She didn't know why she would be so stupid in the future!

"Damn it! Sakura, hurry up and stab it!"

"Didn't he hurt a lot of your comrades!? Why can't you do it now!?" Sakura kept thinking about it in her heart.

Yuren Village, the Xiao organization base.

"What's the matter? What does it look like, I broke up with Madara Uchiha?"

At this time, Obito was stunned.

"Also, why should I let this woman stab my reincarnation eye?\"

"Well... According to what I said in the picture, I had already broken with Uchiha Madara at that time?"

"And in order not to let Madara get two eyes and gather the eyes of reincarnation, I decided to let people stab my own eyes?"

"Am I so insane?\"

"Also, it looks like I've found the wrong person?\"

"How did you find such a drag oil bottle!! And at the end, I sacrificed myself and sent her (the king's) out!?"

"It's so maddening! According to my temper, if it were to happen, I would definitely just ignore the woman and go out on my own!" Obito thought so in his heart.

Pure Land.

At this time, Madara Uchiha was not too surprised after seeing this picture.

After all, he had long expected that Obito would betray him!

So, just in case, he placed Hei Jue beside Obito!

But now it seems that Hei Jue has also been exposed by this magical list?

Hmm... It seems that the situation is not very good!

It's okay, as long as I don't expose the picture of my own design to kill Lin.

Driven by the desire to revive his heart, Obito will still collect tailed beasts and complete the Moon Eye plan! The plan still works...

Thinking of this, Madara Uchiha immediately felt relieved!

【Thousands of Hands: Madara! How did you turn into white hair! 】

[Thousands of Hands: And there is a black ball floating behind him! Is it because of your plan? 】

[Uchiha Madara: That's right, Haxi hot mom! 】

Madara Uchiha said, but he was also suspicious.

After all, Madara Uchiha is also the first time he has seen the Six Paths Immortal Mode of the Ju-Tailed Man Zhuri.

"Could it be that this is what it looks like when ten tailed beasts are gathered together to become the ten-tailed man Zhuli?" Madara Uchiha yearned for:

\"It looks very powerful!"

Chapter 93 Madara Uchiha: I'm at a showdown, I'm going to summon an outlander golem and become a ten-tailed man Zhuli!

The live screen continues:

[In the divine power space. 】

[Uchiha Madara directly inserts one hand into Obito's body and lifts up Obito:]

【“The spell I set in your heart has disappeared, how did you take it off? You shouldn’t be able to hurt yourself, right?”]

[Uchiha Madara asked curiously. 】

[\"Kakashi pierced my body and removed the talisman.\" Obito replied. \"Now I... can only do this kind of thing..."]

【“If I want to become Ju-Tails Juri, I have to get rid of that thing...”]

[\"I made a bet with my life, I will not let you succeed!"]

[Obito looked straight into Madara Uchiha's eyes and said. 】

[After hearing this, Madara Uchiha laughed: "No, your actions are completely in line with my plan."]

【“It even exceeded my expectations!”】

[Seeing this, Obito asked, "What's so funny!"]

[After hearing this, Madara Uchiha said with a smile: "The curse seal set in the doll."]

【“If you try to erase it from your body, the curse mark will inhibit this behavior. You seem to know Obito.”]

["I set a spell in your body. You naturally cannot commit suicide."]

["Because you are my important pieces!"]

[After hearing this, Obito murmured as if he had found something: "You,"]

["I don't know what the cause and effect are, but the two of you chose to eliminate it in exactly the same way. It's really interesting!\"]

[After hearing this, Obito's mind suddenly appeared in Obito's mind, the scene that made him hard to remember and remember to this day! 】

[- Kakashi used Rachel to penetrate Rin's heart! 】

["Rin..." Obito murmured. 】

["That's right! The plan to make that little girl a three-tailed human column with 160 powers and make her run wild in Konoha!\"]

【“It was made by me! Not Wuyin Village!”】

["She used Kakashi's attack on the enemy to sacrifice herself and save the village, which is also in my plan!"]

["The purpose is to let you fall into the darkness and become my pawn!"]

[Uchiha Madara said proudly! 】

["Bastard!!! You deliberately set up a situation to make me....\" Obito was furious! 】

["I also deliberately picked the time for Minato Namika to perform other tasks, leaving Kakashi alone and letting the people of Hidden Kiri capture Lin.\"]

["The ninja who manipulated the village of Hidden Mist to hunt them down, this is all my plan!\"]

["This is also for observation, how much power can you release!"]

["The Bai Jues instigated you to let you leave and go underground at that time, do you think it was all accidental!?"]

["The only thing I didn't expect was that the little girl died in Kakashi's hands.\"]

["Obito, I taught you that if you want to manipulate people's hearts, you must use the darkness in people's hearts! 】

【No darkness? Then create darkness! ! ! "]

【“Isn’t it funny to think that you are the only one who is different!?”】

【"Why!? Why did you choose me!??\" Obito roared. 】

【“Because you are full of kindness and love for others from the bottom of your heart.”】

【"To Lin, to your companions, to Hokage, to the village, you love them deeply.\"]

["And once you fall, this love will be transformed into a deep hatred for this world! The deeper the love, the more turbulent the hatred!"]

【“I still need something to get my wish...Give me back my left eye!!”]

The screen stopped abruptly.

Rain Country (cbdb), Xiao organization base.


A roar came.

At this time, everyone in the Akatsuki organization looked at Obito beside him with sympathetic expressions on their faces.

What human suffering is this...

Too bad, right? !

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of the world are not the same.

"I'm going to kill you!! Madara!!!\"

At this time, Obito's heart was extremely angry! ! The face under the mask is almost distorted!

"You think that only you are different, what a ridiculous idea!" Uchiha Madara's words circulated wildly in Obito's mind. yes!

How could he naively think that the other party would really save him for free? ?

He never thought that the old grandpa who saved him was the one who killed Lin. Although he always knew that the old man who called himself Madara Uchiha saved him, there must be a conspiracy. However, Obito did not know that it was actually a conspiracy planned by Yilin's death!

"It turns out that Rin was not killed by the people from Kiriyin Village, but by Madara Uchiha..."

With the face under the soil mask, he muttered.

"What in the blood fog, what revenge... Hahaha!! It's all a joke!!!"

Under the mask with soil, his face was mad.

If we say that after Lin's death, Obito's world is full of gloom.

At this moment, Obito only felt that the entire world in front of him had been distorted and filled with blood red color. "Uchiha Madara!!! In my life, I am at odds with you!!!"

The ghouls are sealed, and death is in the belly.

At this time, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were silent for a long time after seeing this scene. After a while, Vortex Kushina let out a long sigh:

[Whirlpool Kushina: Obito...]

At this time, Minato Namikaze stared at Obito and Madara Uchiha in the picture for a long time, speechless for a long time.

Leaf Village.

"It turns out that what happened back then turned out to be the truth..."

Kakashi's pupils trembled violently, and he couldn't accept it for a long time:

"With soil...Lin..."

"Damn Uchiha Madara!\"

Kakashi hammer fist.

"Obito, you're not dead yet! I wonder what you will think when you see this scene now!?"

Pure Land.

[Lin: I didn't expect that the original truth was like this? 】

[Lin: Obito... Would you actually do so many things for me? 】

[Lin: But Obito, I just want to see you and live a good life, that's enough! 】

【Thousands of Hands: Madara! What you did...I am ashamed to know you! 】

[Senju Hashirama: You are so vicious, Madara! 】

[Vortex Mito: Madara! You are so vicious, aren't you afraid that one day someone will betray you like this! ? 】

【Uchiha Madara: How is that possible! No one can betray me! ! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Haxi Hot Mom! How can someone who has achieved great things not be ruthless! 】

[Uchiha Madara: I am for the eternal peace of the whole ninja world! To this end, even if it temporarily sacrifices some people, it is still possible! 】

Hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian sighed and said:

【Thousands of Hands: Madara! You have no cure! 】

【Uchiha Madara: No! Hassi hot mom! You do not understand! Only in this way can the whole ninja world enter into true peace! 】

[Uchiha Quanna: Nissan! Nissan! ! I support you Nissan! ! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Unlike your benevolent and naive fantasy, Haxi Hot Mom, you can unify peace, but you have to distribute the nine tails to various countries! 】

[Uchiha Madara: My plan is to truly bring peace to everyone! Let everyone live in a world that understands each other and lives happily! 】

[Uchiha Madara: I have a showdown! Bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and secretly plan and plan for a long time, just for the arrival of that day! 】

At this point, Madara Uchiha has already said hi, and the list has already exposed his plans, so. He decided at this time that Suo Xing could say it all himself.

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