Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 64: flicker

The battle between ninjas is absolutely terrifying to the destruction of the terrain. If you don't deal with it, anyone who sees it can guess what happened here. The news spread, those black market killers must be surrounded by sharks that smell fishy.

Namikaze Minato can't let the black market killer catch up to them too quickly.

He used the sealing scroll to collect the corpse, then used the water escape to remove the blood on the ground, and then used the earth escape to fill up the potholes. Minato Namakaze took care of some details before leaving quickly to catch up with the carriage.

But when he saw those carriages, he suddenly felt ominous.

"What happened?"

Namikaze Minato's teleportation technique appeared in front of the carriage.

At this time, Yuhihong's eyes were red and tears were flooding, Obito's eyes were red, and Lin also looked anxious.

Kakashi was flipping through a booklet.

"Teacher Minato, you are finally back, seal the fire, and the fire was taken away." Lin said anxiously.

"What?" Namikaze Minato was startled.

"Teacher Minato, you must save Fenghuo." Yuhihong couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears.

"Minato-sensei, a strange man just appeared and took Fenghuo away. Tsunade-sama went after him. She asked us to stay here and wait for you. Let's go and save Fenghuo!" Obito called impatiently. road.

"Strange man?" Namikaze Minato was puzzled, and looked at Kakashi who was flipping through the booklet.

The booklet in Kakashi's hand is a list of rebellious ninjas in the ninja world, including most of the rebellious ninjas in the major ninja villages.

"Minato-sensei, this is the person." Kakashi finally found the person.

Namikaze Minato looked over, his face startled.


In a dense forest in the Country of Birds, Jiaodu triumphantly jumped on the dense branches while holding onto the fire.

"Little devil, we meet again, hahahaha."

At this time, the fire seal was somewhat broken.

I just used the Bamen Dunjia, my physical strength is completely exhausted, there is not much chakra left, my muscles and bones are sore, and my combat power is infinitely close to 5. At this time, not to mention the S-level rebel horns, it is the F-level rebel They can handle him with a single slap.

"I said Jiaodu, how short of money are you?" Feng Huo sighed.

"Money is very important, so for me, no amount of money is enough!" Jiao Du glanced at Fenghuo and sneered, "Don't even think about hiring me anymore, your head is worth ten million taels Nah!"

He said so in his mouth, but his body still protected the sealing fire very honestly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient to just cut off his head and take it back for business?

Feng Huo obviously saw this too, and complained, "You're just adding insult to injury, taking advantage of others' danger, it's Chi Guoguo's robbery, shameless!"

"Whatever you say, hehe, I'll kill you as soon as it gets dark!" Kakuzu suddenly looked back and sneered, "Is it Tsunade, one of the Sannin? You're so naive, thinking you can save you from me Well? Hahahaha, it’s more like letting her grandpa come.”

Isn't Grandpa Tsunade the original Hokage Senju Hashirama?

Kakuzu assassinated Senshou Hashirama and survived. He has been proud of this for decades, and he always mentions it to everyone, especially Konoha's people, he is very enthusiastic!

Feng Huo glanced at him, he was very angry, this fellow was like the same last time, he was so crazy that he was slashed four times by Konoha Baiya, and he was so frightened that he went straight into the crack of the ground.

If you want to lose face, I will ask you if you lose face!

After the arrogance was over, Kakuzu seemed to think of Konoha Baiya, thinking that he couldn't capsize in the gutter, he couldn't help tightening his hand, and snorted coldly: "Little devil, compared to Konoha Baiya, how strong is this Tsunade?"

Fenghuo was caught almost out of breath.

"I said Kakuzu, didn't you assassinate the first Hokage? What are you talking about? Put me down, and then fight with the granddaughter of the first Hokage. Anyway, if you can't beat you, you can still run. Maybe you can be proud for another fifty years."

"Bastard! You are looking for death!" Jiao Du was so disgusted, his eyes showed ferocious killing intent.

Feng Huo was not afraid: "If you kill me, you can get up to ten million taels! It's not enough to send out beggars. Hmph, I didn't expect you to be such a good guy!"

Jiao Du was choked so badly that he couldn't swallow the anger in his chest, but for the sake of money, Jiao Du decided to endure it.

After confirming that Tsunade did not dare to approach, Kaku couldn't help reminding: "Little devil, it's getting dark!"

Feng Huo glanced at him and said, "Eleven million taels!"

"Damn it, are you entertaining me?" Jiaodu was furious.

"Hey, you obviously earned an extra million taels, what else do you want?" Feng Huo was not happy.

"Fifty million taels!" Jiao Du decided not to talk nonsense with him, and the lion opened his mouth directly.

Feng Huo's chest was blocked, and he said sincerely: "I have a saying mmp, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Jiaodu looked puzzled, what do you mean?

"Jiaodu, if I promise you, I'll be lying to you. Fifty million taels, let alone me, even the third Hokage can't afford that much money." Feng Huo nonsense.

"Don't try to lie to me, Konoha is the wealthiest of the Five Great Ninja Villages, how could that fellow Sarutobi Hiruzen not even have fifty million taels?" Kakudo was very shrewd and didn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

Feng Huo thought that this guy was not easy to deceive, so he turned his eyes and said, "Even if he can take it out, do you think he will give it to you? You are not arresting his son."

As expected, Kakuto's heart was pounding: If Hiruzaru Sarutobi's son is taken away, it's not for getting rich!

For Kakuzu, money is more important than anything else, it doesn't matter whether he is Hokage or Kazekage.

Fenghuo looked at the golden light in his eyes, and hit the iron while it was hot: "I know where his son is now."

Jiaodu's heart skipped a beat: "Where is he?"

"In Rain Ninja Village in the Land of Rain." Feng Huo never blinked when lying, his face was full of sincerity, his eyes were full of jokes, "he is visiting Hanzo at the moment."

"The demigod of the ninja world, Sanshoyu Hanzo?" Kakuzu twitched slightly.

"Kakuto~www.readwn.com~ You aren't even afraid of the **** of ninjas, are you afraid of a demigod? Come on, I'll take you to capture our Hokage's son and earn the fifty million taels!" Feng Huoyi said first, Do my part.

Jiaodu's face was not very good-looking: "Let's talk about your ten million taels of head first."

Sansho Hanzo is not only powerful, but can also use the poison of the salamander. The key is that the sansho fish he channeled can also burrow into the ground. If he fights with him, five hearts may not be enough for him.

"..." I can't chat anymore.

"It's getting dark!" The smile on Jiaodu's face gradually turned cold, "It's a pity, I can't come up with fifty million taels, so I have to ask you to die!"

"I think we can discuss it again." Feeling the murderous aura from Kakutsu, Feng Huo felt a little anxious.

‘Brother Minato should already know about my arrest, why haven’t you come yet? '

He also has the special Kunai gifted by Namikaze Minato, and there is a flying thunder **** mark on it. It stands to reason that Namikaze Minato can catch up in a moment, but it hasn't appeared yet. Could it be that something happened?

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