Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Puppet Ninja

In order to prevent information leaks, except for a few people such as Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Kaiichi, the injured Namikaze Minato did not even know about this mission. As for Kai and Ebisu, they were kept in the dark.

In the carriage, Fenghuo counted, there are more than forty scrolls in the box, through these scrolls, Fenghuo seems to have seen the cruelty of the frontline battlefield!

‘Although Nara Shikahisa has repeatedly assured that the information will not leak out, I still have to be careful. '

Feng Huo thought for a while, and immediately concluded a psychic technique, summoning the Chaolunwu brothers.



The Chaolunwu brothers spread their wings, but the carriage was not big, the two brothers quickly bounced off the top, fell down in embarrassment, and stared at Fenghuo resentfully.

"Haha, it seems that you two brothers are becoming more and more spiritual."

Fenghuo is overjoyed, and Fenghuo still has great expectations for them.

Afterwards, Fenghuo let the Chaolunwu brothers grab the boxes and let them take them directly back to the snow mountain in the Snow Country.

'In this case, even if Sand Ninja has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to get these scrolls. '

When he returned to Konoha, he used spiritism to take out these scrolls, which was perfect!

Fenghuo couldn't help feeling sincerely proud of his wisdom.

"Fenghuo, why did the hawk cry just now? Is it your psychic beast?" Kai's voice came from outside the carriage.

Feng Huo got off the carriage and said with a smile: "Ah, I suddenly miss Brother Chaolunwu a little bit, so I came out through a psychic to take a look."

Ebisu thought of the handsome and majestic appearance of those two white snow eagles, and leaned his head to look around, but of course he didn't see anything. Strangely said: "Captain, have they gone back?"

Feng Huo nodded: "Yes, I'm still not used to the climate here."

"Ah, why is this?" Ebisu seemed quite regretful.

Feng Huo smiled and said nothing.

Back in the Land of Fire, Fenghuo was slightly relaxed, but unexpectedly, he was attacked by sand ninja within two days.

"Haha, it turned out to be three little ghosts. There is no one in Konoha, and they let the little ghosts go to the battlefield."

"Then let us give them a ride, anyway, sooner or later they will die on the battlefield."

"Although it's unlikely, let's just ask, are those corpses in your hands?"

There were three sand ninjas who came, regardless of the number of people, when they did it, each of them controlled two puppets, exuding a dark luster, all of which were smeared with poison, and surrounded Fenghuo and the others.

Ebisu was stunned: "What, what should I do? How could Sand Shinobi appear here?"

Kai also looked nervous: "It should be to cut off the supplies, but what does it mean to be a corpse?"

I guess only Fenghuo knows about this. At this time, he is also scolding his mother, and said that the information will not be leaked, bah, if he hadn’t read the original book, he would know that Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi and others are definitely not the kind of people who betray their companions, I’m afraid He really doubted them.

"If you don't know, I can only ask you to die."

The patience of those sand ninjas didn't seem to be very good, so they directly attacked with a sneer.

The six puppets danced like epileptic patients in an instant, dancing and killing them. Their hands, elbows, feet and other parts turned into sharp weapons, spinning and flying, making it impossible to guard against.

Just by looking at it, Ebishou felt that he was fighting with two legs and was afraid to fight.

Kai immediately opened the three doors, and a strange color appeared all over his body.

Feng Huo hurriedly stopped him: "Kai, don't get close to these puppets!"

Namikaze Minato praised these puppets, which shows their strength. At this time, Kai is not even a Chunin, and if he approaches rashly, there is only one dead end.

Since taijutsu is no good, there is only ninjutsu.

"Everyone get in the car!"

Feng Huo said something, and then cast shadow avatars, one in front and one in back, and started to form seals at the same time.


"Art fire escape **** fireball!"


"Fire escape - fire dragon flame bomb!"

Afterwards, Fenghuo made another Fengdun-Big Breakthrough, the wind assisted the fire, and the power of a few Firedun ninjutsu immediately increased greatly, and the surging flames instantly swallowed the six puppets!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this brat to be quite capable."

"But it's a pity."

Sand Shinobi sneered and waved the chakra thread in his hand, controlling the puppet to jump up from the sea of ​​flames and rush towards the carriage from the air.

Fenghuo and Shadow Clone once again formed the Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art, and the overwhelming flower-shaped flames rose into the sky like fireworks.

"I've said it all, it's useless."

A sand ninja laughed triumphantly, but in the middle of the laugh, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes full of evil and **** aura. In those eyes, three dark gouyu slowly rotated, and it was like a whirlpool. The mind is swallowed up.

"Uchiha...how is it possible?"

Feng Huo opened the Sangouyu Sharingan, and when the three sand ninjas were excited, he directly controlled them with illusion, but it was also difficult for him to control the three sand ninjas at the same time.

"Kai, kill them!" Feng Huo yelled immediately knowing that the opportunity must be missed.

"it is good!"

Kai instantly activated, his figure was like electricity, and quickly approached the three sand ninjas over the motionless puppets~www.readwn.com~ Konoha Great Whirlwind! "

Kai kicked them in the head without hesitation.



Two watermelon shattering sounds sounded, and Kai kicked the heads of the two sand ninjas, and the red and white shot away instantly. At the same time, the last sand ninja finally escaped from the illusion of sealing the fire. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the heads of his two companions had been kicked off, and he was furious at that moment, and manipulated the puppets to attack Kai.

Kai didn't dare to take it hard, and ran away immediately.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Seal the fire to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and directly attack the sand ninja body.

"Damn Uchiha kid!"

Sand Ninja was furious, but he could only control the puppet to block the fire that sealed the fire.

At the same time, he half-closed his eyes, trying not to look at Fenghuo's Sangouyu Sharingan, so as not to fall into his trap again.

But in this way, the ending is already doomed.

Unable to look directly at Fenghuo, his two puppets lost their eyes. Fenghuo and Shadow Clone had one person and one, and quickly beat the two puppets to the brink. Finally beheaded this sand ninja on the spot!

"Sharp, amazing!"

Although Ebisu was hiding in the carriage, she had been peeping at the battle outside. Seeing that Fenghuo and Kai cooperated to kill the three puppet ninjas, she couldn't help admiring loudly, and stared at Fenghuo with admiration.

"Hoo hoo!"

Kai closed the three doors. Although the battle lasted only a few minutes, the tension between life and death made him consume more energy than usual, and he was exhausted at this time.

"Let's go!" Fenghuo interrupted Ebisu's urge to flatter. Since Sand Hidden Village got the information, it is impossible to send only three Sand Shinobi. This place must leave quickly!

Ebisu immediately supported Kai into the carriage and left quickly.

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