actually on the list... It's hard to do... If he is on the list, he will definitely be rewarded, so that his strength will be further improved."

At this moment, Shikamaru on the side looked at Jiaodu in the picture, and murmured in his heart: "The thought that this kind of guy will actually get a reward... Qi, it's really dissatisfying!"

"But... Although it is said that this guy named Jiaodu got the reward, but I Shikamaru also got the reward of the secret technique that increased my strength dozens of times..." Shikamaru looked at Jiaodu in the screen , vowed to say:

If there is a real fight in the down time, it is not certain who will kill the deer... No, I will definitely win! "

Outside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing this scene, Terumi Mei's face was solemn, and her eyes were full of fear.

"It's actually the man who appeared on the screen before and fought against the legendary Senju Hakuma, is Akatsuki's Kakuto..." Terumi Mei looked at Kakuto in the picture and muttered:

".So... is Jiaodu the eighth on this murder list? The strength that he has fought against Qianshou Zhuma is also well-deserved. Hearing that, the long ten Lang on the side, this Shi also looked at Kakuto in the picture with a solemn expression on his face, and murmured fearfully: "Kakuto... Have you ever fought against the first Hokage of Konoha Village, the legendary **** of ninjas..."

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