Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 51: 3 magatama


Amidst the thunder, the surrounding scene changed again.

"No, if this continues, Fenghuo's spirit will collapse!"

Kaiichi Yamanaka finally came back to his senses.

"This illusion, no, it's more than one illusion, it should be a combination of multiple illusions, so that the spirit of Fenghuo can't stop sinking in the illusion world, what a vicious illusion!"

Yamanaka Haiyi looked around, and found that there were densely packed high-rise buildings and the shops were resplendently decorated, which looked like heaven. The streets were densely packed with people. In comparison, Konoha is really a village!

"I must find Fenghuo and awaken his consciousness before he is stimulated!"

Yamanaka Kaiichi struggled through the crowd, and soon saw Fenghuo at the corner of the street.

At this time, Fenghuo was miserable, begging with missing arms and legs, his face was full of pain, as soon as he rushed over, he saw a man and a woman appearing in front of Fenghuo, the man was holding the woman with one arm He moved his hands up and down, and said to Feng Huo, "Your girlfriend... ah!"

Yamanaka Kai knocked the man flying with one fist, and then ran away with the fire seal on his back.

"You, what are you doing, put me down!" Feng Huo yelled, "That's my girlfriend, that's mine!!"

Yamanaka Haiyi gasped heavily, and said, "Feng Huo, wake up, wake up!"

"You, how do you know my name?"

"Damn it, did you forget, I am Kaiichi Yamanaka, and you are Uchiha Fenghuo!"

"Kaiichi Yamanaka? Uchiha... This is a character from Naruto, right? Haha, do you think I'm a fool? Or are you **** crazy?" Feng Huo kept struggling.

Yamanaka Hai was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

He threw Fenghuo on the ground and said angrily: "Fenghuo, this is just an illusion, all of these are illusions and falsehoods, don't believe this, you are Uchiha Fenghuo, Konoha's Chunin , don’t you have Sharingan, quickly see through these illusions!”

Feng Huo lay on the ground, after a lot of struggle, his arms 'grown' out from his sleeves, and his feet slowly stretched out.

Yamanaka Hai was dumbfounded.

"Beggars are not easy to mess with these days." Feng Huo's face was full of tired feelings, "So, don't get nervous in front of me, or I will blow your **** off, I am not afraid to wear shoes with bare feet!"

Yamanaka Hai was speechless for a while, and at this moment, the man and woman from before appeared again.

"Haha, Feng Huo, your girlfriend is amazing, every night I... ah!!"

As soon as Yamanaka Hai rushed up, he punched the man with a combination of punches, which directly turned the man into a pig's head, and then he ran away with Fenghuo, but after a while, the pair of dogs and men reappeared.

Yamanaka Hai burst into tears.

"Fenghuo, look at this man, I just beat him into a pig's head, but now he's healed again, didn't you see it? Didn't you notice it!"

Feng Huo blinked, but only looked at the woman.

As soon as Yamanaka Hai got angry, this time he even beat that woman together.

Feng Huo also cried angrily: "Why did you lunatic hit my ex-girlfriend!"

Yamanaka Hai was overjoyed: "Look at Fenghuo, I've scratched your ex-girlfriend's face now!"

He was in a hurry to seal the fire, but he was not as strong as Yamanaka Hai, so he could only watch this scene happen.

Yamanaka Hai scratched the woman's face, and immediately ran away with Fenghuo.

Feng Huo was dumbfounded: "You are breaking the law, you will go to jail!"

Yamanaka Kaiichi said mysteriously: "You will know later."

Sure enough, after a while, the pair of dogs and men reappeared.

This time, Feng Huo's eyes were about to pop out: "Her face..."

The woman's face has returned to its original state, as delicate as milk.

"Fenghuo, you understand now, this world is fake, everyone is fake, you wake up, you are Uchiha Fenghuo, you are Uchiha Fenghuo!"

I'm Uchiha Sealing Fire?

Feng Huo felt dizzy and dizzy.

At the same time, the spirit of Kaiichi Yamanaka was also forced out of Fenghuo's mind.

"What's the matter?!" Makoto Yuhi asked anxiously when she saw Kai Yamanaka open her eyes.

Haiyi Yamanaka frowned, and said: "Fenghuo has indeed been hit by an illusion, and there are more than one! It's just a little strange."


"These illusion worlds are very strange, and I can't put them into words. It's very strange anyway." Yamanaka Hai felt dizzy when he recalled the previous dream, "Although I helped Fenghuo find a flaw, whether I can wake up depends on him. Own."

Makoto Yuhi said in a condensed voice: "Is it the illusion of the Uchiha clan?"

Yamanaka Haiyi shook his head slightly: "It doesn't look like it."

At this time, Fenghuo finally remembered everything in the illusion.

"Damn it, I'll go, Nima!"

The fire was completely messed up.

Let's not talk about why Haiichi Yamanaka suddenly broke into his illusion. The current situation is that Fenghuo has no way to escape from the illusion.

He had previously evolved Sharingan into Sangouyu in a rush, and cast several illusions on himself, but these illusions changed strangely for some reason, and they were combined into a brand new illusion, similar to Inception, illusions are one after another , connected end to end into a circle, endless,

The consciousness of sealing the fire is spinning around in this circle~www.readwn.com~ but it can't go out.

"Play big!"

Seal the fire and want to cry.

"No, I want to calm down!"

"The illusions I used on myself were all based on the premise that I was asleep. Now that I am awake, these illusions should be useless to me."

Feng Huo watched that pair of dogs and men appear in front of him again, the man was so provocative that spit was almost splashed on his face.

'Is this world real? My girlfriend was robbed, and I made up the world of Naruto to escape reality? '

'Which side is real? '

Feng Huo felt that his brain was not enough.

"No, no!"

"I made these illusions myself, how could I be trapped in my own illusions?"

Feng Huo's eyes gradually became firmer.

"I want to stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world, how could I be trapped here by a few illusions!"

"Even Yuedu can't trap me!!"

"You, your eyes." The man was provocative for a long time, and when he looked up, he found that Feng Huo's eyes were bloody, and the three hook jades were slowly rotating, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In the end, the entire illusion world was absorbed by the Sangouyu Sharingan.


Feng Huo opened his eyes, and the eyes of Sangouyu Sharingan slowly disappeared.

Eventually, he fell asleep again.

"Haiyi, his eyes?" Yuhi Zhenhong, who had been by the side all the time, showed a horrified expression, "Am I not mistaken?"

Yamanaka Hai said in a deep voice: "Ah, you are not mistaken, it is indeed Sangouyu's Sharingan! If I guessed correctly, he should have been stimulated by these illusions, and evolved into Sangouyu through a blessing in disguise."

"Phew! Anyway, it's good that he's fine."

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