Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 106: surround

Three days later, Feng Huo and others gathered again in the Hokage Building to listen to Sarutobi Hiruzane's teachings and Konoha's past glory.

Kai, Ebisu and the others were excited when they heard this, but Fenghuo yawned.

Kakashi next to him couldn't see his expression with a mask on, but he thought it was similar to him.

Finally, Hiruzaru Sarutobi finished talking and started talking about business.

"The captain of the supply unit is Inuzuka Clan of the Inuzuka Clan. From now on, all six of you must obey her orders, understand." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said solemnly.


Feng Huo was taken aback, Inuzuka Claw went to the battlefield less than two months after giving birth to Inuzuka Hana?

Although it's just a supply troop, it's not a good sign.

Soon, Inuzuka Claw appeared in front of them in a heroic manner, his eyes swept over the six of them, and finally fell on Feng Huo, with a hint of teasing flashing in his eyes.

"The supply force currently consists of a hundred Chunin! You six are too weak, so you are responsible for escorting supplies such as kunai and shuriken!"

Fenghuo pulled his face down when he heard it.

Kunai and shuriken are very common and not precious. Even if sand ninjas enter the Land of Fire and want to cut off their supplies, they will not attack them. However, because these two things are common, the consumption of the front line Very big.

If the consumption is high, they have to keep replenishing.

This is definitely hard work with little merit.

Sensing Fenghuo's resentful gaze, Inuzuka Chou waved his hand in satisfaction and said, "Kunai and shuriken consume a lot at the front line, so you are ready to **** immediately!"

Is that bigger?

On the battlefield, when ninjas confront each other, who doesn't throw him a dozen kunai and shuriken first?

And in the battle, you have to throw cold shots from time to time, right?

Those taijutsu ninjas throw even more!

The key cannot be retrieved, after all, all kinds of ninjutsu are flying around in the battlefield, and the damage of kunai and shuriken is absolutely astonishing!

Thinking about it this way, the consumption of kunai and shuriken is definitely very large!

Feng Huo had a bitter face, but Kai and Ebisu were very excited, feeling like I was finally put to use.

In the afternoon, there were four large carriages of kunai and shurikens piled up in boxes in the village. When you open them, you can see a deep black iron light, which is very visually impactful.

Fenghuo and Kakashi each took two cars and set off immediately.

In the Land of Rain, Hanzo looked at the latest information with a gloomy expression.

"Konoha... Sand hidden... You guys are really too much!"

After Hidden Sand Village declared war, the two major hidden villages each sent a large number of ninjas into the Land of Rain, obviously intending to use this place as their battlefield.

"Master Hanzo, I'm back." A ninja reported.

"Is it Qiu Yu? Come in." Hanzo shouted with a sullen face.

During this period of time, Qiu Yu went back and forth after going to Konoha and then to Sand Hidden, but unfortunately, there was little gain.

"I'm sorry, Master Hanzo, for disappointing you." Amity Yu knelt down on one knee, "The leaders of the two hidden villages refused to leave the Land of Rain again, and said..."

"What else did you say?!" Hanzo shouted angrily.

"I also told you not to intervene in the war between them." Amity Yu said softly.


Hanzo was furious, Konoha Ninja and Sand Ninja ran to his country to start a war, and even warned him not to intervene, simply, simply...

Hanzo was so angry that the duodenum festered!

After a half-pay, Hanzo's duodenum finally returned to normal, and he asked, "Is there any movement in Yanyin Village?"

"Not yet, but there are already many foreign ninjas in China, including the other three foreign countries, as well as many rebel ninjas, black market killers, and wandering ninjas." Qiu Yu said.

"These guys are like mosquitoes that smell blood. They will appear wherever there is war." Hanzo ordered, "Maintain the order in every town. If these guys dare to take advantage of the fire to rob, kill them!"

"Yes!" Amity Yu raised her head slightly, and said hesitantly, "Master Hanzo, and Akatsuki who you asked me to monitor before, they have been very active recently, and they can be seen everywhere."

"Hmph, Xiao?"

Hanzo narrowed his eyes, even if the Land of Rain was completely reduced to a battlefield, this organization would not be able to grow up and threaten his dominance!

"Continue to monitor this organization!"

Hanzo is old and cunning, if he is not absolutely sure, he doesn't want to take action to startle the enemy, otherwise this organization will hide and develop secretly, and it will be difficult to eradicate it.


Outside, the thunder exploded, the clouds were overcast, and the pouring rain was pouring down.

In a plain in the Land of Rain, the rain has turned the entire plain into a swamp. It is midsummer, but there is not even a single insect or bird singing in the plain, and the silence is terrifying.

When a mobile team led by Minato Namikaze lurked to the plain, they accidentally discovered the traces of sand ninja activities, and immediately lurked down, ready to kill.

swish swish swish...

More than a dozen ninjas in black quickly shuttled through the rain, their eyes darting around.

"not good!"

Suddenly, a perception ninja noticed something abnormal and immediately issued a warning, but it was too late.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of detonating symbols exploded crazily around them, sparks flying everywhere.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato and others violently murdered~www.readwn.com~Kunai and shuriken shot all over the sky in an instant.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

All kinds of ninjutsu violently passed through the rain curtain and suddenly descended on Sand Ninja's head.

"It's Konoha's ninja, fight back!"


A huge wooden puppet rose from the sky, blocking all ninjutsu.


The puppet also exploded in an instant, turning into sawdust.

More than a dozen sand ninjas scattered in all directions, avoiding Kunai and shuriken in the rain, while waiting for an opportunity to fight back.

But, it was too late.

Fly Thor!

The figure of Namikaze Minato flickered in the air one after another, and each flicker was accompanied by a bright blood flower. With his terrifying nerve reflex speed, these sand ninjas didn't even have time to react, and they all died in his hands.

"Search the corpse!"

Namikaze Minato gave the order while recovering his own characteristic Kunai.

"Minato-sama, the search is complete, but no useful information was found."

"That's it." Namikaze Minato took back his trait Kunai, looked around, and said, "Since we found sand ninja traces here, there must be more nearby!"

He immediately ordered the perception ninja to look around.

As a result, a large number of sand ninja activities were found.

"Could it be that Sand Ninja's camp is nearby?"

Namikaze Minato was startled, and immediately ordered everyone to retreat.


One step too late!

Two days ago, Sand Ninja's large army had already entered the Land of Rain, and the leader was Chiyo!

After Chiyo arrived in the Land of Rain, she immediately pushed forward the camp of sand ninja, and expressed her position to all sand ninja with a tough attitude, that this battle must be won!

Under the rain, nearly a hundred sand ninjas have completely surrounded them from all directions!

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