Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 119: I'm not here to collect material!

Appearing outside the women's bathhouse were two beauties, one big and one small.

Tsunade, Yuhihong?

Three black lines appeared on Feng Huo's forehead, which couldn't be washed away even after jumping into the Huangpu River.

"Fenghuo..." Seeing Fenghuo's figure, Xi Hihong was stunned.

It turned out that they had received a strange D-level mission in the ninja hall, saying that suspicious figures appeared in several women's bathhouses in the village recently, and it was suspected that there were perverts lurking, so several bathhouse owners jointly commissioned this mission.

When Tsunade saw this mission, he locked onto the 'suspect' almost instantly!

No, she followed Jiraiya's trajectory and blocked him in the women's bathhouse on the spot, but what she didn't expect was that there was an unexpected harvest.

"It's a misunderstanding, I can explain it!" Feng Huo raised his hand.

Zilai was not happy anymore: "Hey, hey, what's the point of explaining this, he came with me to get the material!"

Feng Huo turned back to stare at him angrily, but saw that Zilai also had a proud expression on his face, as if he was not ashamed but proud.

This completely angered Tsunade.

"Strange power..."

Feng Huo was shocked: "Master Tsunade, pay attention to the occasion!!"

"Heaven guards the feet!!"


The huge women's bathhouse instantly fell apart under Tsunade's strange power, a large amount of debris mixed with hot spring water splashed all over the sky, and the screaming of the woman went up to a higher level!

Jiraiya calmly grabbed the fire seal and ran towards the window as if he had come here.

Tsunade chased after him.

Xi Hihong pouted, and chased out with a sullen face, but unfortunately lost it soon.

"Hey, Jiraiya, why are you grabbing me? I have nothing to do with you!" Feng Huo yelled.

Ji Lai also laughed and said, "Little ghost, didn't we collect materials together just now?"

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, wishing he could tear his mouth apart.

Soon, Jiraiya took him up to Hokage Rock, and Tsunade was not slow, rushing up two breaths behind.

"Stop you two!" Tsunade yelled.

"Tsunade, don't be impulsive, we are only collecting materials for writing novels, not what you think!" Jiraiya exclaimed strangely.

Feng Huo also said anxiously: "It's none of my business, I just passed by and went in when I heard someone screaming inside!"

"You should keep cheating on such words!" Tsunade sneered, not believing it at all.

In the end, Zilai also very wisely threw Fenghuo out of the top bag, and escaped by himself.

Feng Huo was so angry that he said that like-minded people gathered together to collect materials, but now he is the top bag, it is not a son of man!

"That, haha, Tsunade-sensei, long time no see, I miss you so much." Feng Huo planned to be a good guy so he wouldn't suffer the immediate loss.

But Tsunade put his hands on his hips, sneered and said nothing.

"I'm still a..."


"Go to hell!" Tsunade punched Fenghuo away.

After a few days, Kai and Ebisu finally returned safely, which made Fenghuo heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was also looking for news about Luo Sha and Jia Luluo, but unfortunately, it seemed that these two people had never been in the territory of the Fire Kingdom at all, and there was no news at all.

Of course, there is another possibility that their traces were deliberately erased.

As the front-line commander, Orochimaru definitely has this ability.

If you stay in the supply unit any longer, danger will follow you everywhere.

After Fenghuo thought about it, he went to find the third Hokage.

"What? You want to withdraw from the supply unit?" Hiruzen Sarutobi was quite surprised when he heard Fenghuo's request.

You must know that Fenghuo has escorted Konoha's sacrificed heroes back to the village twice in a row, and his combat achievements are definitely in the forefront among the supply troops. It is really not a wise choice to quit at this time.

Feng Huo knew that even if he told the truth, Hiruzaru Sarutobi would not believe it. Hiruzaru Sarutobi had been his apprentice for decades. Between him and Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Hiruza Sarutobi would choose the former without hesitation!

So can't be honest.

So all kinds of wild dramas were sealed off.

I can't bear the pressure of war at a young age, I can't sleep at night, I don't have an appetite for eating, I'm afraid of choking to death when I drink water, I'm tired and my face is old...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked energetic, and the more he spoke, the more energetic he was to seal the fire, his cheeks couldn't help twitching again and again.

But he finally agreed to the request to seal the fire.

"Okay, since you don't want to join the supply team for the time being, let's take a break first. Speaking of which, the mission hall has already accumulated a lot of missions." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, taking a puff of his pipe.

Fenghuo followed the example of kindness, and immediately went to the mission hall to pick up a simple C-level **** mission, and left the village that day.

The frontline battlefield of the Land of Rain.

After receiving the information, Orochimaru slowly lowered his eyelids, and his golden vertical pupils became more ferocious.

"Hehe, brat, you're quite smart. You managed to escape from Luo Sha and Jia Lu Luo. I underestimated you."

It's a pity that Fenghuo actually quit the supply unit and went on an **** mission, which made him a little annoyed.

"But, do you think that I can do nothing about you? This is war."

Orochimaru picked up the map and looked at the **** mission of Fenghuo, which was completely different from the war in the Land of Rain~www.readwn.com~, and it was actually perfectly avoided.


Orochimaru tore up the map angrily, and there was really nothing he could do to seal the fire for a while.

Moreover, the battlefield in the Land of the Rain was like a crazy meat grinder, devouring Konoha and the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village non-stop. The large number of deaths and injuries caused Orochimaru a headache, and he had to focus all his energy on the war situation.

At the same time, in Mount Miaogi, one of the three holy places, Namikaze Minato was sitting cross-legged on a wooden board, and this board was actually placed flat on a sharp stone-like object. The board will fall, not to mention there is a person sitting on it!

A few toads squatted aside, chatting there very strangely.

"Is this Jiraiya's disciple?"

"Yeah, I heard it's called Namikaze Minato, heh heh, I'm so overwhelmed, I dare to practice immortal mode!"

"Sooner or later it turns to stone."

"Where should we move him then?"

"Just put it under the waterfall."

A few toads chatted there, their voices spread far away, but they didn't affect Minato Namikaze at all.

It is very dangerous to cultivate the immortal mode. If you are not careful, you may become a stone toad. From ancient times to the present, it is unknown how many people have ended up in this end, and there are very few who can truly succeed in cultivation.

Jiraiya was able to practice at the beginning, and it was a bit of a fluke, so he has been hesitant whether to pass the fairy mode to Namikaze Minato, but in this war, Namikaze Minato was seriously injured, and Jiraiya made up his mind, so he brought him here , and then he himself... ran back to Konoha to collect materials.

Hoo hoo...

The breeze swayed, the wooden plank was crumbling in the wind, and the Namikaze Minato on it was also shaking from side to side.

He opened his eyes slightly, felt the rhythm of the wind, seemed to understand something, easily maintained his balance, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

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