Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 66: fall asleep

"Twelve million taels!"

"Thirteen million taels!"

In the dark dense forest, Fenghuo was **** beside the bonfire, and crackling flame stars fell on his face from time to time, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

Jiaodu sat beside him and roasted a game, letting the fire be closed to increase the price.

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants." Feng Huo sighed loudly that the world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not old.

Jiaodu, however, had one free hand to take out from his pocket, took out an ancient book, and read it by the campfire while gnawing game.

What else can I do to seal the fire?

Of course I chose to sleep.

After fighting for most of the day and running around all night, his body has long been overwhelmed. Rather than exhausting his body and horns, he might as well go to sleep directly so that he can cope with all changes without change.

He has a special physique, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can recover after a night's sleep. Whether it's negotiating or fighting tomorrow, he can't do anything without physical strength.

The most important thing is that he believes that Jiaodu is greedy enough. Since he didn't kill him immediately, it means that 10 million taels can't satisfy his appetite. Before the negotiation completely breaks down, he will definitely not attack him.

Jiaodu read the book for a while and couldn't read any more. He turned his head to look at Fenghuo, with an unbelievable light in his eyes: This kid actually fell asleep?

The horns are all old drivers, and it is impossible for a person to hide from him whether he is pretending to sleep or not, and it is because of this that he is shocked.

‘He is not afraid that I will kill him directly? '

As soon as Jiaodu raised his hand, he felt a powerful aura enveloped him.

"Hehe, I almost forgot your existence, Tsunade, one of the Sannin!"

Kakudo squinted, Tsunade followed but didn't make a move, and the brat Fenghuo was so arrogant and fast asleep, Konoha's people were really weird.

"Tsunade, as a descendant of Senju Hashirama, you only dare to hide in the corner!"

Jiaodu sneered, and began to show off again, "I assassinated your grandfather back then, didn't you want to take revenge?"

In the dark, Tsunade hid there, her face was not very beautiful, but she couldn't fight Kakuzu because of her phobia, so she could only follow him from a distance and put some pressure on him at critical moments.

"Konoha's ninjas are really inferior to each other!"

Tsunade's silence made Kakuto even more arrogant.

He couldn't help but recall the details of the assassination of Senju Hashirama back then, perfectly reflecting his strength, but it's a pity that Tsunade didn't say anything, which made Kakuta a little dissatisfied.

He planned to kill Fenghuo directly, and he was very angry with Tsunade.

But he is not reconciled to doing so. Now that Fenghuo is in his hands, he can extort tens of millions of taels first, and then exchange his head for a bounty of ten million taels. After all, only taking the bounty cannot maximize the benefits. .

Under the moonlight, several insects flapped their wings and flew through the dense forest.

Yume Zhiwei followed behind with Namikaze Minato behind her back.

Namikaze Minato's breathing was still somewhat tired, but the chakra in his body was recovering rapidly.


Namikaze Minato suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Younu Zhiwei asked warily.

"I feel the mark of Flying Thunder God."

Before Namikaze Minato, he sent a special quality Kunai to Fenghuo, which was engraved with the mark of Flying Thunder God.

It's just that Flying Thunder God also has a distance limit, and the farther the distance is, the more Chakra will be consumed by Flying Thunder God.

Minato Namikaze felt the imprint of Flying Thunder God, that is to say, at this moment, he can appear beside Fenghuo in an instant as long as he uses Flying Thunder God!

It's just that the situation over there is still unclear, and Minato Namikaze will naturally not rush through.

"My worms tell me that there is a powerful breath ahead."

Yuu Nv Zhiwei gently lowered Namikaze Minato, "How do you feel?"

"Chakra has recovered by 50% to 60%. Rescuing Fenghuo should not be a problem."

So what if the opponent is Kakuto? In front of Fei Leishen, Namikaze Minato is so confident.

The two touched lightly, and soon saw Tsunade.

At this time, Tsunade was hiding behind a boulder.

"Minato, why did you come here? Huh? Yume Shiwei, why are you here?" Tsunade was surprised to see the latter.

Namikaze Minato said the matter again before asking: "Where is the fire?"

Tsunade's face was not very good: "He fell asleep."

"Nani?" Younv Zhiwei looked strange, "Didn't he be taken away by Jiaodu?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect this kid to have such a big heart." Tsunade gritted his teeth.

Feng Huo was arrested, she took the risk to catch up, but Feng Huo just fell asleep there, how could she be embarrassed?

Namikaze Minato smiled, he knew Fenghuo's special physique, sleeping at this critical moment must not be a big heart, but to restore physical strength.

He looked at Younu Zhiwei: "Zhiwei, let your bugs detect it." He wanted to confirm the safety of Fenghuo.

"I understand."

Younvzhi loosened her collar slightly, and a dozen small bugs came out of it immediately, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Beside the bonfire, Jiao Du slowly opened his eyes. Under the firelight, his eyes reflected the figures of those little bugs.

"It's the oil girl clan of Konoha."

Bugs with Chakra are rare, and Kakuzu guessed almost instantly that Konoha's reinforcements had arrived.

But he is not worried, on the one hand because of his great strength, on the other hand he is a hostage in his hands, and if he wants to maximize his benefits, he cannot do without these Konoha ninjas.

At the same time, Younv Zhiwei also showed a solemn expression: "No, my bug was discovered."

"After all, it's an S-rank traitor, so it's normal to be discovered." Minato Namikaze asked, "How about sealing the fire?"

"Uh, he did fall asleep." Younv Zhiwei had a strange expression on her face: her saliva was still dripping all over the floor.

It looked like the kid was sleeping soundly.

"What should I do?" Yunu Zhiwei asked Namikaze Minato's opinion, "Should we directly carry out rescue?"

"No, let Fenghuo sleep first." After confirming that Fenghuo is safe, Namikaze Minato is not in a hurry, "It's just right, let's take the opportunity to rest for a night."

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Jiaodu savagely woke up from Fenghuo.



Feng Huo felt his whole body falling apart, he opened his eyes and saw the gloomy expression on Jiaodu's face, and immediately recalled everything.

"Haha, Comrade Kakuzu, good morning." Feng Huo greeted happily, he felt that his physical strength had almost recovered, and his Chakra had also recovered by 40 to 50%. Although he was still weak in front of Kakutsu, at least he could Struggling for a while, okay!

Kakudo showed a smile: "Uchiha Fenghuo, hehe, I have good news for you, Konoha's reinforcements have arrived."

"Really?" Feng Huo's heart beat a little, "And then?"

"Then I will negotiate with them~www.readwn.com~ Hehehehe, I pray that I can sell it for a good price, otherwise, I can only say sorry to you." Jiao Du threatened with a smile.

Jiaodu has made a plan, first sell Fenghuo for tens of millions of taels, and when he gets the money, he will cut off Fenghuo's head to collect the reward.


As for Konoha's revenge?

Are you kidding me, he is already an S-class rebel ninja who shouts and kills in the major ninja villages, so he is still afraid of Konoha?


Jiaodu got up with a smile and made seals with both hands.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

An inconspicuous small fireball slowly landed on the ground, and in an instant, the small fireball burned wildly, and the violent flames turned into a huge fire wave, surging towards the hiding place of Namikaze Minato and others.

Negotiations have officially begun! (https://)

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