[Uchiha Madara: Nothing, I just ask! By the way, since she is your granddaughter, then I will take it lightly! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Well, then thank you Madara...I'm sorry, that's not right, then again, why are you fighting? 】 Hearing Senju Hasuma's words, Madara Uchiha was a little flustered in her heart.

How to do? How should I explain it to Hot Mom Hassi?

Damn! You shouldn't talk too much just now!

Chapter 79 Hiruzen Sarutobi: Want to break my Hokage position? No!

Um? correct!

Didn't the previous picture of pocket reincarnate yourself from the dirt?

You can excuse yourself as a good thing you did, and throw the pot on your back!

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha's mouth rose wildly in his heart, and he couldn't help but think?:

"Sure enough! In terms of comprehensive IQ, Madara Uchiha is the strongest! Hahaha!\"

[Uchiha Madara: Haxi Hot Mom! Did you forget? The picture of the pocket exposed by the insidious list just now! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Oh oh! I remembered! It was that guy who reincarnated you from the dirt! 】

[Uchiha Madara: That's right, Haxi hot mom! It's just that the guy did a good job! 】

[Thousands of Hands: So it is! 】

[Three Raikage: The fourth Raikage punched well! As expected of my son! Nice job! 】

[Fourth Generation Mizukage Yagura: Terumi Mei has also grown up! Sure enough, I did not live up to my request. 】

[Second generation Tsuchikage: Ohnogi is also here! Dare to face Madara Uchiha again, worthy of being my apprentice! Come on! 】

[Four Generations of Kazekage Luosha: Has Gaara already grown so strong? As expected of my son! 】

【Uchiha Madara: ? ? ? Do you think I don't exist? 】

The world of ninja.

Konoha Village, the home of Shikahisa, Nara.

At this time, the high-level Konoha gathered together.

After watching the picture of Uchiha Madara fighting the Five Shadows, I just sighed a little.

Then, they immediately plunged into a heated discussion.

"The two of you should hide first and stay behind the scenes for the time being."

Mito Gate Yan said to the two people in front of Hizen Danzo.

"Hey, now this kind of thing happened in Konoha...\" Aside, Xiaochun wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mito Menyan.

"It's useless to say that. The priority now is to stabilize the residents of the village."

"Lu Jiu, is there anything you can do?"

Mito Kazuo looked at Shikahisa Nara and asked.

Hearing this, Nara Shikahisa thought for a moment, and then slowly said:

"If you want to appease the people now, the first thing is to first remove Sarutobi Hirazan and Danzo from their positions."

"The anger of the residents needs an outlet to vent."

"But just use a random excuse to remove the two from their positions. As for the things exposed on the list, we must not admit it."

"However, there is no need to admit or mention it, just make a recall announcement."

After that, Nara Shikahisa looked at Mito Kazuo and Koharu who turned to bed:

"As for the newly-appointed Hokage, a person with strong roots is needed."

"You don't need to have a high ability, as long as you can convince everyone and calm everyone's emotions."

Nara Shikahisa said.

Hearing this, Xiaochun turned to bed and asked with a puzzled look:

"Is that really possible?"

On the other side, Mito Menyan gritted his teeth and said:

"Forget it, there is no other way now! I can only trust Lu Jiu!"

And Sarutobi Hizan on the side heard the conversation of several people, and suddenly became worried.

Do you want to lose your Hokage position?


I don't want to quit yet! !

Sarutobi Hizan shouted in his heart.

At this time, it seemed that he saw through Sarutobi Hizan's thoughts.

Nara Shikahisa on the side glanced at Sarutobi Hizen, and said:

"As for the daily handling of Hokage, it is still up to Sir Sarutobi Hizan."

"And it's not impossible to change Hokage after the residents' emotions have calmed down."

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly felt ecstatic in his heart.

In other words, the appointed new Hokage is a tool to appease the people?

Can he still listen to the government from behind the curtain like when the fourth generation was in power, and still have the opportunity to take over as Hokage again?

Thinking of this, Hiruzen Sarutobi was the first to say:

"Well, Nara Shikahisa's plan is very comprehensive, I agree!"

With Sarutobi Hizan's statement, this matter became a certainty.

at this time.

The live screen continues:

[I saw Madara Uchiha in the picture, after being covered by Rongdun, he directly summoned Susanoo! 】

[Susano almost blocked Terumi Mei's Rongdun from outside, and Madara Uchiha was not injured in the slightest. 】

[Seeing this, Raikage Ai of the fourth generation jumped high: "Lei Yu-level Chiyo dance!"]

[The fourth generation of Raikage used the hand sword that gathered Lei Dun Chakra to slash at Susanoo from top to bottom! 】

[However, Susanoo is still completely motionless and not damaged in the slightest! 】

["Lei Dun's instant body melts Dun's blood after the limit?\" Uchiha Madara murmured, and then. 】

[Terumi Mei once again used the technique of dissolving and dissolving monsters, completely submerging Madara Uchiha! 】

[The fourth Raikage jumped back to the ground and looked at Madara Uchiha who was submerged together with Terumi Mei. 】

[I saw a huge light blue figure reappearing! 】

[Seeing this, the pupils of the two shrank. Still unscathed! 】

[At this time, Madara Uchiha looked at the five people: "How about your defense?"]

[After all, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo condensed the eight-foot Qionggou jade and flew to everyone! 】

[Suddenly, the overwhelming attack came like a torrential rain! 】


[One by one, seeing Oh Yemu and Ai Luo, they summoned a stone man and a sand man respectively, and blocked all the eight-foot Qionggouyu! 】

[Seeing this, Madara Uchiha praised: "The dual defense of sand and rock is quite impressive!"]

Foggy Village.

Terumi Mei was shocked when she saw Madara Uchiha was attacked by her Rongdun without being hurt. \"Can this all be defended? Susanoo of the Uchiha family... Really powerful!\" Terumi Mei said with fear in her eyes.

However, when Terumi Mei saw the overwhelming eight-foot Qionggouyu ninjutsu.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

"So powerful!"

"Fortunately, it was blocked by the rock of the shadow shadow and the sand of the shadow of the wind!"

Even though she knew that this was just a picture, Terumi Mei still had lingering fears.

Sand Hidden Village.

\"Do I love Luo's sand?\"

"Sand's defense is indeed very powerful!"

Cloudy Village.

"Oh? Can you actually eat the old man's thunder-abuse level Chiyo Mai!" "Uchiha Madara's strength is really strong!"

Four generations of Raikage Ai's eyes lit up with fighting intent:

"But, since it can be punched by me."

"It seems that it is not invincible!"

Rock Hidden Village.

When Ohnogi saw that Uchiha Madara was not only unscathed, but he was also able to activate Bachi Qionggou unscathed.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

But when Ohnogi saw that all of Uchiha Madara's eight-foot Qionggou were blocked by his own ninjutsu with Fengying. Immediately he regained his calm expression:

"Humph! I knew that with the combined efforts of our five shadows, we will definitely be able to defeat Madara!"

The live screen continues:

[I saw Gaara manipulating the sand and burying the entire Susanoo! 】

[Afterwards, blue light appeared in the sand, and in an instant, Susanoo broke free from the sand! 】

["Water Escape. Mist Hidden Jutsu!" Terumi Mei performed ninjutsu, and a fog filled the entire battlefield. 】

["I'm going, Raikage!\" I saw Ohnogi riding on the back of the fourth Raikage Ai. "Ultra. Weighted Rock Technique!"]...for flowers....

[Using the shield of the fog, coupled with the technique of Onogi's weighted rock, strengthens the power of the fist. 】

[The fourth generation of Raikage Ai came to Madara Uchiha, and used the weighted rock. Lei abuse level Chiyo Mai, slammed into Susanoo! 】

【"Boom!\" Immediately, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo was directly bombarded to pieces by this punch! 】

[Uchiha Madara was directly blown away! 】

Cloudy Village.

\"Hahaha! I'll just say it!\"

"Uchiha Madara, what if it's Susanoo? It wasn't smashed to pieces by my punch!"

"We are the Five Shadows!\"

Suddenly, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai laughed out loud.

"However, the little old man from Yanyin Village is still useful!"

Foggy Village.

"Humph! Don't underestimate our five shadows!!" Terumi Mei's beautiful eyes shone brightly.

Sand Hidden Village.

\"Gaara has grown up too!\"

Granny Chiyo said with emotion.

\"This strength...is no weaker than his father's four generations of adults."

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