Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Sarutobi Hiruzen's question

After completing the eye replacement operation, Danzo looked in the mirror narcissistically, and saw the three-god jade in the right eye slowly rotating, mysterious and profound, evil and ominous, as if it contained the power of the prehistoric, well, he was very satisfied!

Finding a bandage to wrap his right eye, Danzo went out to chat with his old friend Hiruzaru Sarutobi about his life.

"Nichizane!" Danzo knocked on the door and entered Hokage's office.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked up and saw his head and couldn't help but startled: "Your eyes?"

"Old problem, don't worry about it." Danzang came over and threw the newspaper in his hand on his desk, "Nichizane, have you read the recent reports of the newspaper?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked over, and on the cover of the newspaper was Namikaze Minato's sunny smile, flowing blond hair and a pair of sky blue eyes, full of idol temperament!

"Ah, you said Minato's report, hehe, it's really exaggerated." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with a smile, the feeling of mastering public opinion is so sour, you can praise whoever you want, and step on whoever you want.

"Exaggeration? Haha, isn't this your order?" Danzo sneered.

"What are you talking about?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "Namikaze Minato is your heir!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes froze.

Danzo sneered in his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed looking for an heir, but that was for the future, at this time Sarutobi Hiruzen definitely has enough energy to be qualified for the position of Hokage!

It's as if the emperor of the feudal dynasty wants to confer the crown prince, but once the prince has the idea of ​​being in power, the emperor will definitely kill the prince, so as not to lose his imperial power!

Danzang said so, but to sow discord, using a conspiracy!

"I don't know where you heard about it, but there is absolutely no such thing!" Sure enough, Hiruza Sarutobi's first reaction was to get rid of this matter.

Danzo continued to provoke: "Really? I'm sorry, Hirizhan, I saw that the villagers in the whole village are supporting Namikaze Minato, so it is inevitable to have this idea. Hehe, you should also pay attention to the influence, otherwise even if it is fake, it will change. It's come true!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi glared at Danzo with a gloomy expression, with nameless anger burning in his chest.

Two pairs of old foxes have been in love and killed each other for decades, and he soon realized that Danzo was trying to provoke the relationship between him and Namikaze Minato. No, there is also Orochimaru. an heir.

"Danzo, you!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was angry.

If these words are spread, what will Orochimaru think?

What about Namikaze Minato? His dream is Hokage, tell him directly that you can't be Hokage, how hurtful!

"Hehe, Hirizhan, then I'll go first." Danzo turned around after doing bad things and left gracefully.


Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the desk hard, and then said to the air, "Let Feng Huo come and see me!"

"Yes, Naruto-sama!" An Anbu ninja left immediately.

For half a salary, Fenghuo, who was trained by Matt Dai to the point of death, appeared here.

Seeing the sweat dripping from his body and eyes full of tiredness, Hiruza Sarutobi took a deep breath and handed him the newspaper: "Is that what you meant?"

Feng Huo glanced at the pretty photo of Namikaze Minato on the newspaper, and said with a smile, "Yes, I..."

"Stop!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a deep voice, "No, replace Minato with Orochimaru!"

"Change to Dashewan?" Feng Huo frowned, "Why?"

"Uchiha sealed the fire, then why did you put Minato on the newspaper?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was a little annoyed, no matter whether the fire was sealed with good intentions or on purpose, the position of Hokage is of great importance, even he must be cautious before Be cautious, Feng Huo is only a 9-year-old child, no matter how talented and mature his thinking is, he should not interfere in such important matters!

It can be said that Fenghuo has violated Sarutobi Hiruzen's Ni Lin.

After all, Feng Huo has experienced the baptism of various TV dramas such as Qing Palace and Ming Court Seizing the Inheritance in his previous life. With just a few words from Sarutobi Rizai, he has already grasped the complicated and distorted psychology of the other party.

"I will stop the newspaper's report on Brother Minato, but let Orochimaru be published in the newspaper? Sorry, I can't do it!" Feng Huoning said.

"Why?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at him.

"I'm not familiar with him, why help him become famous." Feng Huo rolled his eyes directly.

At this time, the more you explain, the more suspicious you will be. It's better to play a rogue just because you are young.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled, blinked his eyes twice, and asked, "Famous? Is it that simple?" Could it be that I blamed him wrongly?

"Otherwise?" Feng Huo snorted, "Originally, I would make Fatty Qiu and Lazy Donkey famous in the future."

"Wait, Fatty Qiu? Lazy donkey?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked constipated.

"Oh, Akimichi Dingza, Nara Shikaku and the others." Feng Huo said.

"...Well, it's very vivid." Hiruzaru Sarutobi heaved a sigh of relief, and he dared to seal the fire because he was going to praise everyone who had a good relationship with him.

It doesn't matter.

The Zhuludie family, the Younv family, and the Inuzuka family are all good families who support him. Helping them become famous is a good thing and should not be stopped!

Sarutobi Hiruza took three seconds to do a deep self-examination, and then said to Feng Huo: "In that case, follow your plan."

Feng Huo knew that this test was over.

"Wait, add Hinata Hyuzu from the Hinata family to the report!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ I don't know him well. "Feng Huo directly refused.

Sarutobi Hiruza patted the table and shouted: "I am the major shareholder, I have the final say!"

Feng Huo almost didn't come up in one breath, and he founded the newspaper by himself!

"Hehe, Fenghuo, I know that you have conflicts with a member of the Hinata family, but it is undeniable that the Hinata family is so important to Konoha, I think back then..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi began to recall while smoking a pipe.

Fenghuo’s secret channel is terrible, I’m afraid that he will start recalling directly from the Warring States Period, so he nodded hurriedly: "Oh, I agree, you are so right, so good, so right! I am convinced by you!"

"???" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said hello in his mind, he hasn't started yet? ! Persuasion ass!

"You little brat, get out!" Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he was disgusted, and turned from embarrassment into anger, and immediately chased him away.

The fire sealer screamed and left the office.

Leaving Hokage Tower, Feng Huo's face was calm, but his heart was full of thoughts. Although Sarutobi Hiruza didn't even say a few serious words, Feng Huo just felt aggrieved.

‘Namikaze Minato is the fourth Hokage, Orochimaru? Use the ninjas in your own village to do human experiments, such people are not worthy of being Hokage! Even if he cleans up later, he is still a hopeless **** at this time! '

The more Fenghuo thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wished to show Sarutobi Hiruza the evidence of Orochimaru's bad deeds in the next few years. Unfortunately, he could only think about it. After all, it hadn't happened yet. There was a faint fluctuation in the eyes, and he woke up with a start.


Feng Huo hurriedly took out Kunai, the shiny Kunai reflected his pupils, it was a pair of jade writing sharing eyes.

'Fuck, I thought I had evolved into a three-gou jade, so I was so happy! '

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