Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 115: nonsense

From the frontline battlefield of the Rain Country to Konoha Village, it will take about ten days to advance at full speed along the supply route at the pace of sealing the fire, but this supply route may have been exposed by Orochimaru. To be cautious, he circled an arc , although it takes more time, it is safer!


In the dense forest, Fenghuo and Ying's avatars were separated by half a mile and jumped on the huge branches at high speed, moving forward quickly, not daring to stop for a while.


Suddenly, Feng Huo's shadow clone had a sense of foreboding, and hurriedly used the substitute technique.


In the next moment, countless small and sharp sands rushed out from the corner, smashing him into a sieve in an instant.


Accompanied by white smoke, the sieved shadow clone turned into a riddled log and rolled to the ground.

Luo Sha jumped out from the shadows, making seals with both hands.

"Magnetic Escape-Golden Sand Waves!"

Hoo hoo!

A large amount of golden sand gushed out from under his feet, and the raging waves rolled crazily towards Feng Huoying's avatar.

"This is?"

Feng Huoying's avatar has no past life memory, seeing this berserk magnetism, he thought it was the third generation of Kazekage from Sand Hidden Village who came in person, so he rushed to the branch of the giant tree, and shot a huge fireball towards the top of the giant tree.


The fireball exploded, and the giant tree was directly ignited, and the flames soaring into the sky could be seen half a mile away!

This is a good sign.

Fenghuo's body was seen from a distance, and he ran in the opposite direction without saying a word!

"Sure enough, it's here!"

Feng Huo's face was gloomy, and he erased the traces while running.

At the same time, his shadow clone is also in danger.


With short shoulder-length hair and a gentle face, Garura looked like a tyrannosaurus when fighting. The terrifying yellow sand poured out from the ground, setting off a hundred-meter-high sand wave in an instant, and suddenly descending on the head of Feng Huoying's avatar.

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

Fenghuo sprayed dozens of petals of fireworks, but under the 100-meter sand waves, it was completely useless, and was swallowed by the sand waves in an instant.

"Earth Dungeon-Sandstone Flow!"

Luo Sha cooperated with each other tacitly, and crazily flowed the nearby sand and rocks to Feng Huoying's clone, trapping him in place.

At the same time, behind the sealing fire, he set off a frenzy of placer gold with magnetic escape, with a terrifying momentum.

And the 100-meter-high sand wave in front of Fenghuo is getting closer and closer!

"Damn it!"

Feng Huoying's avatar didn't want to just disappear, he had to buy more time for the main body to escape.

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

In the escape technique, Lei Dun restrained Earth Dun, sealed the fire with a stroke of Thunder Dun, and the quicksand on the ground froze immediately.

"It's this time!"

Feng Huo jumped up suddenly, and jumped onto a branch of a giant tree again, but just as he looked up, he saw a wave of grayish-yellow sand blowing towards his face.

creak creak...

Suddenly, bright lightning burst out from Fenghuo's right hand, and there was a crackling sound, as if thousands of birds were chirping.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Compared with the terrifying magnetic escape behind him, Feng Huo rushed into the huge sand wave with his Chidori in his hand without hesitation!


The endless and dense sand is crowded together, which is three points tougher than the city wall!

Feng Huoying clone barely squeezed in by relying on the strength of a thousand birds and Thunder Dun's ability to restrain Earth Dun, but as soon as he entered the sand waves, his whole body was squeezed by the sand, and this squeezing force became stronger and stronger. Get heavier!


Feng Huoying yelled mentally, Chidori exploded in his hand again, and the terrifying thunder light forced the nearby sand away, finally giving him a chance to breathe.

But then countless sands crowded in again, everywhere, up, down, left, and all directions.

Fenghuo wanted to use Chidori's characteristics to rush out of the sand waves, but he obviously missed consideration.

Jia Luluo saw Fenghuo rushing into her sand, with an excited smile on his face.

"Great, he can't run away!"

Jia Lu Luo was born very close to the sand, and after learning ninja, she has a terrifying ability to get close to and control the sand, which even her parents once thought that she had a rare blood inheritance limit in her body.


Under her control, the huge sand wave turned into a mass of crazily spinning sand **** in an instant, no matter which direction Fenghuo broke through, it would be useless.

"Jaruluo, don't kill him!" Luo Sha suddenly reminded, "Our mission is the sealing scroll in his hand."

"Well, I see." Garu Luo nodded solemnly.

Luo Sha glanced at her with a calm face, but a bit of horror in his heart.

Karura's strength is only a jonin, but her control over the sand is even more terrifying than a shadow-level powerhouse!

He had only heard about it before and didn't take it seriously, but witnessing it with his own eyes now shocked him no less than the disappearance of Sandai Kazekage!

'With such a strong strength, if you can marry her, you will definitely be able to give birth to better children! '

Thinking of Jia Luluo's confession to him before, Luo Sha already had some calculations in his mind.

A few minutes later, Fenghuo was exhausted from being tortured by sand balls, and his chakra was almost exhausted.

At this moment, the sand ball suddenly disappeared, and Feng Huoying's avatar immediately fell from the air.

Luo Sha smiled and jumped up to capture him.

"Uchiha... seal the fire?"

Luo Sha was taken aback when he mentioned the name. Since he is Uchiha's kid, why didn't he use Sharingan?

'It may be that he is still young and has not awakened! '

Luo Sha shook his head and threw out his messy thoughts, and asked, "Hand over the scroll!"

"Scroll?" Fenghuo's shadow clone checked the chakra in his body, and there was not much left. If he was fighting, he might be exhausted in two or three breaths, but if he just talked, he could beep for a long time.

"Seal the scroll?" Feng Huo deliberately coughed twice, pretending that I am weak, I am weak, I am dying, I must not escape, the hypocritical expression that you can interrogate me slowly, is vivid.

Luo Sha and Jia Lu Luo were really fooled, and relaxed their vigilance a little.

"Yes, the sealing scroll, the sealing scroll containing a large number of ninja corpses of my sand ninja!" Luo Sha stared at Feng Huo's eyes and said coldly, "Hand it over!"

"If you came here for this, alas, then I can only tell you, I'm sorry, you were fooled!" Feng Huo showed a distressed expression.

"What are you talking about?" Garura asked anxiously, "Isn't the scroll on your body?"

Feng Huo was so weak that he took out a sealing scroll, showing pain on his face: "Not only you were fooled, but I was also fooled."

Seeing the sealed scroll, Luo Sha snatched it immediately, opened it, and saw that there were only kunai, shurikens and other items inside, how could there be half a corpse?

"What the **** is going on!?" Luo Sha said angrily~www.readwn.com~ In fact, I did receive the task of escorting the sealed scroll back to the village, but what I got from Orochimaru was this scroll, You have also seen that I was deceived. I am just a bait to lure you into the bait. When you are attracted by me, the real scroll of the seal may have been brought back to the village by other ninjas. "

Feng Huo showed a decrepit and unpopular expression, and sighed: "The so-called information you received was actually leaked by Orochimaru on purpose. I am just a victim!"

Luo Sha and Jia Ruo looked at each other. Before, they wondered why they were able to get such accurate information. It turned out that it was because the cunning guy Orochimaru leaked it on purpose. It was simply too deceitful!

"Damn it!" Luo Sha asked angrily, "Then who is the ninja who actually got the scroll?!"

Feng Huo smiled wryly: "Do you think I'll know? I'm just a bait, how could Orochimaru tell me such important information?"

Luo Sha and Jia Lu Luo were silent for a while.

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