【Uchiha Madara: Hahahaha! ! Hassi hot mom! I really guessed it right! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Madara, what did you guess right? 】

[Uchiha Madara: Up to now, there have been eight exposures on the insidious list. Except for the golden horn and the silver horn and the mountain pepper fish Hanzo, they are all from your Konoha! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Mizuki, Uchiha Obito, Orochimaru, Yaoshitou, Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hizen, there are a total of eight people, and you, Konoha, account for six! 】

[Senju Hasuma: No, Madara! Orochimaru, Obito, and Dou, do they also count? They have all defected to my Konoha! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Aren't they from your Konoha before! ? Moreover, the reason why they defected to Konoha was not forced by Konoha's people! ? 】

While speaking, Madara thought to herself, "Well, apart from Obito, I forced this guy."

21 [Thousands of Hashirama: Ah this, think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case...]

【Senju Tobirama: No, big brother! Orochimaru was betrayed by Konoha because he did human experiments and made a mistake himself. He was not forced by others! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: You still have the face to say it! Senju Tobirama, if it wasn't for the inadequacy of your apprentice named Sarutobi Hizan, could Orochimaru go astray! ? 】

[Uchiha Izana: The reason why Orochimaru did human experiments and betrayed Konoha was not because of your apprentice, Sarutobi Hizan, who "teaches well"? ! 】 Hearing this, Qianshou Tobirama's face turned ashen, but he couldn't refute it.

People are right!

[Senju Hasuma: That's right, Oudoudou! If you are wrong, you must admit it, if you are beaten, you must stand at attention. 】

[Uchiha Madara: I agree with you! Hassi hot mom! However, although I agree with you, I still want to say. 】

[Uchiha Madara: A total of eight insidious lists have been exposed, and six of them belong to Konoha! Such a peace-loving Konoha who lives and works in peace and contentment! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: Hahahaha! Nissan, no way, Nissan! I'm going to be laughed at Nissan! ! 】 Thousands of hand pillars have a black line on their face.


【Senju Tobirama: Ah! Brother, don't come here, don't hit me again! 】

[Senju Tobirama: I already knew I was wrong! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Help, sister-in-law, save me! 】

The entire Pure Land world resounded once again with the miserable howl of the Thousand Hands Tobirama.

The live screen continues:

[The perspective comes to the root base. 】

[In the root base, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo are talking about something at this time. 】

[The Sarutobi Hiizan in the picture made a gesture, and the surrounding Anbu rushed out and controlled Shimura Danzo. 】

[I saw that Sarutobi had knocked Shimura Danzo unconscious, and took away Shimura Danzo's reward "Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker." 】

Foggy Village.

"Is this a disagreement between the top management of Konoha?"

Terumi Mei murmured with a look of eating melons:

"Konoha's Hokage actually assists Konoha's Hokage. Now there is a good show to watch."

Sand Hidden Village.

"Once the village has an internal order, it will not be far from disintegration." Granny Chiyo sighed.

Cloudy Village.

"Humph! The third on the Insidious Ranking and the fourth on the Insidious Ranking are shot. The two old things are not good birds!" said the fourth-generation Raikage Ai Zhen.

Rock Hidden Village.

Onogi snorted coldly:

"For the sake of this eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, can you take action against your former classmates?"

"It seems that these two are just despicable and shameless villains!"


"Hizhan Sarutobi didn't speak to us just now, saying that Danzo-sama is innocent!?"

"Humph! Do you believe what that old **** said!?"

"That's right! The pictures of the insidious list have been exposed just now. He didn't take his own words seriously at all, just used it to deceive us!"

"That makes sense! That being said, Danzo is actually a despicable and shameless villain!"

"Go! Go to Hizan Sarutobi's house, follow the root base shown on the screen, find Hizan Sarutobi and Danzo!"


A group of excited villagers rushed to the house of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The live screen continues:

[The perspective comes to Konoha's Chunin exam room. 】

[It's still Sarutobi Hizan speaking on the stage, and everyone in the audience listens with adoring eyes. 】

[“It is the best choice we made after comprehensive consideration in all aspects!”]

["...Also please forgive me and understand my difficulties as a Hokage!"]

[After Sarutobi Hizan said, everyone in the audience agreed. 】

【“Yes! As Hokage, you really have to consider more than us ordinary people!”】

[As Anbu, disguised as a civilian, spoke again, the crowd also showed support. 】

["The three generations of adults are right! I agree!", "I also agree!", "Support the three generations of adults!"]

[Looking at the crowd in the audience who expressed their approval of his words, the corners of Sarutobi Hiizan's mouth twitched slightly. In my mind:]

["Hahaha! Sure enough, these ignorant commoners!"]

[“Just me making some excuses that seem right, plus some people taking the lead.”]

["It's easy to control the reels and control their minds!"]

["They are just a group of repeaters who have no brains, no thoughts of their own, can't think for themselves, and can only follow others' opinions!"] ["It has to be me, Sarutobi Hizan, the most sober person! The most sober person! Great Hokage!"]

【"Ha ha ha ha......"】


At this time, the villagers searching for Sarutobi Hizan's house.

After seeing that he was fooled for a while before, he was stunned.

His face turned blue and purple.

Like adding fuel to the fire, even more angry!

"What!? How dare you fool our feelings!? Sarutobi Hizan! You bastard, I can't spare you!"

"The reason why Naruto was so miserable when he was a child is because of Sarutobi Hijen!"

"Damn Sarutobi Hizan! He doesn't deserve to be Hokage!"

"Catch him and drive him out of the village!"

However, the furious crowd did not find Hiruzen Sarutobi in his house.

As a result, the furious people vented their anger to the house of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and demolished the house of Hiruzen Sarutobi, leaving nothing behind. Sarutobi Hizan's house collapsed suddenly and turned into ruins.

"Go! Go to the Anbu base to find someone!"

"What if I can't find it?!"

"Then continue to dismantle!"

"Go together, go together!"

The furious crowd set off once again.

Sarutobi Hidden Slash, Dangerous!

Nara Shikakuho in 0

At this time, Sarutobi Hizan, Danzo and Nara Shikaku looked at each other.

Sarutobi Hizan touched his nose slightly embarrassedly:

"Hey, you have to believe me, I really don't think so! I was framed!"

Hearing this, Danzo and Nara Shikhisa looked at Sarutobi Hizan, showing a "we all understand" expression.

At this time, Danzang on the side opened his mouth and said:

"Lu Jiu, you said, what should I do now..."

Hearing this, Nara Shikahisa was speechless for a while.

When the two of you were doing things, you didn't think about what to do if you exposed yourself. Now that something happened, let me wipe the skin for the two of you?

Alas... that's it, who said they were the top executives/shadows of Konoha!

If you want to blame, you can only blame it for not seeing the true face of Hiruzen Sarutobi during the election! In his place, seek his government.

Nara Shikahisa murmured in his heart, and although he was very dissatisfied with the two, he still helped them think of a countermeasure.

Because he knows that now Konoha has made an internal order and the high-level scandal has been exposed, countries must already be eyeing Konoha.

150 If the situation is not calmed down immediately, only the residents of Konoha will be injured in the end.

Foggy Village.

In Terumi Mei's pair of beautiful eyes, there is a trace of dangerous breath flowing:

"Hisashi Sarutobi, as Konoha's Hokage, will definitely lose his prestige after going through this series of things."

"The country of fire is located in the middle, and it is attacked by the enemy, and now its Shinobi village Konoha has an internal order."

"At this moment, will it be a good time to send troops and divide up Konoha?"

At this time, not only the Kirigakushi family thought this way, but other Shinobi villages also had such thoughts.

Sandyin Village: "Our fourth-generation Kazekage, who died on the way to Konoha, must let Konoha explain!"

Yunyin Village: "Our Nintou was killed, and the body of Hyuga Hizu you gave is actually a fake! We must let Konoha explain!" Yanyin Village: "We saw that your Konoha was not pleasing to the eye! Taking a baby as an experiment is a complete loss of conscience! Today, I, Yanyin, will act for the heavens!" At this moment, although the various forces have not met to discuss, but they all have good reasons for each other and are ready to rest together with Konoha!

The ghouls are sealed, and death is in the belly.

[Vortex Kushina: Damn dead monkey! He ignored what happened to my Naruto, and even said that it was a "necessary sacrifice"! ?】

[Whirlpool Kushina: It's too hateful! You should have ignored that tailed beast in the first place and let the nine tails kill the old monkey Sarutobi Hiru! 】

[Whirlpool Kushina: As a mother, seeing her child suffer but unable to do anything, it's uncomfortable, woohoo~]

[Namifeng Minato hugged the little pepper in his arms: We were blind and believed in a hypocrite like Hiruzen Sarutobi! 】

[Namifeng Minato continued to comfort him: Wife, don't worry, this list is so amazing, and there may be a way to revive it in the future! 】

[If I can be resurrected, I will definitely beat Sarutobi Hiizan, protect Naruto, and avenge our family! 】

PS: Report the results. According to the agreement, the guarantee will be updated by 1W3 every day, and see the data explosion.

Chapter 77 The witty Senju Tobirama: As long as I scold people fast enough, no one else can scold me!

Pure Land.

At this time, after seeing this scene, everyone fell into silence.

I originally thought that Sarutobi Hizan was shameless enough, but I didn't expect it to be so shameless.

It is simply shameless to break the lower limit, and shameless to a new height!

This is what carbon-based organisms can do! ?

However, before everyone could attack, a blue figure jumped out first, and loudly began to reprimand Hiruzen Sarutobi:

【“Hiru Sarutobi beheading this person is simply despicable and shameless!”】

[〃Bullying the top and hiding the bottom, claiming to be the strongest Hokage in all dynasties, shameless! "]

[“The suppression of the major clan forces in Konoha led to the destruction of the Qianshou family, the destruction of the Uchiha family, and the conflict between the Hyuga family branch and the Zong family, shameless!”]

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