"Tsk, it's really boring..."

Just as he said that, suddenly, an upside-down man with a green bodysuit and a watermelon head appeared in front of Madara Uchiha.

"Youth! Youth! I, Li Luo, also want to find my youth!"

Looking at this familiar figure, Madara Uchiha suddenly trembled, and suddenly, a "image" played in front of Madara Uchiha

"Eight-door Dunjia, the door of death, open! I swear to protect my cherished things!"


A red steam dragon slashed across the ground, the ground crumpled and collapsed every inch. In the picture, he was slammed into the divine tree by the dragon.

When the picture in Madara Uchiha's heart was finished, the upside-down figure with the watermelon head in green tights had disappeared.

\"That guy...Kay..."

Uchiha Madara's Adam's apple rolled: "By the way...I haven't gone to see the man who almost killed me with a kick in the previous picture..."

"Is it called, Matt Kay?"

"Well... If I remember correctly, this guy named Li Lock just now seems to be Matt Kai's apprentice?"

\"So, if you follow this guy named Li Locke, you will be able to meet Matekai, right?"

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha immediately sneaked over, and after a while, he came to Li Locke, who was walking around the village upside down, and followed from a distance.

"Well... wait until you see the man named Matekai, just take a look from a distance..."

Madara Uchiha thought to himself: "After all, meeting someone who almost killed him, I always feel a little embarrassed..."

At this time, the simple Li Luo was still walking with his hands upside down, unaware that there was another person behind him.

"Youth! Youth! I, Li Locke, also want to have my own youth!"

"Walk upside down five hundred laps around Konoha Village and become stronger and stronger! What if I don't know how to ninjutsu, I, Li Luo, also have my own youth!"

Li Locke shouted in his mouth as he walked upside down.

Seeing this, Madara Uchiha also sighed in his heart, "Is it Li Locke..."

Madara Uchiha looked at the chakra popular veins in Li Locke's body and was shocked: "I really don't have any ninjutsu talent..."

"A person who doesn't know how to ninjutsu, but still works hard, never gives up, and becomes an excellent ninja just by relying on taijutsu..."

"Being able to teach such a disciple, even if I haven't seen it yet, I can already see the excellence of that man named Matekai. Madara Uchiha murmured: "I'm looking forward to it more and more, I met that man..."

"But then again, who is stronger now, Kay and I, who have both been rewarded by the ranking list!?"

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha's eyes suddenly showed a raging fire: "It really makes people want to find out!"

Chapter 199 Presumably even the legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashima, would not dare to shoot at will..

The sky above Konoha Village.

At this moment, the list trembled for a while, and then a white light shot out. Accompanied by white light, handwriting appeared on the list.

[Seventh place on the killing list: Qianshouzhuma. 】

[Reward: Artifact. The Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka~. 】

[The Sword of Huangquan Hirazaka: The legendary artifact guarding Huangquan. Possessing the mighty power to slash everything, and controls the power of Huangquan. Can be briefly resurrected in the human world for a little time.. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing the reward, Qianshou Tsunade immediately stayed in place.

The sword of Huangquan Hirazaka? It can revive people and briefly amuse the world! ?

Doesn't that mean...will she be able to see her grandpa Senju Hasuma again! ?

Thinking of this, Qianshou Tsunade burst into tears.

So to say……

"Grandpa Senju Hashima, can I see you again!?" Tsunade said with tears in his eyes.

"That's great, Grandpa Senju Hashima, I can finally see you again\""

At this moment, Mute on the side also had a shocked expression on his face, looking at the rewards on the list in shock.

Mute's face showed incredible shock, and he murmured: "Can people be resurrected temporarily... It's incredible..."

"The sword of Huangquan Hirazaka... It's really powerful!"

"I think Tsunade-sama will be very happy after seeing Senshou Hasuma-sama!?"

Thinking of this, Mute couldn't help but secretly look forward to it in his heart: \"Well...I thought of being able to meet the legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, who created Konoha Village\" For a while, I still felt a little bit in my heart. So excited...\"

"But having said that, now that you can see the living Senju Hashirama, you must go and ask for an autograph!"

"Nani!? Hash mommy is coming back to life!?\"

Seeing the rewards on this list, Madara Uchiha was shocked. "Then, I don't have to be alone in this big ninja world anymore!?" "That's great! My dear Hash! I can't wait to fencing with you!" " Uchiha Madara said excitedly.

But after a while, Madara Uchiha discovered something was not quite right.

"The Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka is temporarily resurrected..."

"It turns out that it's not a permanent resurrection..." Uchiha Madara looked at the list with a lonely face and muttered, and his face suddenly showed a look of disappointment. But after a while, Madara Uchiha smiled again: "But that's fine.."

"I haven't played against each other for many years, I don't know how the strength of Qianshou Zhujian is, and I haven't regressed...\"

"Now I have been rewarded by the list. If Senju Hakuma is still the same, but I will be defeated by me!" Uchiha Madara couldn't help but see the past of him and Qianshou in front of his eyes. A picture of sparring and fighting together.

"I'm really looking forward to it...\"

"Nani!? The sword of Huangquan Hirazaka? Being able to master the power of Huangquan, let people walk and stay in the human world for a short time!?"

"Doesn't that mean that Senju Hakuma-sama can be resurrected!?"

Naruto stared at the reward on the list in shock and said.

Hearing this, the two Namikaze Minato on the side also had shocked expressions on their faces: "Can you see the appearance of Senju Hakuma-sama with your own eyes..."

--The Namikaze Minato couple who have experienced resurrection have no doubts about the authenticity of the list at this time.

Although I haven't heard of this so-called sword artifact of Hirazaka, but since the list describes its ability to revive, then it must have.

"I'm really excited to be able to witness the legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, who created Konoha Village and is also the first generation of Konoha Village." The couple murmured with excitement. murmured.

At this time, after seeing the rewards on the list, the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang were all shocked and excited.

"Oh oh oh! It's the legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hasuma-sama who founded Konoha Village!"

"That's great! Even the legendary Senju Hashima-sama is going to be resurrected... I'm really looking forward to it!"

The Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang sighed in succession.

At this time, Shikamaru on the side looked at the list with a solemn expression, and muttered: \"No...not resurrection."

"It's just a short stay in the human world for a while..."

Saying that, Shikamaru looked at the reward of "The Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka" and explained: "I just obtained the legendary sword that can control the power of Huang Quan, and can play around in the human world for a short time" rather than a permanent resurrection. ."

Hearing this, the joy on the faces of the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang suddenly dimmed, but they still said with smiles: "Even so..."

"But it's also a good thing to be able to see the legendary **** of ninjas every once in a while in the future, and the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama is also a good thing!"

"The legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama of Konoha Village?"

Kakashi muttered while looking at the list. "It's really shocking, is it the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka that can control the power of Huangquan and allow the deceased to stay in the human world for a short time?" "Kakashi said.

Konoha Village, within the Uchiha clan.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was making his last memories in the clan.

At this time, Uchiha Madara just happened to follow Li Locke on the front foot and left, and Uchiha Itachi came to the Uchiha clan on the back foot.

Looking at the familiar facilities in the clan, Uchiha Itachi sighed: \"It's really nostalgic..."

--No matter what happens to Itachi Uchiha, I still miss the happy time when I was young and carefree.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi raised his head and looked at the list above Konoha Village.

"The sword of Hirazaka... the legendary **** of ninjas..."

Looking at the rewards on the list, Uchiha Itachi muttered. "Can people stay in the human world for a short period of time..."

"It's a really powerful sword... But then again, it seems that Senju Hashima's old rival, Madara Uchiha, the ancestor of our Uchiha clan, has also been resurrected?" Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi suddenly thought in his heart. He got up: "I don't know, where did this legendary figure go now after being resurrected?" \"At this time, after seeing the news that Senju is about to be resurrected, will he go directly to the Came here with Konoha!?"

"I'm not mistaken... Where's Matekai!? I've already walked around Konoha Village fifty times with this spiritual guy!" At this moment, Madara Uchiha's heart collapsed.

Originally, he planned to follow Li Locke to achieve his wish to meet Matekai.

But I didn't expect that this young man named Li Luo, as if he had been beaten with blood, had walked around Konoha Village upside down for fifty laps without stopping. ...for flowers....

This time, Madara Uchiha couldn't sit still.

\"Damn...how long does it take for this watermelon head to stop!!? It's already fifty laps!!\"

"...Forget it, I guess this watermelon head won't last long. Since it's been with me for so long, it's not bad."

"I'll stay with him all the time, and then follow him to meet that Matt Kay!!"

With his mind made up, Madara Uchiha continued to follow Li Locke and circled Konoha.

"Oh!? The legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama of Konoha Village, will be resurrected!?"

At this time, Jiraiya looked at the rewards on the list with great interest, and muttered: \"Now, the ninja world is going to be lively!"

"Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama... Even these legendary characters have come out..."

As he spoke, Jiraiya seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly murmured in his mouth with shining eyes:

"Hmm...I don't know if I go to interview the legendary ninja **** Senju Hashima, and then write this interview into a novel\" Will it be a big hit! ? Surely it will! ? \"

Thinking of this, Jiraiya immediately became excited: "It's a very good idea... I've decided, I'll do it when the time comes!"\"After meeting the legendary ninja **** Senju Hashima, I must A good interview!" Jiraiya murmured in his heart.

Outside Konoha Village.

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Terumi Mei's eyes suddenly narrowed. "Among the Thousands of Hands...\"

"The legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama of Konoha Village... Even him..."

Saying that, Terumi Mei's face showed a look of fear. At this moment, Chang Shilang on the side was also full of shock. "Is Huang Quan Hirazaka's sword? This list is really terrible. After all, Chang Shilang seemed to remember something again, and quickly opened the mouth to control Meimei:

"Lord Mizukage, after Senju Hasuma is resurrected, if you see the ninjas of our Kiriyin Village surrounding Konoha Village, will you..."

Having said that, Chang Shilang made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Don't be afraid, there is also a time limit for the resurrection of the sword of Huangquan than Liangzaka... Besides, if the legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage of Konoha Village, is resurrected."

"First of all, it should be some kind of celebration feast and celebration ceremony in the village..."

Saying that, even Terumi Mei didn't believe it, and her voice trembled.

"Don't worry... He is a peace-loving person... I'm sure he won't shoot at us..."

After speaking, Terumi Mei paused for a moment and exhaled a long breath.

-The pressure from a legendary character is just too much. Unconsciously, there will be a lot of crawling powerlessness.

After Terumi Mei exhaled a long breath, she reorganized all the information in her heart.

Then he slowly said: "Now the people who surround Konoha Village, as far as I know, except for my Wuyin Village."

"There are also three villages, Shayin Village, Yanyin Village, and Yunyin Village."

"Presumably even the legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashima, would not dare to shoot at will..."

Terumi Mei vowed to say:

"After all, the so-called Sword of Huangquan Hirazaka has a time limit, if he really provokes a strong enemy to Konoha Village."

\"Then, within the time limit, Konoha Village is in danger!"


Chapter 200 Senju Tobirama: Big Brother, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, the two evildoers, I have cut off from them

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