Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 44: naive plan

Liar, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, you are a **** liar!

Not only cheated my feelings, but also **** cheated my money!

Danzo promised a lot of benefits just now, with the goal of being the president of the Konoha Newspaper, but Sarutobi Hiruza's three or two words directly shattered his abacus.

Can he go back on his word?

Looking at Hiruzaru Sarutobi's fox eyes, Danzo could only knock out his teeth and swallow it back.

"Hehe, it's really good, not bad." Danzo gritted his teeth, his face turning blue and white.

"Danzo, thank you for everything you have done for the village." Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the gate next to him, he got the benefits, and he was going to drive people away.

Danzang was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were pumped up.

Leaving Hokage Tower, Danzo was not reconciled, so he recruited a root ninja with a sullen face, and whispered a few words in his ear.

After hearing that, the ninja disappeared immediately.

At the same time, several elders of the Uchiha clan received a piece of information about the shares of the Konoha Hayate newspaper.

Several elders live very close to each other, so they hooked up again after visiting each other from left to right.

"The information of the Konoha Newspaper should have been disclosed by Danzo, there is no doubt about it!"

"Hmph, this guy is uneasy and kind."

"Do you want us to deal with Uchiha Fenghuo?"

They looked at the information in their hands and thought about the role of the Konoha Newspaper, and it would be a lie to say that they were not moved.

The reputation of the Uchiha clan in the village has always been somewhat dark. If it can be reversed through the newspaper, it will be logical to plan for the position of Hokage in the future.

"Uchiha Fenghuo is a little boy, but he has become a genius idol in the village after being published in the newspaper a few times. If this honor is placed on Uchiha... everyone, even if Danzo has bad intentions, I shouldn't give up on the newspaper. shares!"

"That's right. After all, Uchiha Fenghuo belongs to the Uchiha clan. He is still young, so the shares in his hands should be held by our elders."

"Three generations of Naruto will not allow us to easily obtain the shares of Uchiha Fenghuo."

"Hmph, this is a family matter, not about Hiruzaru Sarutobi!"

These elders say one sentence to another, the more they speak, the more aggressive and confident they are, and they immediately call someone to inform the patriarch Uchiha Chinatsu and the captain of the police force, Uchiha Fugaku!

After serving as the captain of the police force, Uchiha Fugaku became more and more busy, leaving early and going to bed late, and he had two big bags under his eyes when he was young.

After hearing the words of these elders, Uchiha Fugaku felt a strange feeling in his heart, which he couldn't express. He just felt that one or two of these elders were all weird. You have already sent someone to kill him, and now you still want to take it from him When it comes to the shares of the newspaper, you guys, how big are your hearts?

"Qianxia, ​​Fuyue, I will leave this matter to you!" Several elders sat on it, the old gods were there, thinking that they had helped a lot, and it was only natural that some of the remaining physical work was left to them.

Uchiha Chinatsu and Fuyue looked at each other, and smiled wryly: "Elder, I'm afraid this matter..."

An elder snorted, "Patriarch Qianxia, ​​this is a matter of my Uchiha clan. You don't have to worry about the Third Hokage, and you don't need to worry about Danzo either. Hmph, you can send someone directly to Uchiha Fenghuo. If he agrees, he agrees." , if you disagree, you know what to do!"

"...Okay, I'll try." Uchiha Chinatsu smiled wryly.

When the two left, Fugaku Uchiha showed dissatisfaction: "The patriarch, the elders took it for granted. The newspaper office is now under the control of the third Hokage, and it is impossible for us to intervene in it."

Uchiha Chinatsu sighed: "A few elders hold more than half of the Jnin and Chunin in the clan. Even in your police force, there are many elders."

Uchiha Fugaku frowned: "Why is this happening?"

"Uchiha Madara!" Uchiha Chinatsu said slowly, "Back then Uchiha Madara led the whole clan, and everyone was united as one, and they shook hands with the Senju clan to make peace and jointly founded Konoha. At that time, no one in the family could resist him, so he could only watch him go further and further, and finally fought against the first generation of Hokage in the Valley of the End, almost implicating the whole family! After that, the power of the elders gradually increased, The purpose is to check and balance the power of the patriarch."

"Uchiha Madara..."

Hearing this name, Uchiha Fugaku was in a trance for a while, that is a powerful existence standing side by side with the God of Ninja World!

"Let's go, talk to Uchiha Fenghuo."

The two walked to the Konoha newspaper office next to the ninja school, and as soon as they entered, they saw Shikahisa Nara.

Sarutobi Hiruzen moved very quickly, and directly resumed the post of Hatake Sakumo's dark army commander after Danzo left, and at the same time let Nara Shikahisa, who has a super IQ, serve as the newspaper president.

"Ah, Patriarch Qianxia, ​​Captain Fuyue, why are you free to come to the newspaper office?" Nara Shikahisa greeted lazily when he saw the person coming.

"We came to find Uchiha to seal the fire, is he there?" Uchiha Chinatsu asked.

Nara Shikahisa said: "He is not at the newspaper office, um, speaking of it, he hasn't come to the newspaper office for several months."

That's what I said, but Nara Shikohisa has been thinking crazily about the purpose of these two people, and at the same time thinking about various countermeasures. It is not fake to have a high IQ. With just a few words, Nara Shikohisa has already prepared all kinds of It's drafted.

"Haven't come to the newspaper office for a few months?" Uchiha Chinatsu suddenly said angrily, "This guy is still too young, he doesn't know the importance of the newspaper office at all, Lu Jiu, he must have caused a lot of trouble for the newspaper office during his absence Bar?"

Nara Shikahisa shrugged: "I have to ask Sakumo-sama, after all, I just became the president of the newspaper."

"No matter what, the kid Fenghuo shouldn't come to the newspaper office for a few months, serious dereliction of duty, I think..." Uchiha Chika was about to show off her fox tail when she was interrupted by Nara Shikahisa.

"Sorry, Patriarch Qianxia, ​​the newspaper is privately owned, whether it goes to work every day or absent from work, it is our own problem, so let's not bother the two of you, right?" Nara Shikahisa didn't give him a chance to speak at all~ www. readwn.com~ But Fenghuo's surname is Uchiha, as his relatives, we have the obligation to supervise him, urge him, and whip him when he is slack! "

Nara Shikahisa smiled and said, "Say the word "family, Patriarch Qianxia, ​​don't you feel guilty?"

"Nara Shikaku, what do you mean!" Uchiha Fugaku said angrily.

"As the captain of the Konoha Police Force, don't you really know what I mean?" Nara Shikahisa looked at him with a sneer.

Nara Shikahisa is really annoyed that he still has the face to beep beep about the **** mission of Taki no Kuni, the assassination of Fox Uchiha and Hayashi Uchiha, and the subsequent attacks.

"Those are all misunderstandings!" Uchiha Chinatsu shouted with a sullen face.

Nara Shikahisa didn't bother to talk nonsense with them: "Patriarch Qianxia, ​​why don't I introduce the Konoha Hayate newspaper to you?"

Without waiting for his reply, Nara Shikahisa continued, "The newspaper is a joint-stock company, and Hokage-sama holds 20% of the shares. My family, the Yamanaka family, the Akimichi family, the Aurome family, the Inuzuka family, and Sakumo-sama, Seal the fire, each takes 10% of the shares, and the remaining 10% is used for the development of the newspaper."

"Although Fenghuo is the founder of the newspaper, the real decision-maker is Hokage-sama who owns 20% of the newspaper and has our full support!"

"Whether it's the appointment of the president or vice president of the newspaper, or what content to publish in the newspaper, Hokage-sama has the greatest decision-making power!"

Nara Shikahisa looked at the increasingly gloomy faces of the two people on the opposite side, and said, "So, even if the 10% of the shares that sealed the fire were taken by someone else, with us, it is impossible for that person to have the slightest influence on the newspaper."

Uchiha Chinatsu and Uchiha Fugaku looked at each other, and their faces became pooping.

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