Unexpectedly, I saw Grandpa Hasuma again today!

Pure Land.

【Thousands of Hands: Madara! What is playing on the screen now seems to be the last battle between you and me back then! 】

[Uchiha Madara: That's right, Haxi hot mom! That's when you killed me! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Ah this... Madara, I had already decided at that time to protect the village! Since you are going to destroy the village, I have no choice but to do it! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Humph! I knew it! The relationship I have had with you for many years is not as good as a broken village! 】

The live screen continues:

[After a while, the energy fluctuations gradually calmed down. 】

[And after the huge energy fluctuation and the dust that it swayed dissipated, a figure of nine tails wearing Susanoo reappeared in place! 】

【Pretty Dress. Susanoo! 】

["I resisted, is it a ranking technique?" Uchiha Madara murmured. 】

[At this time, the layers of wooden shields were opened, and after seeing the majestic Susanoo in the Qianshouzhuan, he also thought to himself:]

[\"To put Susanoo as an armor and put it on Kyuubi, Madara has a great idea!"]

[At this time, Susanoo raised the Susanoo blade high and slashed down at the Senju pillars! 】


[But it is a pair of big wooden hands, empty-handed and white-blade! Take this knife! 】

【"I've seen through your attack! Mu Dun. The art of cloth bags!\" Qianshou Hashirama shouted. 】

[Suddenly, several giant wooden escaped hands drilled out from the ground, trapping the nine-tailed Susanoohu in the middle! 】

[Seeing this, the majestic Susaguang blade swept across, and instantly destroyed these giant hands! 】

[Seeing this, Senju Hasuma quickly distanced himself from Madara Uchiha. 】

[The fluctuations caused by the battle between the two are too violent. 】

[\"If this goes on, the land will become a mess. It's better to move to the seaside."]

[Senju Hashirama flees to the sea. 】

[〃Don't run away! ,, followed by Madara Uchiha. 】

Foggy Village.

"Changjurou! Guess which of the two will win in the end!?"

Terumi Mei looked at Chojuro (cbdb) o

Hearing this, Chojurou hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"Although judging from the image of the reincarnation of the dirty earth summoned by Orochimaru, the strength of Qianshou Zhuma is very average."

"But judging from the picture at the moment, the strength of Qianshou Hakuma is definitely not weak, and it can be evenly divided with Uchiha Madara." "I guess, there is a high probability that the two are tied!"

Hearing this, Terumi Mei gave a "Qi", and then her red lips lightly opened: "I guess, Uchiha Madara won!"

--No way, the powerful gesture of easily slaughtering the five shadows has been deeply imprinted in Terumi Mei's heart.

Terumi Mei can't imagine that there is anyone who can be stronger than Madara Uchiha who can easily control even the Nine Tails!

Cloudy Village.

"Uchiha Madara sat down...is this the Nine Tails!?"

Raikage Ai's throat rolled.

"Can you even control the Nine Tails!?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the figure of the complete body Susa, who had smashed the mountain with a knife in the previous picture, reappeared in the mind of the fourth Raikage Ai.

"...That's right, with that kind of ability, let alone nine tails, even if one to nine tails go together, I guess they won't be able to beat Madara..." The fourth Raikage Ai muttered.

Sand Hidden Village.

"Take Susanoo as an armor and put it on the nine tails? This kind of application of Susanoo is the first time I have seen it."

"But speaking of it, whether it's Kyuubi or Susanoo, it seems that the old man has never seen it before." Granny Chiyo laughed and shook her head and laughed at herself.

——But it was Chiyo’s mother-in-law who humbled herself. As an old man in the ninja world, I have seen these more times than most ninjas anyway.

Rock Hidden Village.

"What a great fight!\"

Onogi said with emotion.

The battle between the two is almost like art, full of violent aesthetics.

Leaf Village.

"Even the nine tails can be easily manipulated... Can Grandpa beat Madara Uchiha?" Tsunade murmured.

"No, you must trust Grandpa!"

"After all, he is a man called the **** of ninjas! How can a **** fail!!"

[Seeing the thousand-handed pillars getting farther and farther, Uchiha Madara manipulated the tailed beast to condense a hair of tailed beast jade, and then mixed the Susanoo light blade into it:]

【"You can't stop now! Let's see how you deal with it!"】

[Feeling the violent chakra fluctuations coming from behind, Qianshou Hashirama stopped and bit his fingers: "Spirituality!"]

【"Five Rashomon!"】

[Suddenly, five huge portals with a height of 100 meters emerged from the ground, and each door was engraved with the head of a terrifying evil ghost. 】

["Using this trick, change the trajectory?" Uchiha Madara thought to himself. 】

[After hitting the five Rashomon, the tailed beast jade instantly penetrated the five, but it also changed its trajectory and flew to the land on the other side. 】

[Suddenly, another red sun rises on the horizon. 】

["Hashima, I haven't fought you seriously for a long time.\" Madara Uchiha said to Qianshou Hasuma. "You should know that I'm not the same as before, right?\"】

[Hearing that, Chishou Hasuma looked at Madara Uchiha and said, "Do you want to let everything before, our efforts, all come to nothing, Madara!?"]

【“Your battle with me will not bring any benefit. This battle will only hurt the village and the ninjas! It will only embarrass our brothers and compatriots!!”】【Senju Hashima said sharply. 】

[After hearing this, Madara Uchiha said coldly: "Are you... are you preaching to me?"]

["I don't want to kill you!" Qianshou Zhujian said. 】

[Hearing this sentence, Madara Uchiha's expression became more and more gloomy: "You mean, you can kill me at any time?"]

["No...I mean, we are friends...\" Senju Hasuma explained. 】

["I can already hit the other side!!" Madara Uchiha roared, my strength has surpassed yours! 】

[Seeing this, Qianshou Zhujian murmured: "There is no way."]

["Xianfa. Wooden Dun. Really thousands of hands!"]

[As the voice of Qianshou Zhujian fell, Daodao Xianfa eye shadow instantly appeared on Qianshou Zhujian's eye socket, and then. 】

[Huge natural energy gathers, immortal chakra surges out! 】

[A wooden statue of a thousand-handed Buddha, which is several times larger than the majestic Susanoo, emerges from the ground!

【"I'm on! Madara!"】

【\"Come on, column!\"]

[The giant wooden dungeon and Susanoo each galloped away towards each other! 】


Chapter 89 Uchiha Madara is still looking back on the good times with Hashiyama at the last moment of his life.. Really love and kill each other

Foggy Village.

"Are you going to reveal the answer!?"

Terumi Mei said excitedly. "This time, we should be able to decide the winner!"

\"It's amazing!\"

On the side, Changjurou's eyes were full of excitement. The strength of these two people can be easily summoned with such a scale of immortal ninjutsu. How strong must it be!

Sand Hidden Village.

"Enter the fairy-human mode in one second!?"

At this time, mother-in-law Chiyo was shocked.

In seconds [Shanren mode, such strength. Don't look at Chiyo's mother-in-law who has gone through so many turbulent times in the ninja world, but still one-unheard of!

Cloudy Village.

When the fourth generation of Raikage Ai saw the thousands of hands that were several times larger than the mighty Susanoo. The whole person's mouth was so shocked that he could stuff two eggs.

"This, is this the legendary "God of Ninja"?"

\"Too, too strong!\"

Suddenly, the thought that Uchiha Madara would win in the heart of the fourth generation of Raikage Ai was shaken instantly!

Rock Hidden Village.

"As expected of the **** of ninjas who relied on his own strength and single-handedly to pacify the world, Qianshou Zhujian!"

Onogi murmured.

"It's just this one-handed wooden escape with thousands of hands. In the entire ninja world, no one can resist this move unscathed!"

Pure Land.

[Uchiha Madara: Haxi Hot Mom! Even after so long, seeing the two of us fighting again now still makes my blood rush! ] [Senju Hasuma: Don't say Madara! Let's have a good fight now! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Come on, Haxi Hot Mom! Just let me see, these days, have you been lazy! 】

[Senju Hasuma: How can I be lazy! It's you, you haven't used your tricks for so many years, don't let your strength go backwards! 】

The live screen continues:

[The majestic Susaneng, and the thousands of hands with the real. The two giants on the top of the Buddha, suddenly converged together! 】

【\"Turn to Buddha on the top!!"】

[Between the electric light and flint, the meteors burst, and the whole world was filled with the light and sound caused by the huge explosion. 】

[The radiant dust dissipated, and I saw that Susanoo, the mighty costume that originally covered Kyuubi's body, had almost been blown up by half. 】

【\"Has the prestige Susanoo been blown up?\" Madara Uchiha murmured. 】

[At this time, the Thousand-handed Buddha broke away from the broken Thousand-handed Seat behind him and ran towards the nine tails! 】

[Then, the Thousand-handed Buddha grabbed Jiuwei with one hand, and the wooden man jumped up and pressed his palm on Jiuwei's forehead: "Kuo An enters Zheng Chui's hand"! 】

[Suddenly, the red light in Jiuwei's eyes subsided, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. 】

[Thousand-handed pillars jumped off the wooden giant and shouted: "Madara!\"]

[Uchiha Madara's eyes turn around in the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, shouting loudly: Hashimoto! 】

Foggy Village.

"To actually blow up the mighty Susanoo in one move, and capture the nine tails alive!?"

"Is this the real strength of the first person in the ninja world, known as the **** of ninjas!?" Terumi Mei murmured in shock.

"Lord Mizukage, it seems that I won the bet." On the side, Chojuro said.

"Humph! What's the hurry! The battle is still going on," Terumi Mei replied.

Sand Hidden Village.

"Did you subdue the nine tails in one move?"

Grandma Chiyo said with emotion:

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